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Draconians Empty Draconians

Post by rhaeljoy 15.06.15 10:50

My lover takes the form of a dragon spiritually...could I have mated with a draconian. I had visions of being awakened from beneath the ice and was consumed by him and he ate my heart. He also broke my cup. I had a vision of almond eyed people offering my gifts on a desert beach. I think I might be draconian but I'm not sure. I wonder what the mating ritual is for draconian, do the males take the soul of their mates? When I awakened I thought I was a psychic vampire, but I emanated this intense light and that is gone now. I listen to Beck and on Guero he sings about stealing the light of his lover and it makes me curious not that Beck did this to me but maybe one of his kind? Any thoughts? Any websites or links about Draconians would be helpful please.

Number of posts : 14
Location : Wisconsin, USA
Registration date : 2015-04-27

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Draconians Empty Re: Draconians

Post by Maxx 15.06.15 11:09

Your answers will not be found here.  Posting repeatedly to ask questions of things this site is not set up to address will not be rewarding for you at all.  Where did you find your answers to your questions before you appeared on this site?  Either way, I do not believe you will find fulfillment here regarding your life search.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Draconians Empty Re: Draconians

Post by rhaeljoy 15.06.15 13:12

Ugh...I haven't been given any answers that are rewarding you are right...I'm just desperately searching for answers to figure out what I am. I thought this would be the site with answers I guess I was wrong.

Number of posts : 14
Location : Wisconsin, USA
Registration date : 2015-04-27

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Draconians Empty Re: Draconians

Post by Maxx 15.06.15 13:30

your questions need a one on one individual. Where do you get your medication? Do you get any answers to any of your questions there?

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Draconians Empty Re: Draconians

Post by rhaeljoy 16.06.15 10:16

Well I'm so crazy I'm legally committed so I have a court appointed psychiatrist and no he is clueless...

Number of posts : 14
Location : Wisconsin, USA
Registration date : 2015-04-27

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Draconians Empty Re: Draconians

Post by Maxx 16.06.15 10:22

well, it is good you have a situation where you are paid attention to and your daily needs are taken care of.  I wish you well.  As far as him not having a clue, you may be more informed than he is with what you are dealing with.  Good luck to you.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Draconians Empty Re: Draconians

Post by rhaeljoy 16.06.15 10:46

Just curious how long does it take for a vampire to mature? Once turned how many years before they grow up?

Number of posts : 14
Location : Wisconsin, USA
Registration date : 2015-04-27

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Draconians Empty Re: Draconians

Post by Maxx 16.06.15 11:34

that is what the concern is... as you are focusing on the wrong issue. it is not concerning the vampire element, but first learning HOW to stabilize your thought process so you are able to control the human element you are living within at the moment. You will NEVER take control of any Vampire element unless you can control your human section completely first. It is like the saying "putting the cart in front of the horse". No one can do it for you.. this has to be done by yourself.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Draconians Empty Re: Draconians

Post by Bella Donna 16.06.15 12:10

rhaeljoy wrote:Just curious how long does it take for a vampire to mature?  Once turned how many years before they grow up?

Vampire does not grow up, because it never gets born physically.

Vampire is term for something you reach or not. Maxx gave an great answer to your question, but only by mastering and controlling oneself, one may start to learn the vaster perspective of existence.

Still, what you are searching for is not something you will gain by these discussions.
Bella Donna
Bella Donna

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Registration date : 2012-05-30

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Draconians Empty Re: Draconians

Post by Maxx 17.06.15 11:45

We are not here to explain the following to everyone...

Much of what the world calls sanity is really a hypnosis or dream, much of what is called lunacy is a terrible perceptiveness......    Robert Anton Wilson.

this terrible perceptiveness is the part many do not learn how it works or how to control it.  It becomes a life gone awry.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Draconians Empty Re: Draconians

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