Different beliefs

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Different beliefs Empty Different beliefs

Post by SimonaCornelia12 22.06.15 16:51

Hello to all the vampires and beings of darkness!!
I want to ask you: which is your belief regarding life after death/divinity/our spirit? All my life I wanted to discover the truth and I'm still looking for it. Now I am just curious to see how other beings understand or feel our journey here, on Earth. Smile

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Maxx 22.06.15 17:18

First, display what your conclusion is about these items and what you think at this present time.  

Then I will let you in on what I have found as I have recently been in touch with people I knew before they passed over.  They have given me some insight into their situation and by looking at all they say, I have reached my own conclusion in summary.

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by SimonaCornelia12 23.06.15 3:13

My conclusion at this time is that we are here to learn what our souls need to learn in order to evolve, and I think it was our choice to come here - but it was also possible because we "deserved" to be here. I believe in reincarnation, and in my opinion, we are eternal spirits with different forms.
I am not sure about any divinity, but if there is any 'god', I guess we're all 'fractals'.
We're little 'models' of this Universe, and at the same time, somehow, we all have the entire Universe within.
These are my thoughts right now, but... I cannot be 100% sure about anything, simply because I don't believe my mind can really understand everything.

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Troublemaker 23.06.15 20:26

What exactly do you mean by "eternal"?

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Maxx 24.06.15 8:07

Sorry I have been working out on the road and no chance to check back here.  

Your initial question included your asking what happens after death...and you never answered that in your explanation.  All the points you mentioned I understand what you are describing... and they are all points that many acquire by reading and repeat that as it seems to be statements that resonate with your spirit.  Beliefs which are only mental.
Why not learn how to know and then to prove for yourself what is going on there?

I want to point out that what we believe about the point after death is important as what we believe beyond death will effect our life while here in this one.  There is enough reliable research the world over at this time to prove there is an afterlife.  My point is that we only see half of the activity that is happening around us.  The other half or part seems invisible and the majority of people cannot see it and they rely on statements and stories from other people about those happenings.  Much of that is misinformation as many of those writers have no idea what the hell they are talking about as they have never seen it themselves.  My point is that we only live lives based on half of what we see and feel without having any control over the other half one cannot see.

Until one can visit the homes and see the lives of those on the other side and talk with and see how they live after death, one has no real understanding of life after death.  The human CAN move among the different sections of life in different dimensions.  It takes some work but it is for certain fact you can see it for yourself.  Otherwise, you are not proving anything just reading all the info out there and then picking and choosing what seems right for you. That can have a horrible result when one dies and is confronted with the shock of this is not what I was looking for. lol.

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Gargoyle 24.06.15 20:54

I believe, for human spirits, what one does in life is mirrored in death. This "spirit realm" is hardly understood in the modern era but I believe we are getting closer. Our eyes can only see certain forms of light, so our vision is limited. As physical beings we are very limited in our perceptions. Also, I believe vampires are immortal, as in their soul moves from one physical shell to another, after "death".

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Maxx 24.06.15 21:12

Where do you get your belief? How did you come to that conclusion?

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Gargoyle 25.06.15 13:33

I believe thru paranormal investigating we find proof of the afterlife and spirits in general. We do not fully understand these things but the more we explore, experiment, and discover, the more we find out. There are many paranormal investigators out there searching for the truth. The evidence is there at least.

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Maxx 25.06.15 20:48

That is correct but there are also those with an agenda... I recall seeing Michelle Bellinger on some paranormal investigation team so I was rolling in the floor.   Anyway, what I am getting at is we each need to do our own investigation with a notebook and keeping records of all.  Over a period of time we will have feedback on how these things are dealt with.   Just my two bits.  I no longer take people at their word as I have to deal with it myself in order to get a "feel" for things.

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Gargoyle 25.06.15 21:49

I completely agree

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by SimonaCornelia12 03.07.15 17:39

Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't answer until now, but I'm back and I've just read your comments.
Rhea: by 'eternal' I meant that our spirit will never die - that is what I used to believe my entire life until now, but since last year I cannot be sure about anything, so... maybe even the spirit will die after our physical death, who knows? Also, I think the word 'eternal' implies that, somehow, our spirit has no beginning, which, for me, is hard to believe. So maybe it wasn't the right word, but that's what I thought then...

Maxx: I liked very much your comment! Indeed, my conclusions are from what I've read or from conclusions with other people. I try to use my logic to discover which version is 'better', but to be honest, I don't think I can truly find it while I am still here. Very Happy There are also atheists who say that our soul goes nowhere after we die... I give them also a chance - what if they're right and there nothing actually happens?...
I didn't answer to the question 'what happens after death?'... because I have no idea. I said I believe in reincarnation, so this is a possibility. Maybe we spend some time on the "spirit realm" and after that, we return here. I really don't know what to answer, the only thing I can do is to give... "options".

And Gargoyle... What you said is very interesting. I've always been a little skeptical when it came to 'paranormal events'. I know many of these things can be easily disclaimed by people specialized in illusions or 'tricks'... But I believe that some of the paranormal activities are also real, or... inexplicable. Anyway, until now I didn't think that what we do here will be 'mirrored' in our life after death, but it is a very interesting theory and I will think about it. It sounds a little like the christian metaphor of heaven and hell - going in heaven (a beautiful realm) if you were good, or in hell (an ugly one) if you were a bad person. (I don't believe in heaven or hell, I just remembered about it when I thought about a 'mirrored afterlife').

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by SimonaCornelia12 03.07.15 17:42

My conclusions are from conversations with other people* - sorry for the mistake!

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Maxx 03.07.15 20:55

good. never stop seeking.

My own experiences with those that have gone over into the astral is that I have visited some of their homes and I find immediately upon being aware of the other side they do not change in personality or intelligence. We do not instantly know all there is to know but see we have a far distance to go in learning. The big difference is learning how to use the thought method of travel. Things are basically instant in that respect. There is much schooling there as one goes on into deeper elements and the next phase of the ego is the spiritual body which is much finer than the astral body. There is no heaven or hell. lol.

I think that the structures like the pyramid were constructed to show us that life goes on into another realm after leaving this physical realm and knowledge is mandatory in human progress to evolve on into the spiritual body location. They are certainly fantastic teaching machines in many ways.

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by SimonaCornelia12 04.07.15 4:57

I think I will search more and more information about the astral experiences. I talked with 2 people who've done that many times before. One of them was my philosophy teacher and she didn't want to give us many details about that, she just said that... we will find more when the time comes.
The 2nd person is a very good friend of mine. When she told me about this she was in a trip and we talked on skype, so she said "it is not the right place to say more". Very Happy
And.. how do we learn 'the thought method of travel'? Could you give me more details?

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Maxx 04.07.15 8:38

It appears that both of those individuals are not as experienced as they are trying to present themselves.

Learning how to use the thought process here is ever more important than one could imagine.  You should spend time every day and night working on how to leave the body and go into the astral.  There are 3 or 4 sources that are good ones.  The problem not many are dedicated enough to stay with this daily.  take 6 months if need to for accomplished goal.  A year if needed.  Each person is different.  But it is there.  OBE4U.com     Robert Monroe.    Robert Bruce.   William Buhlman.   All of these teach great methods.   But the fact half of our surroundings is astral and most are not in control of that half will tell us that we are only in control of half a life.  We are being manipulated in a very big way without any control. All of the upper intelligent Egyptians of the priesthood and ruling class were instructed in this. All of the upper elite in the world today are instructed in this from childhood. If they are not accomplished at this, then they do not advance as far up the ladder in the family positions. You know that they will take the time to learn this if their position depends on it.

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by SimonaCornelia12 04.07.15 10:16

Thank you so much for your explanations! I will take the time to 'study' what is written on that website and to read what those people said/wrote.
If I'll have more questions... I'll come again here to ask. Very Happy

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Jonathan 04.07.15 11:16

Maxx is a major asset in this community. study

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Maxx 04.07.15 11:39

I think your keyboard went wild and added the et by mistake.

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Jonathan 04.07.15 15:57

Maxx wrote:I think your keyboard went wild and added the et by mistake.


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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by SimonaCornelia12 04.07.15 16:41

Haha, you guys made my day! ... Actually my night! lol!

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Troublemaker 05.07.15 17:23

Eternity is a bit more complicated than that... people can still die, even in the afterlife... whether they are on the etheric plane or the astral, or even lingering as close to the physical as they can.

Which brings me to one point... the word "afterlife" is a bit confusing to me, when one takes into consideration all the past lives they could have lived and the in-between stages on whatever plane. It isn't exactly a common, popular, or well-accepted viewpoint, but I dislike that phrase simply because life is so much greater than what we can experience here on this physical plane. Life exists elsewhere... and living in the physical is so short compared to other planes.

Crossing over to the "other side", who knows how much knowledge will come back to the person? I personally think some people might suddenly be able to recall vastly more knowledge and abilities. I only say this because certain beings decide to block themselves when they incarnate here, for whatever specific reason (learning from scratch, testing themselves, or just trying out a new experience that wouldn't have been possible had they remembered and used all their abilities here).

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Maxx 08.07.15 10:02

interesting to watch..


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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Gargoyle 17.07.15 16:10

I feel whether we are alive or whether we have "crossed over" to the spirit realm, we are still the same entity. It's just right now we are our own persons manifested in the physical realm, the most concentrated form of energy (as a solid). Once our physical shell dies, we become "spirit", which is a less concentrated form of energy (more akin to gas). When we are released to the "spirit realm", our consciousness will be in a certain state of being. That state of being or state of "mind" is what determines how our afterlife will operate. For example, if someone suddenly dies in a car accident, their "spirit" may be shocked, confused, and in pain...so from that point forward, they will continue as a being with those emotions, those energies, which were released into the atmosphere upon death. This is what I mean by "mirrored". These are simply my beliefs, and it all boils down to ENERGY! Except of course, if you are blessed with the Dark Kiss of Aset...then you will be granted immortality of the soul, which only the Aset Ka knows what that truly means.

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Different beliefs Empty Re: Different beliefs

Post by Maxx 18.07.15 21:45

I would say that possibly is somewhat correct.  But what about the person that is killed in that auto accident.  Let us devise that the person has become aware that there is continued life on the other side and as soon as the physical body is vacated one enters completely in to it's astral body as you say.  But the person I describe has been educating him/herself in how life in that other realm functions.  The person is enlightened and does not find anything out of the ordinary with what it has already experienced.  So here we enter into this situation.......Since it came into existence the soul has been gathering sensations. And the energy of these sensations, which when brought up into objective consciousness we call memory, is still retained in the thought-cells of its astral body. A sensation coming in, therefore, stirs up the thought-cells with which it becomes associated in the astral body, and these give up some of their memory energy to the physical cells of the brain. That is, the awareness of a sensation, such as may be called a Perception, is never simply the recognition of the energy which has come in over the nerves; for to this energy always is added that of associated experiences which has been stored in the thought-cells of the unconscious mind.

An apperception is the contribution of the mind— of the stellar cells in the astral body—based upon previous perceptions. And psychologists agree that APPERCEPTION contributes more to any perception than does the action of the stimulus upon the sense organ at the time. In other words, how an object looks, feels, tastes, smells or sounds to us, depends more upon the experiences stored away in the thought-cells of our unconscious mind than upon the report of the sense organ then active.    This is how one can prove that you will not change when you get over to the so called other side.  Everything is stored in your thought cells which make up your body in a structure called protoplasm in the physical.  In the astral there is what is called psycoplasm which makes up the astral chemistry.  This structure is as real to that realm as the structure is as real to this one in the protoplasm world.   Everything is stored in the thought cells which make up the physical as well as the thought cells of the astral...they are all connected.  All of this is why I say one MUST understand the workings while you are here ...  and not wait to learn what is happening in the astral realm.  By the way, realize that the UNCONSCIOUS mind is always operating within the ASTRAL realm. We know the Ancient Egyptian Priesthood was certainly aware of this operation. The Inner Court was trained in this process.

Recognition to CC Zain for info about the above material.

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