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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by VioletRain 11.08.15 12:41

Hello, I just want to introduce myself. I'm VioletRain, but you may call me Violet, or Rain. I've been awakened for about 3 years now, but I've never actually joined a community before. And since joining this forum, I have discovered and learned a lot. It's nice to meet you all.

Number of posts : 17
Age : 27
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Registration date : 2015-08-05

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Maxx 11.08.15 12:49

Welcome. Need more rain in Arizona.

Number of posts : 4334
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Jonathan 11.08.15 15:25

Welcome to the community. How did you find this place?

Also if you don't mind providing us with a better background on you and what drives your occult studies.

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by VioletRain 12.08.15 22:38

About 4 years ago I started practicing witchcraft, I don't know what drew me to it; I just felt it calling to me. Back then I was just starting to learn about vampirism, I didn't know any about Aset ka Or Asetianism at the time, It wasn't until recently that I started studying it. I also had a friend, who was a vampire, she helped me understand who I was and helped me awaken as well.

Number of posts : 17
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Registration date : 2015-08-05

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Maxx 13.08.15 10:35

you advice you gave yesterday seem to come from the wicca element. Have you looked at the dif between actual ancient witchcraft and the wicca side of things? Just curious.

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Maxx 13.08.15 11:15

I think I should add that I am not trying to be critical at all of your advice....but I remember my first thought coming to my mind when I read that was how in the world would this be any help in the event one is faced with real knowledge of magic or witch craft when someone is trying to kill you. I do not get out my crystal or salt...that is for certain. But I know you are one to try and help and that certainly is appreciated by everyone.

Number of posts : 4334
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Kalb 13.08.15 12:15

Welcome, Violet.

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by VioletRain 13.08.15 19:49

Maxx wrote:I think I should add that I am not trying to be critical at all of your advice....but I remember my first thought coming to my mind when I read that was  how in the world would this be any help in the event one is faced with real knowledge of magic or witch craft when someone is trying to kill you.   I do not get out my crystal or salt...that is for certain.  But I know you are one to try and help and that certainly is appreciated by everyone.

Well, those are just a few basic things that can protect oneself against spiritual attacks

Number of posts : 17
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Registration date : 2015-08-05

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Maxx 13.08.15 20:36

Do you come under spiritual attacks often?

Number of posts : 4334
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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by VioletRain 13.08.15 20:56

I do sometimes.

Number of posts : 17
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Registration date : 2015-08-05

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Maxx 13.08.15 21:46

Might I ask you what would you do if you were told you had developed cancer and had 9 months to a year to live?  Would that bring up any fear meaning that word that was used at the beginning of this question you were giving advice on?  Would fear enter into any part of this situation?  Would you call this a "spiritual attack" ?   Would you get out the salt shaker and the sage?  

Again, I am not trying to be a smart ass.  I am trying to help you see there is much more to this than the white light bunch thinks by putting a beam of white light around you and thinking positive thoughts.....but then again, maybe I look at things differently.  Maybe we all walk in different shoes and our lives come no where near the edge at some time.  Maybe some have a very easy life while others fight for survival every day?  Many situations out there.  I would like to know how to handle them all when I am being confronted with them.

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Maxx 13.08.15 21:55

Really I have to admit I am coming at this because I had the same thing happen in front of me years ago.  A lady told of a situation she was having problems with and the female with me (my friend) jumped right up and told her to surround herself with white light and to burn some sage in her house.  My friend was under the assumption she was a practicing white light witch...wicca.  I was in shock for a moment...and then I decided to keep my mouth shut and watch what happens.  

Story short, the problem increased greatly after the white light and sage ritual was done.  It became so bad the woman began to drink heavily and then started on medication from the doctor.  Everything in her life around her began falling apart.  It went to hell.  Today after 20 years I look back and see what a whirlwind that took place.  I will always remember the white light and sage advice and what it did for this situation.  

I apologize to you.  I know I should not put everything in the same basket but I can tell you that your advice will not faze the problem I watched develop with that woman after doing that ritual.  She even had others come in and do the same thing.  Three times in fact.  Was in touch with her recently and her life is really not improved as she is still living a nightmare.

Number of posts : 4334
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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by VioletRain 13.08.15 22:25

I'm sorry about what happened to you, but everyone experiences different things. You cant just tell me that my advice is false, because what do you know? Have you practiced witchcraft or learned anything about it? I don't appreciate you insulting me about a piece of advice that I give to someone, from what she described, it sounded to ME like a psychic attack. You shouldn't call someone out just because they don't see things from your perspective. And what does it matter to you anyways?

Number of posts : 17
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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Maxx 13.08.15 22:32

good luck.

Number of posts : 4334
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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Nature 13.08.15 23:45

From another newbie, welcome to the forum.

how in the world would this be any help in the event one is faced with real knowledge of magic or witch craft when someone is trying to kill you

Isn't that a little extreme? I have seen a lot of things, but I have never seen anyone murdered/killed from psionics. At least not in this lifetime.

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Maxx 14.08.15 6:49

how would you disprove it?

Number of posts : 4334
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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by VioletRain 14.08.15 10:29

Is this how you treat all the new people that come here, Maxx?

Number of posts : 17
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Registration date : 2015-08-05

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Maxx 14.08.15 10:37

not at all. Some I am very heavy handed with. But you did not experience that. Are you jealous?

Number of posts : 4334
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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by VioletRain 14.08.15 10:39

Why would I be jealous of you being disrespectful?

Number of posts : 17
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Registration date : 2015-08-05

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Maxx 14.08.15 10:55

I knew you would not understand what I said....I saw it when you first entered.  If you are trying to become a standout here I can assure you that you are trying to enter a door you have no experience with...I gave you an out and I walked away from it when you confirmed you do not understand...but it appears you are not walking with your eyes open.  To stop harmful advice from taking off and running wild would imply that this site would stand behind that advice for serious problems.  Not the case. Disrespect has nothing at all to do with it.  If you are going to continue with this, I can assure you I am not a nice person.  I am an asshole to those that I conflict with.   your choice. I will again walk away from your baiting me, a second time. I wish you well.

Number of posts : 4334
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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Nature 14.08.15 23:19

Maxx wrote:I knew you would not understand what I said....I saw it when you first entered.  If you are trying to become a standout here I can assure you that you are trying to enter a door you have no experience with...I gave you an out and I walked away from it when you confirmed you do not understand...but it appears you are not walking with your eyes open.  To stop harmful advice from taking off and running wild would imply that this site would stand behind that advice for serious problems.  Not the case. Disrespect has nothing at all to do with it.   If you are going to continue with this, I can assure you I am not a nice person.  I am an asshole to those that I conflict with.   your choice.  I will again walk away from your baiting me, a second time.  I wish you well.

It's not hard to become a standout when the site has like 5-10 active members. You should be accepting of new members with a different point of view than yours. Who knows, you might learn something.

Number of posts : 12
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Registration date : 2015-08-12

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Jonathan 15.08.15 1:56

Nature wrote:
It's not hard to become a standout when the site has like 5-10 active members.
You should not confuse talkative members with active members. This forum has an incredible amount of active members, from those that simply follow the discussions and lurk in the darkness to others that communicate in private or through other means. Actually this is the largest forum about vampirism on the net for several years now, which is to say a lot.

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Maxx 15.08.15 10:18

good, Nathan. What subject would you like to teach in regard to today?

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Maxx 15.08.15 10:19

oh, excuse. I got the name incorrect. I meant Nature.

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Hello, Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hello, Nice to meet you!

Post by Jessamine 15.08.15 15:19

VioletRain wrote:I do sometimes.
I hope i am not asking too much, but could you describe what happend and how you defended yourself? So we can learn something from your experience. Maybe you will be helping out someone who is in a similar situation.

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