Conflict of Religions

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Conflict of Religions Empty Conflict of Religions

Post by Elaina 10.02.09 12:39

I am a Vampire and have started following the Asetian Bible and Asetian Religion.
I have a few friends that are nothing like me. One of my close ones is a Wiccan and we get along great.
The Wiccan and I have a common friend who has recently become very strange about me, the Wiccan and our paths. This was never an issue before and we all respected each others ways.
Out of curiosity I wondered if any of you had ever had this issue of conflicting religions and any ideas you might have on how to approch this.
As I said, its never been an issue until now.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Jonathan 11.02.09 12:42

This is a more common problem that you would imagine Elaina and a very relevant question. Most of us, if not all, have faced some problems in the past at some point in what comes to religious intolerance. Unfortunately, that is everywhere and at some point or another you will find someone that will simply not respect you or not like you because of your religious choices and path. To be honest, that is their problem, not yours. You should not think much about what others will think of your choices in what comes to a spiritual path since that is something very personal and only you have a word to say about it, no one else.
A good approach would be to try to calmly explain your views, but be aware with who you do it, since most people won't deserve it.


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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Elaina 11.02.09 14:19

Thank you Jonathan, I was begining to wonder if I had been the only one of our kind who had this issue.
I have tried to calmly explain it to her many times. We have been friends for years and I finally told her the truth always wondering if it would be a problem, it didnt seem to at first. I believe that a lot of the current problem is that her choice of sutors really doesnt like me and I guess I creep him out. I never really knew she was so closed minded. She has started lashing out at those who do not completely follow her views including our Wiccan friend.
I had waited years to talk to her and tell her the truth and attempt to open her mind to it all. Apparently it was too much for her. I now realize why we stick to our own kind. I just hoped that somewhere or at some point she would be ready to handle the truth. Instead I get insults and lies flung back at me. And I loose a friend. Due to her and her lack of enlightenment.
Was I wrong to try?

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Ankhhape 11.02.09 17:40

This is not the Wiccan right? It is another friend? What belief system does this friend follow?

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Kemisi 11.02.09 19:58

From what I understand the friend isnt the Wiccan.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Elaina 12.02.09 6:29

I did not mean to be confusing.
Lets elaborate.
We are going to call the Wiccan 'J' and the other one 'B'.

B is a Christian and Southern Baptist at that. I had waited so long to tell her due to this. J knew it before B did. J has a gift and she was able to sense something different about me from the time we met. B was the one who introduced us. J is quite upset with B right now as she says that B is not portraying what she believes to be Christian like behavior and so this big blow up that B started has grown out of control so I have ceased all contact with B. I didnt want it to be this way but despite what I want it has put stress in my life which is not healthy for me and has also interfered with my feeding and my energy. I had hoped that B's time with me would open and broaden her mind to a world outside her own. This was the first time that I had shared my life with someone aside from my mate.
B has also become quite angry at my mate for reasons we do not fully understand. I have felt an angry energy around her for a long time but when I would try to get her to talk about it she would shut down so I gave up trying. I felt the anger in her before I ever told her the truth. Looking back I dont know why I told her or why I ever thought she would be ok knowing I wasnt what she wanted me to be. You cant be a cookie cutter and make everyone the way you want them, this is what makes peope unique but also causes great strains I have noticed on their lives that they allow but does not need to be there. I know this is the way it should be between us if she truly cannot accept who and what I am, there is no changing it for either of us and if we could I wouldnt anyway. So if she cannot accept it then I do not desire to be in her life due to the strain it puts on my everyday life.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Ankhhape 12.02.09 8:04

Southern Baptist? Say no more.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Say no more

Post by Elaina 12.02.09 8:36

Ankhhape wrote:Southern Baptist? Say no more.

I dared to dream. As I said, I had known B for a very long time. But then when I look back she never knew me as well as I knew her. I often thought that if I told her the truth it would go badly, my mate told me that with the way she was, there were a lot of things about me that she would never be able to accept and that even though it was childish, it was her version of the turth and all she would accept. She tries to build her world and make it safe. The real world is not this way. I hope one day she will learn this.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Leviticus 12.02.09 16:40

First off I don't want this to sound insulting but Christians do have a rather perverse vision of the vampire. With in the religion of Christianity its not that vampire are regarded as myth but as "Nosferatu" .

The idea that vampires are actually the recipients of a diseases which is actually the translation of Nosferatu "the one who is diseased", and I know how bad that sounds but as a Christian I know this view is the well excepted one with in the religion.

Now even though the new branches of Christianity teach a more open mindedness the older ones did in fact rival most of the older sects, so the Baptist and most form of the other Catholic branches will have teachings that pro tray them in a wicked manner. For example the Nosferatu, witch, and the countless other religion that were haunted by the Inquisition including Protestant my religion.


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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Ankhhape 12.02.09 16:59

May I remind these 'Christians' of the Blood of Christ . . . LOL!
Siriusly though . . . I do not connect Yeshua with the latter Christian belief system which is obviously Sethian based.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Jonathan 12.02.09 19:56

Elaina wrote:Thank you Jonathan, I was begining to wonder if I had been the only one of our kind who had this issue.
I have tried to calmly explain it to her many times. We have been friends for years and I finally told her the truth always wondering if it would be a problem, it didnt seem to at first. I believe that a lot of the current problem is that her choice of sutors really doesnt like me and I guess I creep him out. I never really knew she was so closed minded. She has started lashing out at those who do not completely follow her views including our Wiccan friend.
I had waited years to talk to her and tell her the truth and attempt to open her mind to it all. Apparently it was too much for her. I now realize why we stick to our own kind. I just hoped that somewhere or at some point she would be ready to handle the truth. Instead I get insults and lies flung back at me. And I loose a friend. Due to her and her lack of enlightenment.
Was I wrong to try?
No, I don't think you were wrong to try. She used to be your friend and you gave her a chance to understand you and your world. She did not take it. Her fault and problem, you did what you could. Don't blame yourself over it, it certainly isn't your fault that she has such a closed mind. If you notice, most people do.


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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Daniel09 13.02.09 4:17

I know that when I'm explaining this kind of stuff, even to the most open-minded people I know, I have to edit and slowly add all the details over a long period of time for them to even consider accepting it or believing it. Tried once to throw it all at someone at once, and they shunned it so much that they completely forgot what I told them the next day.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Elaina 13.02.09 6:45

Thank you Jonathan.
I didn’t throw everything at her at once, J and I had talked about it because I had been ill and B thought that I was acting strange while sick. This is what led to my attempting to explain it to her.
I sat her down and over the next few days explained things in the best way I could in order for her to try to understand it the way she could. At first she seemed ok with it and J and I believed there might be hope, but then she started questioning everything I did around her and telling me that it wasn’t right to take and give energy or to share in the blood. Some other friends I have are True Vampires as well and she would not be around them, even one she had known for about 2 years. However this new reaction of completely shunning me and hating me just happened over the last week. Before she appeared to be ok, like the 'don’t ask, don’t tell' kind of thing. I also believe now that anything I have told her cannot be expected to stay and nothing I have said to her is considered sacred in her eyes.
The only new thing that has happened recently is a new mate in her life, and I believe it has something to do with this. However if she was ashamed or embarrassed by me or what I am, she could have found a better way to deal with it than this.
I am actually doing better, and I do not blame or beat myself up over this. There are many who fear or just do not understand us, but this is the way of things. If our friendship could not get passed this, better to find out now than to let herself be burdened by it for longer. I am still angry about what she has said to me, but through my thoughts and meditation I have made peace with the issue and now find it rather entertaining.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Ankhhape 13.02.09 16:57

At this point I would like to share the beliefs, as I understand them, of our beloved Aset Ka in relation to this thread.

Starting with the false Pharaoh Akhenaten's Setianistic monothiesm, the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity & Islam) were born. First put into effect by Moses, who was raised Egyptian and left the Black Land with disciples (not slaves).

Set (The true Adversary) has embodied these Abrahamic religions to this day, masterfully as only a brother of Wesir could.

The LHP of Luciferianism aims to continue the destruction of the Tree of Life and with it the replacement of the Sethian Abrahamic God with the Kemetic Goddess Aset.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Aghrab 18.02.09 19:51

Elaina, I believe that when you follow the path of vampirism, and especially Asetianism, it takes an evolved mind to comprehend a lot of the beliefs and ideas, especially if you were grown up outside of the occult world and around more closed-minded people who have a hard time respecting certain ideas, life styles and beliefs, as the people in your case. I do not believe you did the wrong thing giving them a chance to understand your decisions, but I do believe that if there is anyone to “try again” on this, that person is not you.

If I were in your case I would simply explain my beliefs to the person or the people that I care about when it comes to the path that I follow and feel complete in, and if they do not accept it or respect my choices, then I believe that alone shows if they truly care about you or not. Despite that, their reaction also shows their status of evolution, but as I said, not everyone can comprehend this path...


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Conflict of Religions Empty not me?

Post by Elaina 20.02.09 7:04

[quote="Aghrab"] but I do believe that if there is anyone to “try again” on this, that person is not you.

What do you mean by that?

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Aghrab 20.02.09 18:09

What I mean is that if there is anyone in this situation to try again to fix things, I don't believe that is your job or your obligation. You have already done your part within this situation, it is up to the others now to either comprehend it or continue being closed-minded.


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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Elaina 21.02.09 8:01

Ah ok, I misunderstood you for a moment.

B' has attemted to speak with me again, but what she said was that there were some things about me she would have to ignore to be my friend. I informed her that she couldnt "cookie cut me" how she wanted and she either had to accept it all and accept me as I am or she had no place in my life and I had made peace with that. I can only be who and what I am, if she cannot accept that then I really dont need her.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Shinda 10.03.09 10:12

People have arguments but the best thing to do is agree to disagree. I guess all religions have conflicting views and opinions. But even without religion we still have society and not very many societies don't get along.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Elaina 11.03.09 10:35

I spoke with J last night. B is not speaking with me and will have no contact with me. According to J she now hates and fears me lol. The thought that I would feed off of my friend when she wasnt willing??? WOW (and no I would never do that duh)
B is now not speaking with J, she is closing out and shutting down.
The last time she spoke with J she gloated that she had taken two of my CD's, as if I would have cared. I have them on my computer to save and can copy them again at any time. She doesnt seem to realize that material possessions are not as important as a friend or mate. (now if she had taken one of my Kemetic Items, I would have been upset, some of them are truely irreplaceable). She had told J that she was done with me and that she had blocked me from contacting her, this was after she had called me and told me that she didnt want our friendship to end but that I would have to be what and who she wanted me to be, which was quite impossible.
It is so interesting to me how she can be in her 20's and yet act like a child. She is so closed and insecure, and yet she wishes to rule all. She wishes everyone to like her but anyone that does has to follow her wishes to remain in her good graces. Closed minded and intolerant. Humans are so simple, they do not truely think outside their own little worlds.
It is sad to me, that after so long, it was so little that tore her from us and tore her apart. I shall always go on, seeing the bigger picture and knowing that people come and go. I am not torn. She is continuing to tear herself apart. If I thought it would do any good I might go speak to her, but I know her well enough by now to know it would make no difference.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Jonathan 11.03.09 11:37

Thank you Elaina for continuing to share the outcome of that personal story, it is always nice to learn about other people experiences. I completely agree with you, though. Humans tend to be so simple, so basic and so limited that sometimes we just don't know what to say, because all they can see is within their own little minds and inside their own little worlds, as you said. It can be sick sometimes when it affects us, but we all must learn to ignore and don't value them too much, because naturally they are already full of themselves.


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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Ankhhape 11.03.09 16:53


My advice (for what it's worth) is that while you are not obligated to try and make amends (Amons?) I feel as if you would be the bigger person to confront your friend and try to make them understand that no matter which belief system we hold, it is for the greater good of Mankind that we all love and take care of one another, that it is not only ok to share our beliefs but healthy to discuss and even debate the differences in religions. Christians have a habit of shutting things out and not dealing with things that are confrontatious. We who abide by Aset and follow Occult Paths are bigger than this.

I speak from experience on this

Em hotep

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Kemisi 11.03.09 21:07

Your words are wise Ankhhape,
I had spoken to her on this and told her I didnt want our friendship to end on these terms. That the religion shouldnt matter and that as a human she has her ways and as a Vampire I have mine, this shouldnt matter on the basis of any religion we so choose.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Elaina 12.03.09 6:38

Sorry Kemisi, were you having a problem similar to mine or were you and Ankhhape having a privite conversation and you posted wrong?
I know you invited me here and that you are familiar with the issue at hand but still please do not assume that which I would do or say.
Thank you.

Ankhhape, I have played your words around in my mind, after a lot of thinking time and meditation I gave her a call but she wouldnt speak to me. I have sent her an email and I am hoping she will at least hear me out. Half of me is really telling myself that I really dont know why I am having to explain myself to her and what it will really accomplish. But then the other part wants to because of the history together and that by talking to her I could find out truely at what point she started to hate me, who and what I am.

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Conflict of Religions Empty Re: Conflict of Religions

Post by Ankhhape 12.03.09 19:24

I'm sorry Elaina, some fear what they don't understand, some will look at you as a threat to them, some would rather avoid any kind of doubt and those who bring it.

The true colors of Christians are showing once again

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