Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Raven Kyles
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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by Dr_Steve 17.09.15 7:15

I've pondered for a little while as to how should I introduce myself to this forum, whether I should be completely honest on where I stand from the start, or slowly share my opinion over time.

The short of it is that I've missed the vampyric (yes, we used to write it with a "y", back in my day, I guess that was a thing) community. Also, to be blunt I did not find this forum by accident, I specifically went and found a vampyre forum to join. I am in all honesty very curious to see where does the community stand these days. I guess that is all there is to it. Well, for the most part.

For all intents and purposes, I no longer consider myself a vampyre and while I did, I would lean towards the concept that I am a spirit of another sort, that simply shares certain vampyric traits. Here is where I may get a few undies in a bundle and the reason I was apprehensive with sharing my honest opinion. At this point in space and time I consider vampyrism to be an interesting psychosomatic phenomenon, nothing more and nothing less. Yeap, I dare show my face in a vampyre forum with this opinion.

Now, with the introductions mostly aside, I'd like to make a few basic observations. The "no s**t Sherlock" type, if you will. From a quick peek I took at this forum's topics, I see that the general scenery, theories and caterorization of vampyres has either changed since 2006, or I had simply not read of these particular ideas back then. I see strong ties to Ancient Egypt, regarding the origin of vampyres in this forum. The closest thing I can think of is Michelle Belanger's work on the matter. She also linked vampyrism to Ancient Egypt, but your classification seems to be different when compared to hers, at least at first glance. I have a few questions regarding this, but I'll see what information I can find first before asking, by searching both on this forum and elsewhere.

The schools of thought which I, loosely, followed had basically three categories of vampyres: turned vampyres, pure blooded and royal. Increasing in power from the former to the latter. Little emphasis, if any at all, was placed on the origin of each vampyre's soul. To be fair, however, there were to basic schools of thought regarding their origin. One said that it was hereditary and referring to the story of ancient vampyres and how they, in essense, annihilated each other for lack of competition with other species. While the other states that vampyres simply have very old, but none the less human, or once human, souls which are here now due to reincarnation. That is the short of it all, I'd say.

So, in all honesty, I believe I ranted long enough. I wish you all the best and definitely look forward to reading your responses and digging further into the forum. For all the disagreements that we may or may not have, I recall the vampyric community to be an intelligent and level-headed bunch. It is my hope that we will get along just fine.

Number of posts : 10
Location : Tourkey
Registration date : 2015-09-16

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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by Raven Kyles 17.09.15 12:01

Nice to meet you!
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

Number of posts : 81
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Registration date : 2015-08-02

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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by Jonathan 17.09.15 17:27

Dr_Steve wrote:I see strong ties to Ancient Egypt, regarding the origin of vampyres in this forum. The closest thing I can think of is Michelle Belanger's work on the matter. She also linked vampyrism to Ancient Egypt, but your classification seems to be different when compared to hers, at least at first glance.

Vampirism has been tied to Ancient Egypt in occult circles way before Michelle Belanger came along. Those ties are found in the Asetian tradition and culture but there's much more to it than just vampirism, alchemy and magick. In fact Belanger is known to have copied and plagiarised the Aset Ka in several of her works. This is well known fact.

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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by AkashaVanityUniverse 17.09.15 21:49

Jonathan wrote:
Dr_Steve wrote:I see strong ties to Ancient Egypt, regarding the origin of vampyres in this forum. The closest thing I can think of is Michelle Belanger's work on the matter. She also linked vampyrism to Ancient Egypt, but your classification seems to be different when compared to hers, at least at first glance.

Vampirism has been tied to Ancient Egypt in occult circles way before Michelle Belanger came along. Those ties are found in the Asetian tradition and culture but there's much more to it than just vampirism, alchemy and magick. In fact Belanger is known to have copied and plagiarised the Aset Ka in several of her works. This is well known fact.

OMG. I was thinking if she did copy it...(I didn't want to point finger without substantial proof). and I thought that I was the only one who was thinking that....ugh. so sad. but, its funny that she is not that successful as ML event though she practically copied. Shocked
Dr. Steve, nice to meet you! we are sort of on the same boat...but not exactly...(I will pm you).Wink

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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by Troublemaker 18.09.15 3:57

This woman.... she gets too much attention........... :/

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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by Dr_Steve 18.09.15 7:02

Thank you all, most cordially, for the welcoming notes. I see we arleady have a few strong opinions, wonderful.

It is actually the first time I hear of the Asetian Tradition being mentioned, as odd as this may sound to you. But it shouldn't necessarily come as a surprise, as I sought elsewhere for answers, straying completely from the topic of vampyrism more often than not. Thanks for informing me, Jonathan.

As for Mrs. Belanger, I don't necessarily have an opinion on her work. Mostly I just read the Psychic Vampyre Codex (Internet Edition), yes I didn't even bother with the actual book. I just wanted to get that off my "to-do" list, to see if there was anything of interest there. That may have also been the last thing I read on vampyres and it has really been a long time since then as well.

Also, Rhea Kaye. She sought attention and she found it, that's all there is to it. Most people in these circles never really go public, at least to my knowledge, so it isn't like she had to face the intense competition of a saturated market. Wink

AkashaVanityUniverse, I'd definitely like to read what you have to say.

Also, this goes to all. You can just call me "Steve", the only reason I added "Dr", is 'cause Steve was somehow already taken. Which I thought was pretty odd, as it's the most generic name ever. xD

Number of posts : 10
Location : Tourkey
Registration date : 2015-09-16

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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by Maxx 18.09.15 22:49

that's can just call me uncle.

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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty To Maxx

Post by Dr_Steve 19.09.15 9:24

Maxx wrote:that's can just call me uncle.

However, since I am currently in no shortage of uncles, I shall stick to Maxx. Supply and demand, you know how that stuff works. xD

Number of posts : 10
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Registration date : 2015-09-16

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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by AkashaVanityUniverse 19.09.15 11:04


Number of posts : 21
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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by Maxx 19.09.15 13:03

I doubt you have an Uncle Fester Addams that plays with his chemistry set and sticks his finger in the electrical sockets.

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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by Kalb 19.09.15 13:26

Vampyre to kids, Vampire to adults. Welcome Dr. Steve.

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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by Troublemaker 19.09.15 16:56

Dang it. The woman is like a really bad fart that won't dissipate. And I am contributing to this horrible gas cloud by even mentioning it.

But anyway... I forgot to welcome you to the community. So... welcome.

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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by Raven Kyles 19.09.15 18:40

Uncle Fester, only you would have the brains to stick his fingers in the electrical sockets and live to tell about it... What a Face lol! Roll Laugh
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

Number of posts : 81
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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by Gargoyle 19.09.15 21:13

Steve, a "vampire" is a being with an immortal soul who feeds on energy (in all forms). They don't necessarily have to feed, but the energy they consume is used for metaphysical purposes. Also, yes, vampirism has its origins in ancient Egypt; Sep Tepy time period to be exact. Aset is the Mother of these beings, Horus being the first (creating the Viperine lineage). There are many frauds out there so seek truth and never stop searching for knowledge! The Asetians are the most genuine occultists I have ever came to know about... they also happen to fall under the category of Vampires.
By the way, you can be a human (like myself), or Otherkin and still practice vampirism. Welcome! Pharaoh

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Good afternoon Lords and Ladies Empty Re: Good afternoon Lords and Ladies

Post by Dr_Steve 20.09.15 18:16

Kalb wrote:Vampyre to kids, Vampire to adults. Welcome Dr. Steve.

Yes, children and John William Polidori. I'd post the link to what I mean, but apparently I am not allowed yet, no matter. I'm certain you know of who I speak.

Number of posts : 10
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