Looking for guidance

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Looking for guidance Empty Looking for guidance

Post by Malimothevamp 30.11.15 9:38

I am very new to this, but I feel at home here and finally able to seek the help I need. I am fairly new to the vampiric world, and my Master was killed some time ago. I have been wondering alone for a long time now, searching for help Nd never got any. I am in need of help and guidance. Can someone please help me? I would forever be in your debt.


Number of posts : 1
Location : Maryland
Registration date : 2015-11-29

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Looking for guidance Empty Re: Looking for guidance

Post by Maxx 30.11.15 10:35

Master? What kind of slave are you? Really do not know what you are asking. Have you read through this site or did you just look at the word Vampire and the color red that is the lead in focal for the web address? You may have been directed to the wrong place by google. Check out what is going on here before going any farther.... Thanks.

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Looking for guidance Empty Re: Looking for guidance

Post by Gargoyle 30.11.15 14:40

First and foremost, this is not a place for fantasy. Secondly, if you are an honest seeker of truth ask a question and you may get an answer. Just know that nothing in this field will come easy and nothing will simply be handed to you. If you are not interested in knowledge or evolution of your soul you are in the wrong place.

Number of posts : 181
Location : Da'at
Registration date : 2015-03-28

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Looking for guidance Empty Re: Looking for guidance

Post by Troublemaker 30.11.15 16:46

Troll in the dungeon....

Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Looking for guidance Empty Re: Looking for guidance

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