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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Maxx 11.08.15 12:47

You will possibly get other concepts that disagree with me, but I say to banish the ego completely is not the way to go. You keep hearing to die to the ego. I say the ego is the predominate force in all of your lives (plural) that protect the self preservation action to keep you in survival mode. I do not agree with that but most others will disagree with me regarding that point.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Mike W 11.08.15 22:14

That's a fair point, so maybe it's not a matter of getting rid of it, but to conquer it? I feel like I'm talking about it as if it was a separate entity, but it can feel like that in certain moments
Mike W
Mike W

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Mike W 13.08.15 1:56

I'm not sure if asking about visualization is off topic in a meditation (though the question does involve it) thread, but I didn't want to start a new thread if it wasn't called for.

Can or should you practice visualization while meditating, or should you just focus on clearing your mind, or does it kinda go hand in hand? Apologies if this seems like a stupid question, but i just don't want to work backwards before I even start down a path.
Mike W
Mike W

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Maxx 13.08.15 10:42

Clarify if you are just starting in meditation or have you been doing it for a while? The resident agent regarding meditation here is Jonathan....he will see your post here soon and answer you.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Jonathan 13.08.15 13:16

There are many different techniques of meditation and they can have different purposes and effects. Visualization is possible and some techniques do make use of focused visualization, however you should not confuse those with the types of meditation used to clear the mind and attain the absence of thought as they are different things.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Mike W 14.08.15 17:07

Maxx: I would say just starting, I mean I do from time to time try it out but only in the last few weeks have I really started getting serious about it (honestly I would also say that about Magick as a whole; finding the Aset Ka webpage and by extension finding this site have sparked a more focused research from me)

Jonathan: Thanks for the info, much appreaciated
Mike W
Mike W

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Maxx 14.08.15 17:11

what magic group have you selected to study from? Hermetic, Chaos, etc? Are you just starting in your work with energy within that framework?

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Mike W 14.08.15 17:44

Chaos appeals to me the most right now, my beliefs have always in flux ,so i'v been on sacred sites reading some Peter Carroll works. Funny that you mention it, energy was going to be one of my next questions. What would be the best sources to learn from?
Mike W
Mike W

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Mike W 14.08.15 17:45

Sorry forgot a word *been should be in there somewhere
Mike W
Mike W

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Maxx 14.08.15 17:52

I can get you some starting material here.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Mike W 14.08.15 17:58

I don't think the link worked, or did you mean this site? In any case thanks for all the help
Mike W
Mike W

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Maxx 14.08.15 17:59

check your message box

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Maxx 14.08.15 18:14

they are in the hopper...have to run out now. later.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by elizahawk 21.09.16 20:14

Meditation is something I constant uses which lead me to have the ability of astral projection. Long story short. Please bear with me. I am fully deaf as in your other famous word hearing impairment...... That's not the point. The point my experience and my sister's too. Yes, two of us. Once we were fought each other constant because we were tired of pick up feels and thoughts from each other plus all people around us. We would complain the headache and heartache as if they weren't our own. Our mother knew it was time to teach us how to manage/control our abilities better at early age. Mother decide test my sister out first turn out she didn't have what I have. The second sights. Then she had test me out and realized I have such powerful second sight that scared her because of how young I was then. Only 6 yrs old. I can go into details for that but kind long. For the meditation part our mother put us sit face other and told us try block/reading each other. It took several months to put up strongest wall between us. It works and help us manage better out in public without bear such pain from these other people around us.

Many years later I have decide take my time and studying various style of meditation. There is not ONE kind of technique whether its through religion or simple their own spiritual path of practice. It's their way to deal with whatever problems at hands.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Maxx 22.09.16 11:53 each person has a different design with different merits and shortcomings. That is the beauty of every person. We can teach others as well as learn from others. Balance in every life is of utmost importance.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Lewella Spade 27.11.16 7:02

I would have to agree with Mike W the change in the environment and helps set the mood depending on what type of mediation that you are planing to do. I like to use different candles of different colors. I use sandalwood, in my mediation and ground pratice. Smile
Lewella Spade
Lewella Spade

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Jonathan 27.11.16 10:43

Lewella Spade wrote:I would have to agree with Mike W the change in the environment and helps set the mood depending on what type of mediation that you are planing to do. I like to use different candles of different colors. I use sandalwood, in my mediation and ground pratice. Smile

Hi there. Smile Welcome to the forum.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Lewella Spade 01.12.16 11:58

hi Master Jonathon..I know I am new, sorry if I put my nose where i should not have.
Lewella Spade
Lewella Spade

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Jonathan 01.12.16 12:05

It's perfectly fine, was just welcoming you to the community. I'm no master that's just a forum rank. Smile

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Void 21.08.20 18:35

I'm curious now, how exactly people meditate, what steps everyone takes, with what goals and objectives in mind, what states of mind you reach for what purpose?
It just that reading on meditative practices of others, I get strong feeling the paths we each take and the steps we perform differ quite a bit.
Without going too much in to details, my meditations usually focused on reaching completely, or near-complete inner mental and emotional stillness, silence of the mind and the heart - "think nothing, feel nothing", while maintaining complete or near-complete awareness and focus, as first step, and then maintaining self in that state for as long as possible. The way some people describe their practices, often emphasizing relaxation - in some way goes a bit against my own practices and views. Because my meditations is not really relaxing in any way, except maybe the initial preparations, since I do need relax physically (body and brain) a bit to start with, but right after, the next stage starts with intense "work out", it's more comparable to lifting some weight above my head and holding it up there with one hand, and with another hand pushing down some spring and keeping it down for prolonged time, and with every session trying to lift higher, and push lower - at the same time, trying to make bigger and bigger "gap", metaphorically speaking. And with every session trying to maintain that state for longer and longer. So in essence mine is by design and definition is not relaxing and more like hard workout than anything else. But that sort of workout technique evolved over the years, by trial and error, for very specific, "practical" purpose - for AP, or specifically "minimal noise AP".
I don't mean to imply that my ways and practices are better in anyway, than those of others. I just think different steps, different approaches can and does produce different results, leads to different end goals, different experiences, sometimes entirely different. While I did on occasions experiment with different meditational practices, I got mixed results from those, in terms my said specific goals and objectives. So I'd love to hear if anyone would be willing to share more in-depth on their meditational practices. Are you doing it more to "get some cold hard data", or is it more reach some sort of emotional state, for some energetic balance, something else? Or in between or combination of things? How, what, why, where? In other words, what is your personal definition of meditation?
I personally believe meditation is THE most important tool in our paths, so I'm always extremely interested in methods and relevant practices of others, different ways and different angles and twists and turns. Trying out other things, even things that I initially wanted to dismiss and reject outright - led me to some eye opening experiences more than once. There for I'd like to "trade" some different points of view if any takers?
Thank you in advance Very Happy

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by AkashaofKemet 20.09.22 4:18

When I arise from my slumber out of my layer Take that time to do some lotus meditations for ten minutes !

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by AkashaofKemet 17.11.23 10:36

In my personal opinion I feel meditation is always key before working with energy. It actually help's to tap into the spirit realm.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Morell 18.11.23 12:55

Meditation seems to be very basic across many serious occult teachings.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by SoulTower0 20.11.23 14:35

Maxx wrote:The resident agent regarding meditation here is Jonathan....he will see your post here soon and answer you.

With paying my respect and honors to Maxx, I'm very glad to hear this.

Hopefully one day we may have opportunity to sit and talk and possibly exchange techniques.

As others have said, there are a lot of definitions of meditation, for meditation and for other things, that each depend on the journey, aim, success and application. When the Orient was dividing them to classes of Tantra, Mantra and Yantra, it was mainly and basically for this cause to help happen.

There are ways to apply simple techniques in very advanced ways, there are ways to apply very advanced techniques in simple ways. There are ways to apply advanced techniques in very advanced ways. And there are ways to apply simple techniques in simpler ways. That's as concise as it gets. All in good measure and perfection.

Then as long as your technique, your group, your instructor and your self involvement are real and authentic, progress and evolution is inevitable and inescapable. Thus if you immerse yourself much into what's bound to happen, your fire burns much truer. There is a secret resolve there that no one else can give to you. That takes a very rare caliber of a fearless practitioner. Even seasoned and veterans adepts may not have that. It is what Patanjali chose to call "Intense-Intensity" [1.22], and Dogen "Hotsu Bodai Shin" (Spirited Way-Seeking Mind) [link].

And there are also traditions, focuses and pithy instructions that helps you get through all of them (considered 'whole' meditations, found rare), while you become the growing side like a sprout, or you remain the same and your technique evolves. And whether you come from East or West, North or South, or come from a melange, both or neither could happen as well in regards to progressive transcendence or refining center, because the vessel it is put in (like a vase) has to be equally, and "matchingly" pure (clean), uncracked, sitting straight up, durable, and still.

I could go on with this list of index-branching, similar to seven alchemical stages and add foundation, rectification, cultivation, generation, perfection, completion, conjugation classes of kosha/kaya practice into the equation as well but...

Just make sure to understand eventually through experience, that, practicing meditation and meditating are different things also. An illumination that could take many years to discover, and eventualize, but since it does, it's an irreversible happening and there is almost no longer any examining of experiencing left.

Things just Are. Distinction disappears. As if it never existed. And All is accepted.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

Post by Lynskha 22.11.23 9:02

I don't know if you are aware but Maxx passed away some time ago.

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Meditation - Page 2 Empty Re: Meditation

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