Introductions and asking for guidance

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Introductions and asking for guidance Empty Introductions and asking for guidance

Post by JohnnyWalk 06.03.09 18:01

This is my first post here and I'm putting it here for what I hope will be obvious later on.

I've been studying and practising the occult for many years. Two of the subjects that always interested my were energy and Egypt strangely enough.

At first, I practised "RHP" ways of life but they didn't sit well with me, so around 2003 I got into the "Darker" arts. This is where I belong.

But the whole Vampire paradigm never interested me; in fact I often thought it was goofy. I don't mean to insult anyone, it was just that the "mainstream" portrayal of the Vampire always irritated me, but I didn't know why.

So a few months ago I came across the "Temple of the Vampire". I read through theor teachings but got a bad feeling about the group altogether. Seemed like it was too commercial.

But it did pique my interest in "predatory spirituality". So I did more research. Read some of the stuff from Ford and a few others.

Then I came across Aset Ka. I ordered the Bible, it came a few days ago, and it has been bothering me ever since lol.

As soon as I started to read it I felt, really, really strange. I can't even describe it right now. I knew a lot fo it already, but a lot of it was new too. But I can't say it resonated with me...


I read the description of the Lineage of the Guardian. I had to read that section TWICE. Because it fits me to a "T". Now, I know Luis Marques wrote that not everything in each Lineage would of course apply to each person...But that applied to me almost 100%.

So now I'm confused. I don't REALLY want to believe but I can say this with 100% certainty: The "Asetian Bible" would explain a GREAT deal of the things (both positive and negative) in my life.

And that freaks me out.

Understand I am a sceptic by nature even though I love occult studies. when I was younger it was easy to fall into the "OH! I belong HERE trap" and I don't want to do it again lol.

But something is bothering me about this book and I don't know what it is.

Any thoughts or guidance at this point to help me clear my head would be GREATLY apprciated!



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Introductions and asking for guidance Empty Re: Introductions and asking for guidance

Post by Syrianeh 07.03.09 3:31

Welcome, JW.

You are not the first and definitely not the last to be affected by the Asetian Bible. It is a powerful instrument.

My advice would be to read through the threads and see what others have had to say on the same subject, then find the specific things that "bother" you and try to analyze them with what you already know about yoursefl.

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Introductions and asking for guidance Empty Re: Introductions and asking for guidance

Post by Jonathan 07.03.09 9:29

I find it great that you identify with so many things in the Asetian Bible and realize that it explains several things, positive and negative, about your life. I also find positive your attitude of not wanting to taking anything for granted, since although Asetianism can be and is followed by many different types of people, without any need of validation, to be or not to be an Asetian is a whole different matter, and something that can never be taken lightly nor without years, if not decades, of dedicated study.

As Syrianeh said, many people can be affected by the Asetian Bible. If not everyone... under different levels.
My best advice is to keep your mature interest and continue your personal quest within Asetianism, it surely does have many answers, spiritually speaking, wether or not you're an Asetian. I wish you the best.


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Introductions and asking for guidance Empty Re: Introductions and asking for guidance

Post by Msknowledge 12.01.11 14:39

I've never read any of the work in the asetian bible.
I can only go by what i've felt my whole life which is a guardian and my very few memories of my past lives which the only one that stands out is my ancient egyptian life. even as a child I remember it so well. I understand enough that this where they come from and it is my will to find them.

I'm only seeking the others out there that came from there as well. my question is, is there really anyone here that is in this order? Please nobody take this disrespectfully but I don't want to waste the energy on those whom aren't, there's not enough time to waste.

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Introductions and asking for guidance Empty Re: Introductions and asking for guidance

Post by Daniel09 13.01.11 14:59

Msknowledge wrote:I've never read any of the work in the asetian bible.
I can only go by what i've felt my whole life which is a guardian and my very few memories of my past lives which the only one that stands out is my ancient egyptian life. even as a child I remember it so well. I understand enough that this where they come from and it is my will to find them.

I'm only seeking the others out there that came from there as well. my question is, is there really anyone here that is in this order? Please nobody take this disrespectfully but I don't want to waste the energy on those whom aren't, there's not enough time to waste.

I'm afraid you are in the wrong place. We are here to maturely discuss the Asetian Bible. If you have not even read it, yet profess to be an Asetian, then I feel you are entirely misguided. No energy is ever wasted, be it done badly or

Past lives are not even important at this stage since the inner realm is entirely deceptive and it requires a triangulation system of other past lives in a kind of blind past life study to determine if ANY of the ones you have experienced are even real. Reality is like a rickety bridge across a cliff. It's easy to fall off and takes a lot of work to get back up IF you survive the fall.

Please post an introduction and the members here will seek to welcome you and help you with any inquiries you may have with pertinence to vampirism and the occult. Have a nice day.

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Introductions and asking for guidance Empty Re: Introductions and asking for guidance

Post by Divine 277 13.01.11 16:59

Msknowledge wrote:I've never read any of the work in the asetian bible.
I can only go by what i've felt my whole life which is a guardian and my very few memories of my past lives which the only one that stands out is my ancient egyptian life. even as a child I remember it so well. I understand enough that this where they come from and it is my will to find them.

I'm only seeking the others out there that came from there as well. my question is, is there really anyone here that is in this order? Please nobody take this disrespectfully but I don't want to waste the energy on those whom aren't, there's not enough time to waste.

Oh... my.... well that was kinda ...well... I dont have the words...

Why would you think that an Asetian would reply to something like that ? ( what is your reason for writing such a thing ? )

Are you in a hurry ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Introductions and asking for guidance Empty Re: Introductions and asking for guidance

Post by N.Augusta 14.01.11 11:00

Good luck!

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