Words of panic.

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Words of panic. Empty Words of panic.

Post by Kalb 19.03.16 11:35


I gave a smooth reading by a writer named Damon Brand who published a book called "Words of Power - Secret Magickal Sounds That Manifest Your Desire". I have nothing against the writer, nor I follow the same spiritual path than him, but I must confess that the book is a disaster from start to the end. It is a very poor book for anyone who has been following the work published by the Aset Ka, especially the book "Words in Silence". Indeed, there are many writers who define as occult teachers and understand nothing of what they are teaching, especially on an issue as sensitive as the power expressed in words. I begin to understand how easy it is to fool students in the magical world, with wrong teachings and with some amount of marketing, can be really divert anyone from reality.

With that, I gave up buying a book of his called "Magickal Protection", I was so disappointed that I feel even before buy the book, will not serve me anything except read trash. This happens with you? Faced with writers without maturity?

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Registration date : 2009-10-28


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Words of panic. Empty Re: Words of panic.

Post by Maxx 19.03.16 11:55

I agree, I looked at the description for those two about a month back and it did not look like a legit piece of material. The reason I looked twice was his description of his group of 17 that formed a magical bunch that worked on magic together and would also write books about it.....so they say. After looking at the material, it seemed to be another EA Koetting group.....lol. The description said he was soon going to retire....sounds like Koetting may be using another name after his drug bust went all over the net..ha.

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Words of panic. Empty Re: Words of panic.

Post by Nammu 20.03.16 2:50

He seems like the type to simplify and repackage knowledge, like those 'The Secret' people. I'd wager that these words of his are just drummed-up auditory sigils.

That said, it really isn't a crime to repackage. Plenty of people have wanted to make the occult palatable for everyone, it just doesn't work most of the time. No reason to become hostile. At worst, he is a businessman selling something that should be free; at best, he's just slightly misguided.

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Words of panic. Empty Re: Words of panic.

Post by Jonathan 20.03.16 4:40

To be honest I'm not familiar with this author or his works so I can't really comment. Either way I appreciate the heads up from both of you who are familiar with them and can proper judge the value of those works.

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Words of panic. Empty Re: Words of panic.

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