US Presidential election
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US Presidential election
With the 2016 presidential election approaching and the influence of total idiots like Donald Trump, given Sethian influence over governments and politics do you think there is any chance for people like Trump to be nothing but a tool for ROS or are they actually completely unrelated?
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
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Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: US Presidential election
What if consideration was given to nothing but clones running for political office in the highest reaches of all major gov. Not real people but clones. These clones are programmed to draw attention. They are not real people. All world leaders have body doubles or clones that are seen in public but never the real person shows up. At some point, the rulers never even come into contact with the people anymore as total control has been lost with a takeover by the rulers without the lowly voters knowing reality no longer exists for them. Too much of a danger of assassination with all the nuts running loose for the actual ruler to show up. Politics, such as it is, is really nothing but a total programming instrument to control world populations. Political parties and laws being nothing but cultural differences for kthe benefit of any local region or continent to be controlled. These clones are focused on in a way that thought is centered toward a creation of a group consciousness that move civilization toward its' own subjugation and prison without walls. Politics are nothing more than the prison guards showing up daily to be seen by the prisoners to remind them they have to follow the rules of the prison or be punished. So to have a real election process would take us back to the backward 20th century or earlier. What you are watching is not really happening. It is a total fake. You might even say the ROS has moved into an area and overtaken it without so much as anyone knowing or seeing the process they used.
Maxx- Master
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Re: US Presidential election
But one should ask, why is there so much of a stir from insiders toward Trump. Both parties have been stirred tremendously by something being done by a Trump clone. What is going on that they are stirred up like never before? Is there some unseen element that is taking place to unsettle the status quo? Something is entering the common process that is creating a furor.
Has another element entered to unbalance the normal process that has been used in the past to control the uneducated and unknowing? There seems to be something different that has come against the rulers to upset the normal method used in controlling the population. Something is not flowing as smoothly as it has in the past. Ha. Has another group entered the picture and is challenging the long rule of the ROS over the little blind humans? Keep watching. Maybe something is going on behind the scenes. If you watch and listen outside the norm.... one just might be able to pull the veil back a little and see what is running the machinery..... lol.
Has another element entered to unbalance the normal process that has been used in the past to control the uneducated and unknowing? There seems to be something different that has come against the rulers to upset the normal method used in controlling the population. Something is not flowing as smoothly as it has in the past. Ha. Has another group entered the picture and is challenging the long rule of the ROS over the little blind humans? Keep watching. Maybe something is going on behind the scenes. If you watch and listen outside the norm.... one just might be able to pull the veil back a little and see what is running the machinery..... lol.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
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Registration date : 2008-07-01
Re: US Presidential election
One thing I noticed is that this is the most artificial seeming election yet. This isn't a coincidence -- the generation becoming adults are the last generations (as a group) to experience many things of the real world. For example, how many people do you know that don't like soda? How many that drink only water/ don't eat junk food? Not many in the United States, nor in countries where the super powers have had influence, which is most of the globe. Also, most young people are losing the beauty of language...
Aset plans everything. If the ROS does something, Aset knows beforehand. This is part of the magick of Aset.
I have a theory that may or may not sound crazy to you, but you can let me know what you think.
What if the Aset Ka is behind the newly "Exposed" government (i.e. Trump being a racist bigot, etc, Clinton being a criminal, etc.), using the ROS to expose themselves as the false reflections of Aset rather than the Truth, which lies in internal society and deeper realms.
Then, if Trump were to win, most of America would be in shock/enraged/etc. What is going to happen when that happens? I think it is part of the plan. (Whether the Setian plan, I don't know, but everything that happens is within the Divine, or Asetian, plan, I believe) But that's just what I have been speculating...
Aset plans everything. If the ROS does something, Aset knows beforehand. This is part of the magick of Aset.
I have a theory that may or may not sound crazy to you, but you can let me know what you think.
What if the Aset Ka is behind the newly "Exposed" government (i.e. Trump being a racist bigot, etc, Clinton being a criminal, etc.), using the ROS to expose themselves as the false reflections of Aset rather than the Truth, which lies in internal society and deeper realms.
Then, if Trump were to win, most of America would be in shock/enraged/etc. What is going to happen when that happens? I think it is part of the plan. (Whether the Setian plan, I don't know, but everything that happens is within the Divine, or Asetian, plan, I believe) But that's just what I have been speculating...
Heruset- Banned
- Number of posts : 298
Age : 24
Location : Xalkida
Registration date : 2015-10-25
Re: US Presidential election
You have interesting thoughts to share. However, I do not think everything that happens is within the Asetian plan. If that were the case, there would not be such an intense war between the Asetians and Sethians.
There would be no war.
There would be no war.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
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Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: US Presidential election
It makes sense that you would think that there would be no war if it had not been planned... but my line of thinking goes that if Aset is the Goddess of All, that includes Set.
I think of Aset and Set as twins. Set is the stagnant twin, evil and greedy for power, while Aset is the lively twin, who naturally creates. Because of this, Set is attracted to Aset; he wants to rule the creation she has made. Because Set was created in the first place, however, she can't just get rid of him. He has the purpose of fragmentation which is necessary in order for the universe to exist with manifold objects and subjects within it. Set also causes Aset to react, he affects her, as she had planned and known he would, in order to create the upcoming 'new age' where the Asetians will rule again.
I don't want to go too far, but my thought is that Aset is using ROS as pawns in order to do her dirty work; she doesn't have to witness it as it is seperate from herself, as she is pure and nothing can touch that, but when all evil is exhausted, the upper and lower worlds will unite and be pure in unity.
Think of it in alchemical terms. Set would be the lead that needs to be transmuted as he is impure. Aset would purify him in the end of days in order that he would be transformed into something new.
I think of Aset and Set as twins. Set is the stagnant twin, evil and greedy for power, while Aset is the lively twin, who naturally creates. Because of this, Set is attracted to Aset; he wants to rule the creation she has made. Because Set was created in the first place, however, she can't just get rid of him. He has the purpose of fragmentation which is necessary in order for the universe to exist with manifold objects and subjects within it. Set also causes Aset to react, he affects her, as she had planned and known he would, in order to create the upcoming 'new age' where the Asetians will rule again.
I don't want to go too far, but my thought is that Aset is using ROS as pawns in order to do her dirty work; she doesn't have to witness it as it is seperate from herself, as she is pure and nothing can touch that, but when all evil is exhausted, the upper and lower worlds will unite and be pure in unity.
Think of it in alchemical terms. Set would be the lead that needs to be transmuted as he is impure. Aset would purify him in the end of days in order that he would be transformed into something new.
Heruset- Banned
- Number of posts : 298
Age : 24
Location : Xalkida
Registration date : 2015-10-25
Re: US Presidential election
I think the nature of the reality between the Asetians and Sethians is not a matter of easy comprehension. In fact, their very existence involves highly elite magic, perhaps the some of the most advanced in the universe, that the vast majority of us are not privy to.
To understand the two of them would take intimate knowledge of infinity and immortality, and an incredibly erudite eye for the deepest workings of reality.
I agree with you to a point. I am not trying to dismiss or shoot you down because your thoughts are interesting to read. However, I do think that the conflicts between their Children, as well as the Gods themselves, are very.... very complex. Despite the love one may feel for one side or the other, I think it's really important to understand the Sethians are at the level of, or close to, that of the Asetians. However, knowing that Seth copied Aset's magic in his own disgusting greed and tried to steal things that did not belong to him, I think it's clear who will win in the end. After all, he had to copy and steal for his power. I have a belief that purity and legitimacy will triumph. This is my own opinion, anyway. Others may feel free to disagree.
To understand the two of them would take intimate knowledge of infinity and immortality, and an incredibly erudite eye for the deepest workings of reality.
I agree with you to a point. I am not trying to dismiss or shoot you down because your thoughts are interesting to read. However, I do think that the conflicts between their Children, as well as the Gods themselves, are very.... very complex. Despite the love one may feel for one side or the other, I think it's really important to understand the Sethians are at the level of, or close to, that of the Asetians. However, knowing that Seth copied Aset's magic in his own disgusting greed and tried to steal things that did not belong to him, I think it's clear who will win in the end. After all, he had to copy and steal for his power. I have a belief that purity and legitimacy will triumph. This is my own opinion, anyway. Others may feel free to disagree.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: US Presidential election
As I watch all the discussion I see behind the curtain the laws of the universe. Since it is set up in a dual fashion, it appears that is what both of you are talking about. In order for your purity to envelop all, as you say, there would have to be a turnover of the dual polarity situation, and that is not going to happen without worldwide devastation. This is what many are referring to when they say we and the earth are moving into a higher dimension. Some will move into it while others will remain here. However, or whatever, is happening with the earth at present, it is interesting to see the different views open up about what many are seeing and feeling.
I am aware of other dimensions that are constructed differently than our dual universe. Some are designed in a triple fashion, some are designed in a quad fashion, some have six different modes of energy. Others eight. The higher one goes, one finds the movement of all the energy really speeds up...but that is another story.
I am aware of other dimensions that are constructed differently than our dual universe. Some are designed in a triple fashion, some are designed in a quad fashion, some have six different modes of energy. Others eight. The higher one goes, one finds the movement of all the energy really speeds up...but that is another story.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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