Set and the Qlippoth

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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Heruset 31.07.16 19:51

From what I've read ('Asetian Bible,' 'Book of Orion,' 'Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic,' and other books) on the subject, I feel that I am correct in understanding that in the Asetian tradition Set would be considered the body of the Qlippoth. As the qlippoth are considered to be the "skin" of Satan, or the archetype Set, one might think that the Asetians would be against doing qlippothic magick. If Set is not considered the qlippoth in Asetianism, please do share where you think he fits as this is my current (but not static) belief...

In the Asetian Bible, Luis Marques states that the Asetians study cabalistic workings from a qlippothic perspective.

This leads me to question: are the Asetians delving into the realms of the deep desert in order to transmute the "lead" energies into "gold"? This would make sense in one way to evolve the self, as in mythology Ra would daily descend into the underworld through the abyss of daat and give birth to himself every morning through Khepera.

In all of my questions, I mean no disrespect or disregard. If I am wrong, please simply guide me in the right direction rather than shooting me down. We are all here to learn. Smile


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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Maxx 31.07.16 19:58

why do you think someone is going to shoot you down? Your questions are all good ones.  Square up and calm yourself.... there is no one going to shoot an apple off the top of your head.  lol.  Sincere conversation is very welcome.  I cannot understand how someone could post a question and be gun shy here....!! Wink

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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Heruset 31.07.16 21:04

Thanks Maxx! That does help me relax a bit. Laughing


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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Jonathan 01.08.16 4:01

Don't worry about your questions, even if some things may be inaccurate it's always interesting to discuss about it and share opinions.

I do agree with you when ti comes to Asetians delving into the realms of desert magick and how that relates with the Qlippoth.

However what I don't agree with is that Seth is the archetype of the Qlippoth. I mean, I do understand that certain modern LHP traditions associate it with Seth but that's like others associate it with Lucifer or Satan that's only conceptually and in my opinion flawed. I don't really connect Qlippoth with Seth at all but that's just my interpretation and I'm not sure how the Aset Ka approaches that but I've never seen that representation hinted in any of their literature.

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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Heruset 01.08.16 14:31

Before reading any books of the LHP, (besides the AB and BoO) I felt the connection of Set to the Qlippoth, Jonathan. This is because of these similarities: the qlippoth is the one who tries to corrupt and destroy the tree of life, which is Aset in manifestation, which is why the metaphysical war exists, I believe. As a corrupt and primitive energy, Set doesn't have the right to rule, as he is the 'waste-product' of Aset, hence how he is easily able to "copy" Aset-- 'as Above so Below.' Since Set does not have true power of creation, just as the qlippoth tries to come out of the 'desert' in order to be, neither can exist as a true ruler and the fact is known by the outcome of the war: the Asetians will win. It isn't about who is better, who is in the right, who is stronger. They are naturally opposed forces, and equal at that, because he is the opposite of everything Aset is-- he wants to exist in the way that she doesn't exist, which she 'thinks' is 'trash,' (rightfully) throwing it down into the qlippoth.

If you don't feel that this is accurate, please do share your opinions on where Set does fit, as this is the only logical explanation I've thought of thus far, but I am open to learning new things and I'm interested in hearing where others place Set in their studies.


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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Jonathan 01.08.16 15:42

I never thought of it that way, in the way you theorize it. That's not to say that you are wrong, just that I never approached it like that. However I would like to hear the opinion of others about this as well.

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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Heruset 02.08.16 22:48

Hopefully other members will contribute some of their opinions and/or knowledge on the subject Smile


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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Pyrene 06.08.16 14:55

Heruset wrote:Before reading any books of the LHP, (besides the AB and BoO) I felt the connection of Set to the Qlippoth, Jonathan. This is because of these similarities: the qlippoth is the one who tries to corrupt and destroy the tree of life, which is Aset in manifestation, which is why the metaphysical war exists, I believe. As a corrupt and primitive energy, Set doesn't have the right to rule, as he is the 'waste-product' of Aset, hence how he is easily able to "copy" Aset-- 'as Above so Below.' Since Set does not have true power of creation, just as the qlippoth tries to come out of the 'desert' in order to be, neither can exist as a true ruler and the fact is known by the outcome of the war: the Asetians will win. It isn't about who is better, who is in the right, who is stronger. They are naturally opposed forces, and equal at that, because he is the opposite of everything Aset is-- he wants to exist in the way that she doesn't exist, which she 'thinks' is 'trash,' (rightfully) throwing it down into the qlippoth.

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Heruset.
I quoted almost all of your message because I think it's important.

It actually reminded me of the Gnostic War of the Pleroma (Fullness of Spirit) VS the Kenoma (Emptiness of Matter). In the Gnostic vision, the world below was also seen as an imperfect copy of the World above, where the Demiurge gained power by stealing it from the Aeon of Wisdom, Sophia. I can also see some possible connections between Asetian and Gnostic "entities", for instance:

- Sophia/Pleroma = Aset
- Demiurge (Yaldabaoth/Yahweh) = Seth
- Christos = Osiris, the one inside the sarcophagus of flesh (i.e. You).

In my opinion, I think you're on the right track.
Just don't forget that the qlippoth aren't "below" you. They're here and now. Wink

Warm regards!


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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Heruset 09.08.16 21:39

Thanks for that, Pyrene.
It does sound comparable.

I think of Aset as everywhere and above, and Set as everywhere and below. The meeting point is the world, in this sense, where Set copies Aset's body to enclose her "sparks" of light, which represent Horus.
Once Aset raises her sparks out of the qlippothic shells, I believe, she will be transformed into the "New World" or "Horus," or "The Second Coming of Jesus" or the "New Age" or "Christ Consciousness" or whatever you want to call the coming Age.
I believe it will be the age in which the heavens and Earth will be united, or in a sense destroyed and recombined...

I'm getting ahead of myself here, though. I wonder, does anyone else have any other thoughts on Set, the qlippoth, and their connection?


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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Naoom 09.01.17 0:08

Heruset,having read one of the books of the second prophet of Thelema I know the age of horus is over and we have already entered a new age.The book interestingly enough is called AEON.In my opinion from experience hell and heaven are both physical sensations and not places one goes after death.As a luciferian I respect deeply anyone who has the abillity to Ascend.Liberating the shadow from the angelic counterpart.The Ascension allows one to contiounally experience an ever-changing state of divinity and transends the limits of ones soul.The initiate's soul is torn apart from the physical,Ascending to both heights of the abyss and the heavens(As above,So Below).The frequency of the soul is Thus raised and the ego becomes different than before.After years on this path,one becomes tired of stories such as the Christian Apocalypse or the second coming of christ.

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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Heruset 09.01.17 13:36

Can you link sources that share some of the info on Ascension and the things you mentioned, George?

I didn't mean the second coming of Christ as in Humanity will be saved but that all of humanity will be perfected through the Great Work... I guess. This isn't a concept of mine and certainly doesn't matter as I can't control the fate of the world and humanity. However, I was speculating.

I am interested in what you've posted. Can you share some texts you've read to introduce others to your path?


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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Naoom 10.01.17 2:05

Heruset,don't worry about that,I never made a conclusion about what you said since I wasn't sure.I will let this for anyone interested in my path:As many paths,it's not for everyone and you can definetely be destroyed by it.

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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Heruset 10.01.17 2:08

Thanks, for not assuming.😈


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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by l.h.e.e 10.01.17 12:23

Well , I don't really understand all this, I hadn't read the asetian Bible but I had worked with Kabbalah a lot.
Where is the point of associating a spiritual map with other things that are not maps? How is going to be associated to a concrete entity or god, it's a fucking map.


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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by l.h.e.e 10.01.17 12:23

I'm not trying to offense no one


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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by Heruset 10.01.17 13:22

These are only concrete in your mind. The spiritual worlds are ever changing. The map is associated with other things, for example angels, demons, etc... How do YOU think it should be approached?


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Set and the Qlippoth Empty Re: Set and the Qlippoth

Post by l.h.e.e 16.01.17 12:34

I meditate with the tree of life and sometimes with the angels in the sefirá but out of the symbolical associations I don't see the way neither the qlippoth or the Sephirot.
May I'm wrong.


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