Anyone out there who could help?

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Anyone out there who could help?  Empty Anyone out there who could help?

Post by NightCrow 11.09.16 12:18

Hello, my name is Ajka and I'm wondering if perhaps anyone could help me with something. I was wondering if anyone here has ever heard of the fire fang clan or any pack that remembers them and their Leader, Leonardo. He had a daughter if that rings any bells to someone and well I'm trying to find him because he is my father. They used to be in a fight with others long ago? From what I can remember.

I'm also trying to find answers about myself but I'm not entirely sure where to look and how to go about all this. So far all I know is that I'm some kind of shapeshifter, vampire, balance keeper(yin yang) witch, and my mate being a wolf. I had a vision a while back that he had dreamed of years back before we met again this life.

Anyway, if anyone could possibly help in any way that'd mean a lot. Me and my best friend are also soon going to America, because she's getting married and I figured if anyone knew of any clans or anything of the sort that could help in these things. I would really appreciate if there is somewhere I could go or someone willing to talk. I feel there's something important I need to do and like something is waiting out there and I do want to find these answers. Thank you all in advance I love you


Number of posts : 1
Location : United States
Registration date : 2016-09-11

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Anyone out there who could help?  Empty Re: Anyone out there who could help?

Post by Jonathan 11.09.16 12:25

Never heard about this fire fang clan before and a bit of research only comes up with a ton of material on fiction, gaming and RP. So are you sure that's real? Because I strongly feel otherwise.

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Anyone out there who could help?  Empty Re: Anyone out there who could help?

Post by Maxx 11.09.16 12:51

Jonathan. This posting is a ruse. Another fake from the net trying to get in a spotlight. This is not a serious post.

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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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