What it's like for the Donor

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What it's like for the Donor Empty What it's like for the Donor

Post by OliviaLucus 17.03.09 7:40

I was just curious as to what the donor experiences? When energy is drawn from them do they feel weak? Are there certain types of people that are not suitable to be a donor? Lastly, how often do you find willing donors?

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What it's like for the Donor Empty Re: What it's like for the Donor

Post by Aghrab 18.03.09 17:42

OliviaLucus wrote:I was just curious as to what the donor experiences? When energy is drawn from them do they feel weak?

That depends not only on the energy of the donor, but also on the form of feeding that the vampire/Master wishes to use. Although keep in mind that a vampire's feed is not always hard to handle, and is not always something to leave the donor only drained... since a vampire's feed can also break stagnated energy within the donor, leaving them with a healthier energy.

OliviaLucus wrote:Are there certain types of people that are not suitable to be a donor?

Someone that is not willing to give in to the vampire and fulfill his needs, would probably not be suitable to be a donor.

Although speaking from what I have come to learn about the Asetians, I would say that there certainly are only certain people that could be a donor to the Asetians. The Asetians are very elite with whom they feed from, usually only feeding from other Asetians... Another thing that is important is the energy fingerprint, which is what makes the energy of someone different from the other, the “taste” of someone's energy. Also, another detail that is not really mentioned when it comes to what many vampires prefer as a “better tasting energy”, especially Asetians, is that many times they prefer the energy of a virgin, due to the purity of their energy, and how much more “fresh” or "clean" it tastes to them.

OliviaLucus wrote:Lastly, how often do you find willing donors?

Speaking from what I have seen... very often.


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What it's like for the Donor Empty Re: What it's like for the Donor

Post by OliviaLucus 18.03.09 18:14

That you for your reply Aghrab. So vampires dont feed off of any joe on the street. And so, the doners that are used feel cleaner and healthier when the feeding is over? That sounds strange I would think that they would feel weakend. But it's good to know that that's not always the case.
I am still a bit confused on how you feed off of another vampires energy? If what your saying is that the vampire donor will feel better, than why would the donor vampire ever need to feed? Can he just be 'fed on' instead? Sorry if that is confusing, I don't know how else to word it. If the vampire donor was weak and someone fed off of his energy would that hurt the vampire donor? My questions are random, but I type them as I think them, sorry.

Number of posts : 18
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What it's like for the Donor Empty Re: What it's like for the Donor

Post by ExperimentingAsADonor 16.12.09 6:44

From my experience, vampires MAY feed of any joe in the street, but it is unwise and irresponsible to do so.

Being a donor myself (though only to a sanguinarian - I know little about other forms of 'feeding') I can say that there is an incredibly powerful connection that is formed between a vampire, and his donor, a bond which can be equally beneficial and dangerous to the vampire as it is to the donor. From my experience, the more this link is respected and understood (I say understood because it really is something that should be meditated on, it is neither purely sexual, purely paternistic, purely romantic, or anything else that either have likely to experienced) the better both the donor, and the vampire feel after the feeding. - Though of course, with any significant blood loss, the donnor is likely to feel tired - It brings both parties a different sort of energy, one more akin to peacefullness than actual energy.

I'm unsure what you are trying to ask in your other question... A donor does not need to be a vampire him/herself - I for instance, am simply an open-minded individual who takes great pleasure from the bond I form with my vampiric partner - I'm not a vampire at all.

To answer your final question, yes.
Though again, your usage of a vampire as a donor confuses me... If a vampire feeds upon a donor that is weak, it can be very detrimental to the donors health! (You can die from blood loss!) That is one of the key reasons for the donors 'right to heal' and 'right to be given time to heal'


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What it's like for the Donor Empty Re: What it's like for the Donor

Post by Ella Moor 26.12.09 20:00

A donor does not have to be a vampire that is correct.Donors are really easy to find because of the reason that they can be a close friend,a willing donor etc.If the person does not feel right to donate blood or energy the day that you ask then they do not have to donate.The vampire always has to respect there donor and the donor always has to respect the vampire.
Ella Moor
Ella Moor

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What it's like for the Donor Empty Re: What it's like for the Donor

Post by Jonathan 27.12.09 8:09

Ella Moor wrote:A donor does not have to be a vampire that is correct.Donors are really easy to find because of the reason that they can be a close friend,a willing donor etc.If the person does not feel right to donate blood or energy the day that you ask then they do not have to donate.The vampire always has to respect there donor and the donor always has to respect the vampire.
That is very cute in an imaginary world that does not exist. Many from the fake Vampire Community, the so called posers, often are very loud about those "vampire rules" and stuff like the Black Veil which is nothing more than crap to any real vampire. Fact is vampires are predators, and as much as the concept may sound mean, careless or pure evil to most humans, reality is that any vampire drains from unwilling donors as well. Every vampire psychic attacks, hunts and feeds. Like any other predator in nature, it takes pleasure in the hunting, he does not like to be mouth fed. We see such nonsense as the donors bill of rights and all that modern crap. Do you ever see a lion showing a tablet of rights and obligations to a deer before killing it? Come on... It is true that some vampires have willing donors, no doubt, but they also drain from others without them knowing, and this happens in many forms. Sex, touch, mental and emotional control, or just plain direct metaphysical attack. This attempt of turning such a strong predatory nature into a tame animal that just feeds responsibly from the willing is like locking animals in a zoo. It is unnatural and is not reality, but just a way that the fake side of the Vampire Community found so they can deal with their fears and guilt and still play the vampire tale. Reality is much different.

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What it's like for the Donor Empty Re: What it's like for the Donor

Post by ElizabethBathory 27.12.09 8:35

Jonathan wrote:
Ella Moor wrote:A donor does not have to be a vampire that is correct.Donors are really easy to find because of the reason that they can be a close friend,a willing donor etc.If the person does not feel right to donate blood or energy the day that you ask then they do not have to donate.The vampire always has to respect there donor and the donor always has to respect the vampire.
That is very cute in an imaginary world that does not exist. Many from the fake Vampire Community, the so called posers, often are very loud about those "vampire rules" and stuff like the Black Veil which is nothing more than crap to any real vampire. Fact is vampires are predators, and as much as the concept may sound mean, careless or pure evil to most humans, reality is that any vampire drains from unwilling donors as well. Every vampire psychic attacks, hunts and feeds. Like any other predator in nature, it takes pleasure in the hunting, he does not like to be mouth fed. We see such nonsense as the donors bill of rights and all that modern crap. Do you ever see a lion showing a tablet of rights and obligations to a deer before killing it? Come on... It is true that some vampires have willing donors, no doubt, but they also drain from others without them knowing, and this happens in many forms. Sex, touch, mental and emotional control, or just plain direct metaphysical attack. This attempt of turning such a strong predatory nature into a tame animal that just feeds responsibly from the willing is like locking animals in a zoo. It is unnatural and is not reality, but just a way that the fake side of the Vampire Community found so they can deal with their fears and guilt and still play the vampire tale. Reality is much different.

If I've learned anything from Luis Marques, it's that that's not the type of predator the ideal vampire is...the lion and the deer scenario, I mean. The deer realizes what they're dealing with and tries to run away. When you're a powerful vampire, the prey practically begs you to eat it, lol. It probably thinks it's being respected, too. Shit, it thinks whatever you want it to think.

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What it's like for the Donor Empty Re: What it's like for the Donor

Post by Ella Moor 27.12.09 10:09

Well i have basically gotten my information from people in a vampire chat site Since i haven't had anyone to show me the real facts and stuff since none of my family member are vampires but this is why I am here to learn the real facts about vampires.
Ella Moor
Ella Moor

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What it's like for the Donor Empty Re: What it's like for the Donor

Post by Syrianeh 27.12.09 10:41

Ella Moor wrote:Well i have basically gotten my information from people in a vampire chat site Since i haven't had anyone to show me the real facts and stuff since none of my family member are vampires but this is why I am here to learn the real facts about vampires.

Now you have a great opportunity to get some serious, non-fluff information about Vampirism. I would suggest you take a look around the many threads in the forum and keep an open, analytical mind.

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What it's like for the Donor Empty Re: What it's like for the Donor

Post by Ella Moor 27.12.09 10:45

Yeah I am so happy I came across this site,thank you very much What it's like for the Donor Icon_smile
Ella Moor
Ella Moor

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