Why underground?

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Why underground? Empty Why underground?

Post by OliviaLucus 17.03.09 7:45

I didn't know where to post this, but this seemed like I good spot. A few of you have mentioned the vampire world was an underground society. I was wondering why that was? Why you keep your identity secret?

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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by Jonathan 17.03.09 8:22

I believe that reason to be historical and cultural, but also, because vampires are really not into being open about their lives with humans. They don't trust humans, and have reasons not to, so their rather live in silence and having their own privacy.
But there are people in here that would be more knowledgeable to answer that than myself.


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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by Vertigo 20.03.09 1:39

What Jonathan said + skepticism + confused humans.

Skepticism - all the people who would annoy and confuse them with "vampires doesnt exist" and "Thats not possible".

You know...thats why ive lived my full life in secrecy, hiding my beliefs and throwing out flares like those fighter jets to confuse missiles.

Confused humans - girl, you must know this...

What people cant or dont want to understand they WILL destroy.

You may say "im an vampire" to a friend of yours, who later tell a friend of theirs and with an 0,1% chance you will meet an Van Helsing wannabe comng after you with a stick...


You may attract not so serious wannabes...

I rather fight 500 Van Helsing wannabes than 1 vampire wannabe...

I hope this post werent too aggresive >.>

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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by OliviaLucus 20.03.09 6:37

Thank you for you replies. But I have to say that I am human and I semi-understand. Ofcourse I don't count for everyone, but all humans aren't what you think. Some can be understanding and compassionate. And it might be true that what people don't understand they shy away from and there will be 'haters' but I think the word 'destroy' isn't really true. I think the times have changed and more people are coming out 'of the closet' i'll say. It's not easy at first but more and more people are accepting the gay community. I mean when did we ever thing we would have a black president? I'm not saying vampires should tell the whole world what they are, but I just want you all to know that some people (like me) would accept you for who you are. Us humans aren't all the same, just like all vampires are not all the same.

I have acually found some vampire community web sites (not sure if they are real or not) but they were totally hating on humans. I don't understand? Why hate us?

Let me make it clear though that I get why vampires stay hidden, but I just don't understand why humans are the 'enemy' so to say?

Number of posts : 18
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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by Syrianeh 20.03.09 6:57

Humans are not really the enemy; not in that radical sense of the word. They are, mostly, simply unaware of the greater dimensions of the world they live in and tend to be much more dependant on the superficial feeling of security that blindness and herd-like behaviour provides.

Also, you should take into consideration the demonization of the vampire in the movies and literature. For most people, it is very diffficult to even consider the possibility of the real thing, especially since fictional vampires are - well - unrealistic.

Moreover, Vampirism is in itself a condition of the soul that carries a lot of baggage, one being isolation and secretiveness. It is not always because of the fear of being misunderstood, but because there is a desire to be left alone, except for a few close and trusted individuals.

Do not trust first-handedly any self-proclaimed vampire who publicly "comes out of the coffin", announcing their condition on public venues like YouTube or certain websites, and demanding recognition in return. They will just embarrass themselves, and in most situations it is a bad case of attention whoring (if you excuse my expression) or, in the worst cases, money scamming.

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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by OliviaLucus 20.03.09 10:19

Thank you Syrianeh. Your response has cleared it up for me. I may not understand completely, I don't think anyone can, if your not a vampire, but I feel that I'm getting a very good understanding.

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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by lono676767 20.03.09 16:05

It's very true, and a fact that humans destroy what they fear...but this has always amused me...we all have human "homo sapien sapien" bodies...however it's the soul that is different.

the law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed it just changes form, hense when we die, the energy of the soul is preserved however, it may break, and bind with other souls, kin-types, elementals, demons, vampires, astral symbionts, or other souls..
(which is one of the main reasons, I find....that you encounter numberous people all claiiming to be the reincarnation of (idunno) "charlemegne" for instance.
Should a vampire remain in the other planes for an extended period, they will need to feed, in order to maintain iself.

However, back to the topic...we have clubs, havens, and courts, and hold private gatherings....I can't speak for Asetians, but most other vamps and vamp groups do congregate at physical locations.


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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by OliviaLucus 20.03.09 17:23

lono676767 wrote:

However, back to the topic...we have clubs, havens, and courts, and hold private gatherings....I can't speak for Asetians, but most other vamps and vamp groups do congregate at physical locations.

I'm a little confused. Aset and Seth are said to be the mother and father of the vampire, how can any vampire not be a Asetian?

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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by Vertigo 20.03.09 17:45

OliviaLucus wrote:
I'm a little confused. Aset and Seth are said to be the mother and father of the vampire, how can any vampire not be a Asetian?

So its said.

But its hard for people to say if its true or not...

I mean...it sounds pretty corny if you think about it >.<

Especially for Lono since he dont believe in Asetians :p

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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by Syrianeh 20.03.09 18:24


Aset, the mother of the three children that started off the three Lineages of Asetians, was Osiris' wife. Seth was their brother (Aset and Osiris were also siblings). By murdering Osiris, Seth became the sempiternal antagonist of Aset and her offspring.

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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by Jonathan 20.03.09 18:39

Aset and Seth are not the mother and father of all vampires!

Aset is the mother of Asetians.
Seth is the father of Sethians.

Those are two distinctive bloodlines... but there are other types of vampires. Those two lineages are simply the Elders, the ones referred to as the primordial vampires, the first vampiric bloodlines.


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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by geo 21.03.09 18:27

Umm...according to my research Osiris was the god of the dead in Ancient Egypt and his wife was Isis, not Aset unless both are one and the same god.


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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by Maktub 21.03.09 18:41

geo wrote:Umm...according to my research Osiris was the god of the dead in Ancient Egypt and his wife was Isis, not Aset unless both are one and the same god.
Aset is the name of Isis in Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian). That is how it reads from the hieroglyphs. It also is the word meaning Throne, driven by her representative hieroglyph.

The Greeks later called her Isis, however that is not Egyptian... but Greek. Her true name was always Aset.


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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by geo 21.03.09 18:53

Oh my, that changes everything. I did not know that.
Thank you Maktub.


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Why underground? Empty Re: Why underground?

Post by empress2k 25.06.09 19:35

OliviaLucus wrote:Thank you for you replies. But I have to say that I am human and I semi-understand. Ofcourse I don't count for everyone,

It all comes down to fear of power on the human part. No matter how open-minded someone might be, the idea that someone in your social circle is a vampire capable of various metaphisical actions will still give an after tatste. It's sort of like having a Lion living in your home. Yes they are regal animals and yes they can be safe, but they are also capable to attack and even eat a human. For instance while I am personally very open about my beliefs and practices with my friends and even strangers, there are certain things I will not share with anyone accept for a very few special friends who are strong enough to handle the truth. I know that this knowledge will create a tension within them and place a barrier. I do not want to chance losing certain friendships and it has nothing to do with me being affraid to be discovered and more to do with me understanding how much certain individuals are capable to handle. Hope that helps a bit more..Smile

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