Gnosis and Phycology.

Divine 277
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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Divine 277 23.12.16 4:45

rom from The Nag Hammadi Library:

The Thunder, Perfect Mind.

This passage is from the Nag hammadi library, and goes in on deep phycological issues, with use of symbolism and phycology.

Now is there people in here that actually study more types of spiritualities then the Asetian and vampiric spirituality ?

Or is this path as narrow as any other ?
Now i read the books of mister Marques, and from the book of orion, I would like to add how important he says symbolism is.

Is there any of you that ever have taken that in to consideration ?

Now for me every path reflects the human psyche, how about you ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Jonathan 23.12.16 6:36

Since you’re coming off as passive aggressive in your commentary, implying that we’re narrow and limited in our studies, let me put forward some thoughts to you.

Do you actually learn something in your studies or just like pretending to study? It doesn’t sound like you learn much to me and I’ll explain why. I’ve seen you around Asetian stuff and this forum for years, yet you’re asking yourself if Asetianists and others pursuing Asetianism are narrow without exploring other forms of spirituality. Even the most beginner of seekers quickly discovers that Asetianism means to study hundreds of other traditions, systems and different varieties of spirituality. Many may not even agree with several of those other theories but we still study and research them because we can grow from that knowledge and comparative analysis.

That’s what Asetianism is all about, this freedom to explore different theories, religions and paths without being afraid or feeling judged. To study Asetianism is to study the universe, history and the world without limitations. You’ve been around for years and still didn’t discover this makes me wonder what the hell you’re doing with your time and life.

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Maxx 23.12.16 7:29


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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Naverya 23.12.16 7:53

Nothing else to add. Thumbs up Jonathan.

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Divine 277 23.12.16 8:12

Jonathan wrote:Since you’re coming off as passive aggressive in your commentary, implying that we’re narrow and limited in our studies, let me put forward some thoughts to you.

Do you actually learn something in your studies or just like pretending to study? It doesn’t sound like you learn much to me and I’ll explain why. I’ve seen you around Asetian stuff and this forum for years, yet you’re asking yourself if Asetianists and others pursuing Asetianism are narrow without exploring other forms of spirituality. Even the most beginner of seekers quickly discovers that Asetianism means to study hundreds of other traditions, systems and different varieties of spirituality. Many may not even agree with several of those other theories but we still study and research them because we can grow from that knowledge and comparative analysis.

That’s what Asetianism is all about, this freedom to explore different theories, religions and paths without being afraid or feeling judged. To study Asetianism is to study the universe, history and the world without limitations. You’ve been around for years and still didn’t discover this makes me wonder what the hell you’re doing with your time and life.

Now since you mentioned that, lets see, have you been stalking me ? You seem to know so much Smile for a person I have no idea of who is.  

Now, I asked that question because every time any other person thats not a old member of the original 6(which I do have some interesting conversions with, in a interesting irc chat), they seem to be shot Down every time they try to discuss anything else then Asetianism;

Now personally, I love studying religion Myth, spirituality and so on, as it reflects in the human psyche, and each religion spirituality forms the said individual in question.
However your right when it comes to newer works , as I my self prefer to read the direct source, rather then anyone else interpretation.
Also I know Asetianism ( Luis Marques ) urge people to read from everywhere, now thats not reflected in this forum, so Im asking because Im actually curious, As i have stated from the first time i ever entered this forum.
AS for passiv aggressive, I can promise you I'm Not passive in anyway. Aggressive, yes, usually against judgmental Asswholes, except that Im quite nice.
Now you made this post personal again, which was certainly NOT my intent, However Im used to that by now when I post anything, no mater what really.
If you read again lolz.. it is written what it says from the book or orion.

Why are you repeating my words ? Or are you simply NOT very Happy About my presence ?
Cause I think thats exactly it, your not happy about my presents.
Are you threatened of woman's that are free in their spirit maybe ?  
Are you conditioned by your culture maybe ?
What exactly is your problem ?

Im betting you won't answer any of the questions I asked you, as No one really does on this forum from experience.

However Its always a slight 0.01 % I'm wrong.

Now, that one of the original 6 are agreeing with you, was certainly not a surprise.

Back to original question: what paths except Asetianism, have you studied ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Kalb 23.12.16 12:37

Divine: Did you see me agree with Jonathan? scratch

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Nightshade 23.12.16 13:04

Can you stop writing the words phycology and phycological please? That would be a good start. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Phycology is the study of algae and I’m sure that’t not even related with what you’re trying to say.

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Divine 277 24.12.16 3:56

Nightshade wrote:Can you stop writing the words phycology and phycological please? That would be a good start. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Phycology is the study of algae and I’m sure that’t not even related with what you’re trying to say.

Psychology is essentially what it should say, I absolutely agree with that.
However that your not intelligent enough to understand that from everything else I have written, says more of your intelligence, then of mine. Very Happy

Now lets give you a corse in the wonderful world Of the mind and Our development quote wikipedia Wink :

Dyslexia, also known as reading disorder, is characterized by trouble with reading despite normal intelligence.[2][3] Different people are affected to varying degrees.[4] Problems may include difficulties in spelling words, reading quickly, writing words, "sounding out" words in the head, pronouncing words when reading aloud and understanding what one reads.[4][5] Often these difficulties are first noticed at school.[6] When someone who previously could read loses their ability, it is known as alexia.[4] The difficulties are involuntary and people with this disorder have a normal desire to learn.[4]

Now I hope you learned something Wink.

Furthermore, I would like to add that people with reading or writing disability is more prone to react to IQ tests and Numbers, rather then Writing and grammar.
However teaching you that would probably not bring you anywhere, as Most of you think writing reflects once intelligence level, which I find hilarious btw.

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Nightshade 24.12.16 4:14

My point is you can’t even express yourself properly. Many others here write poorly in English but at least they don’t pretend to understand something they don’t. You shouldn’t talk about psychology when you know nothing about it. If you had done the slightest research about actual psychology, which is a branch of science by the way, you would at least have learned how to type the most basic word used to represent this science. If you can't even get that right then obviously everyone will doubt your ability to understand the more complex content about it. I’m not trying to be mean but you should understand that people aren’t dumb. As others mentioned before your condescending tone and passive aggressiveness smells of insecurity.

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Divine 277 24.12.16 4:52

Nightshade wrote:My point is you can’t even express yourself properly. Many others here write poorly in English but at least they don’t pretend to understand something they don’t. You shouldn’t talk about psychology when you know nothing about it. If you had done the slightest research about actual psychology, which is a branch of science by the way, you would at least have learned how to type the most basic word used to represent this science. If you can't even get that right then obviously everyone will doubt your ability to understand the more complex content about it. I’m not trying to be mean but you should understand that people aren’t dumb. As others mentioned before your condescending tone and passive aggressiveness smells of insecurity.

I dont have a reading disability, I have a writing disability.
LOLZ ...
The only one seemingly not being able to read or interpret anything here, is you.

And you again are assuming a lot of stuff about me, for not knowing me.

Have you been stalking me to ?

Furthermore I speak and read over 5 languages, how about you ?

If you are, I must say you are a lousy detektiv, I have more schooling then you could ever imagine.

No dear, it smells of your insecurity, constantly brining this post back to me as a person, the only people that does that, is people that are avoiding the real topic by belittling others they know nothing about with personal attacks. Wink

I tried several times Now, going back to original post, but for some reason its more interesting to address my faults, rather then actually discussing the topic at hand, and actually showing your knowledge level <--- thats whats going on. Wink

I have No interest of showing my degrees to a bunch of people Hiding behind their fake accounts, other then to shed light on the stupidity they portray.

Let me tell you a secret, thats actually beginning to turn me on, you attacking me like that Wink.
So just know, that every time you say you know something about me, and i know your dead wrong, I will probably take a trip to bed, to fuck my self senselessly Wink.. so please carry on Razz

I do enjoy sexual pleasure, and thats also why my main study was and still is sexology Wink, you know you need quite a lot of schooling to become that, as its a field of speciality, that also includes: Human biology, phycology, history , philosophy and also religion, but Im sure a "smart " person like you already knew that. Giggles .. please give me a reason to fuck my self :* pretty please Razz
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Nightshade 24.12.16 5:35

Divine 277 wrote:However that your not intelligent enough

Divine 277 wrote:shed light on the stupidity they portray.

Divine 277 wrote:The only one seemingly not being able to read or interpret anything  here, is you.

Divine 277 wrote:I have more schooling then you could ever imagine.

Divine 277 wrote:you know you need quite a lot of schooling to become that

I see, your level of intelligence is pasting Wikipedia articles.
So much schooling! Got it. Wink

Merry Christmas by the way! Very Happy

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Divine 277 24.12.16 5:46

Nightshade wrote:
Divine 277 wrote:However that your not intelligent enough

Divine 277 wrote:shed light on the stupidity they portray.

Divine 277 wrote:The only one seemingly not being able to read or interpret anything  here, is you.

Divine 277 wrote:I have more schooling then you could ever imagine.

Divine 277 wrote:you know you need quite a lot of schooling to become that

I see, your level of intelligence is pasting Wikipedia articles.
So much schooling! Got it. Wink

Merry Christmas by the way! Very Happy

Lolz.... its a whole more educating then to listen to bullshit you Know nothing about Very Happy, that has by no means anything to do with the topic.

Now, me passing wikipedia articles is actually because of your intelligence, now why is that ?
Well, you say your self, you are not intelligent enough to understand my writing, so call it compassion Wink

Marry Fucking Christmas Wink Lolz..
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Kalb 24.12.16 10:29

I'm in the audience with Maxx watching this duel between Divine and Nightshade. Maxx has not stopped eating popcorn yet, and I'm glad I'm not see wrestling.

Anyway, stupidy sometimes is not the same as courage and viceversa

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Nightshade 24.12.16 10:47

Lets be honest Kalb, this is no duel. She just can’t beat class with cheap mediocrity. Wink

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Maxx 24.12.16 10:58

correct.  in order to have a duel, Nighshade would have to have an opponent.  In this case, it is obvious there is no opponent that is even aware of self, much less, what is swirling around self.  A narcissistic embarrassment.

Well, kalb, I am off to my seaside estate for the holidays.  I am not needed here at all.   See you in the UK.

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Nightshade 24.12.16 11:02

Maxx wrote:Well, kalb, I am off to my seaside estate for the holidays.  I am not needed here at all.   See you in the UK.

Hey Maxx see you at dinner in a few days!

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Maxx 24.12.16 11:10

Excellent. The chef is excited having visitors.

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Divine 277 24.12.16 14:01

Maxx wrote:Excellent.  The chef is excited having visitors.

Yeah max Smile dont pretend please, I know more about you then you realize.
Also I was pretty serious about the fact that so will everyone else, As Im am actually deadly sick, and I have no intension, Of letting my story be untold.

Nightshade wrote:Lets be honest Kalb, this is no duel. She just can’t beat class with cheap mediocrity. Wink

Class, you got to be kidding me Very Happy LoLZ..

What do you know of my stature ?

A duel or debate actually would imply you know something in regards to the topic.

Which you seemingly thought was about me, and not about what you study, or read. ¨

You in a professional debate, I would love to see that, you that can't even stick to a topic and ARE way more interested in talking about a person you seemingly seem to be STALKING according to your self, since you know so much about me Wink.

Im almost flattered that you use so much time to research little old me , and not serious studies, that you seemingly time and time again say you do, but for some reason your post usually only agree with whom ever of the 6 original that is posting Wink.

I can assure you, that the Asetian bible says pretty clearly : they dont want blind followers.
Now blind, is people not thinking for them self .... now that describes you Wink
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Maxx 24.12.16 14:47

You try and flatter one else here would offer flattering remarks with your primitive displays.  No one stalks you.  You come here and post babbling and bitter rambling words that offer nothing positive or constructive.  You throw things out on the forum that have no bearing on anything other than rambling, mind-numbing blab.   You post crap here about yourself hoping someone would pay attention to you but no-one cares.  Your rambling input is really embarrassing.  We all feel the same way.  The only one here so far that draws an opposite conclusion is yourself.  That says volumes about your input here.  Everyone sees your offerings as worthless.  You are the only one that thinks they offer insight and vast intelligence.  Wikipedia I would never trust because of the agenda.  If that is all you can post, go get a job with them.  You no longer ring a bell here and have no implied sanity left.   It does appear you are sick.  If it is physical, it certainly has affected your mental status.  You certainly need help but I do not think you will find what you need here.  Just my thought individually.

And as far as the duel. I have already placed my bet on Nightshade.

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Divine 277 24.12.16 15:13

Maxx wrote:You try and flatter one else here would offer flattering remarks with your primitive displays.  No one stalks you.  You come here and post babbling and bitter rambling words that offer nothing positive or constructive.  You throw things out on the forum that have no bearing on anything other than rambling, mind-numbing blab.   You post crap here about yourself hoping someone would pay attention to you but no-one cares.  Your rambling input is really embarrassing.  We all feel the same way.  The only one here so far that draws an opposite conclusion is yourself.  That says volumes about your input here.  Everyone sees your offerings as worthless.  You are the only one that thinks they offer insight and vast intelligence.  Wikipedia I would never trust because of the agenda.  If that is all you can post, go get a job with them.  You no longer ring a bell here and have no implied sanity left.   It does appear you are sick.  If it is physical, it certainly has affected your mental status.  You certainly need help but I do not think you will find what you need here.  Just my thought individually.

And as far as the duel.   I have already placed my bet on Nightshade.

Ah i see, so now your suddenly talking for everybody, WOW talk about EGO Razz

Now, who you put your 2 cents on, is totally predictable Very Happy, and even said several times thew the tread.

Is there anything more predictable things you want to do maybe ?
Many call the admin, because of my fault language?

Now , i can assure you, that "my so called attacks " has been sorely made on what the other person is writing.
Now where is your prof ?

Now as I said, Since both of you (meaning nightshade and you) have a HUGE problem Deciphering my writings, I thought you would be pleased Razz. LOLZ..

And If you have not understood anything yet, passed your own ego Wink,
I couldn't give a rats ASS on who you place your bets on.

In fact this just gives me more fule to my new site Wink

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Maxx 24.12.16 19:07

Hope you find a way to recover. Good night.

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Jonathan 24.12.16 19:42

Divine 277 wrote:
Now since you mentioned that, lets see, have you been stalking me ? You seem to know so much Smile for a person I have no idea of who is.  

I mentioned that you have been around this forum for years, how is that stalking? That sounds needy I must say. Sorry, I'm not interested.

Divine 277 wrote:
Are you threatened of woman's that are free in their spirit maybe ?  

Not at all. I welcome women who are truly free and liberated, unlike you. Everything you say here shows that you're definitely not an independent woman. There is a lot of hidden frustration there. You’re fishing for attention.

I have been one of the few around here who was always kind to you, respected the stuff you posted even when others lost their patience with it, but there are limits. You were disrespectful and cynical in your reply to me, arrogant even, when I was always tolerant and mature with you. I would have gladly answered your questions and help in the way I can but you didn’t come here for answers. You came here to smirk at other’s beliefs and wisdom as you ask questions by criticizing. I’ve dealt with people of your type too often in my past, people that all they can do is argue and attack others. You have no knowledge, just the false pretense of knowledge used to diminish others. Your bully personality won't work with me. Maybe you’re the one who never met liberated men of strength and character.

I’ve seen you come here on different occasions with threats that present the image of a coward. Time ago you threatened Maxx with exposing images and private conversations, which only a coward does. Now I see you pointing fingers and empty threats at others. Sorry but that’s not being free or aggressive as you say, that’s just being pathetic. Sure you didn’t threaten me personally but I had enough with this bully. Take your personal problems somewhere else please.

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Nightshade 24.12.16 20:18

Now Jonathan you did expose something and got to the conclusion that I was trying to show. She has all the personality traits of a bully. All she does is harassment, insult and cheap attacks. This is obviously not the mind of a free woman. This is a slave of the will of others, a troubled psyche without freedom that didn’t learn what it means to be a strong woman.

Wish we could help but you really can't help someone who is too blinded by arrogance and delusions.

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Gnosis and Phycology.  Empty Re: Gnosis and Phycology.

Post by Sybil Mason 24.12.16 20:42

This thread is now locked.
Thanks to everyone who brought this to my attention privately.
Please move on to more productive discussions.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
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Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

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