OBE commentary

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OBE commentary Empty OBE commentary

Post by Maxx 18.06.17 16:05

A comment by Heruset in another topic prompted a thought that made me think someone may be interested about OBE. The place I study has some comment about it I thought I would post for you.

Out-of Body Experience

During and out-of-body experience (OBE), consciousness is localized or separated away from one's physical body. Occasionally this awareness is localized in more than one place. For example, it is possible to remain aware of one's physical body as we as the nonphysical, or second, body. It is also possible to separate from the second body, thus having a third localized awareness (for further information, refer to Robert Monroe's book, Far Journeys).

Often characteristic of an OBE,, one may experience dis-tant locations (from one's physical body) by actually having one's nonphysical body at that location. By contrast, with Remote Viewing, one's consciousness is expanded directionally, toward a certain goal. Hence, within one's immediate awareness, one may envelop-- and thereby become conscious of -- people, places, and/or events that are physically
distant. Other variations between physical and nonphysical reality are readily apparent. For example, in C-1, you can choose whether or not a thought results in action. On the other hand, during the early stages of developing the OBE, a thought becomes the action itself. If you so much as have a passing thought about a person or location , you are apt to find yourself at that precise spot--probably within the blink of an eye. With experience, you will learn to distinguish between thought ad intent. As a result, you can pause during an OBE to think and reflect. Then, when you link your thought with your intent, you will travel instantly to the person or location reflecting your thought. Furthermore, since so much of our thinking is influenced by habit, during an OBE we are apt to find ourselves looking and behaving as we do while in our physical bodies. That is, you might perceive your second body as having arms, legs, a head, etc. At the same time, it is possible to experience the

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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OBE commentary Empty Re: OBE commentary

Post by Maxx 18.06.17 16:21

second body as another physical (possibly nonhuman) form, as a sphere of light, or even as a nondescript mass of energy. Thinking habits also apply to fear. If one's consciousness is attached to physical reality during an OBE, one may experience a reality shock, or a fear of being separated from the physical self or body. However, if one has let go of physical habits to some extent, and is directed more toward experiencing nonphysical energy, an OBE typically feels very natural and offers a sense of unbounded freedom. Theoretically we can go out of body during sleep consciously. Some people never know how they separate from or re-enter their physical bodies: they simply find themselves out or back. Others use specific techniques. In both instances, our research indicates that a conscious OBE may be one result of achieving a high energy state. Therefore,we recommend that you begin developing OBEs by learning to create high energy states. One effective way to do this is to incorporate into your daily life what you learn by using our Experience.
The net step is to practice various separation techniques. The exercises in Freedom will help you learn more about OBE separation processes. Using these techniques, you will discover more distinctions between physical and nonphysical energies. Perceiving the separation between these energies is a major step in learning more about how to induce an OBE. Then, through patience and relaxed effort, you can explore these energies--gaining experience and knowledge regarding how to use them. You may wish to explore the solar system, may the terrains of and between physical and nonphysical realities, develop friendships with nonphysical entities,, or simply fly over the nearest treetops. The possibilities are endless, governed only by who you are and how you wish to grow.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30

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OBE commentary Empty Re: OBE commentary

Post by Kalislildevil 26.06.17 0:22

Cool I might invest in said book as i would like to develop My more at heart arts such as this.

Also I would like to explore not so much the universe but my mind or whats left of it, The oneness temple of mind and body ( Ive got a book its called how to dream)
It focuses more on training the brain to remember things to assist in dreaming cool book, but I think the one you mentioned would apeal to me more as I truly would like to learn how to do obe without freaking out I get so far then its like my minds like F you and wont shut down

Dreaming for me comes easy enough its just hard to focus without first truly falling asleep, meditation is easy just i live in a active house so peace is hard to find and its winter here so outside training is out of the question
though i have quite a few music tracks to assist in meditation an obe would truly be wonderful

I have had a few obe in the past mainly when im totaly out of it and have a weird thought cross my dream state mind or like just before i wake up or alarms about to go off.

all good I will invest in said book hopefully i can get it through my local bookstore cheers my friend XD


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Location : Lost in my head
Registration date : 2017-02-08

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