The Nosferatu Pact

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The Nosferatu Pact Empty The Nosferatu Pact

Post by Redian 17.08.17 6:27

Here is the Nosferatu Pact as it was posted on before but right now with a further detailed explanation/rephrasing to make it easier for you all.

Many are those that seek to become the morbid image of the vampire. Few are those who suceed. Folklore dictstaes that one must be bitten by a vampire to receive the blessing of becoming undead {that is to say, REALIZED. Awakened to the Self}. But what of the origin of the vampire? Occult lore states that murderers, suicides, alcoholics, & "the evil" return after death to haunt upon the earth. But what of those who yet live, desire to join the vampiric legions of the night, & have not found suh an opportunity, who wish to ritualistically formalize their allegiance?

Little is known about the process of personally transforming living, mortal flesh, into living, immortally divine flesh. For centuries, the secret has been supressed in order to preserve the frightened mortals' own existence, in a relatively "safe" one. The dark age was a traesty of barbaric ignorance. Many manuscripts of light & shadow were lost in the transition, but not completely erased. Psychic currents have been tapped into, from time to time {what is sometimes known as the "Akashic Records"; etherial reservoires of collected knowledge}, to re-write what has been called "the abominations of forbidden knowledge". More & more, in this increasingly enlightened age, has surfaced.
The Nosferatu Pact calls upon The Lords of Death for a renewal & an empowerment.

WARNING: Those unfamiliar with the process of Chaos/Death/Rebirth may be excarnated.

How then, can one better become acquainted with the Shadow Forces? Commonly known as "Death"? Roam where it dwells, solemnly absorbing the black energies into yourelf. Spend a moonless night alone in a cemetary, adorned in darkness. If possible, in a pit or crypt. Silently meditate upon things dark & forboding. The surrounding atmosphere shall magnify it anyway. Achieve the nightmaric embiance, which is the very presence of the Angel of Death. Face your fears.

After you read the following procedures, if there is any doubt in your mind that you cannot complete all the requirements, DO NOT DO IT. Failure to comply completely once in the flow of the ritual will cause uncontrollable havoc, & a high probability of destruction upon the coward.

The Following days after the performance of The Nosferatu Pact, will consist of necroneiromantic dreams. One's mind will be changing, mutating, evolving, along with one's body. preparing for a new, superior existence. Visions will train the subconcious to activate more profoundly on the concious, slowly crossing over into real-time. Extrasensory capabilites will manifest more dramatically. In the beginning stages, all will seem spontaneous, resembling poltergeist activity. Eventually, you will gain full control. Telepathy & telekinisis will be the most noticeable. Physical strength & dexterity will be readily apparent.

Here, for the responsible & proficient, for the strong & the wise, for those of bravery & great aspiration, is the Nosferatu Pact.........

- - - Prepararions - - -

Prepare The Nosferatu Pact in your own blood. On the reverse of the parchment, have enscribed The Satanagram. Whwn drawn, charge the symbol leftwise by tracing above it, with joined cornu hands, uttering the words of Power, "Potentiam Inferus, In Nomine Satanas." It will be burned after the reading, so carry matches with you. Preferrably matches, for they emit sulphur.

Commence with the ritual at 3am.

Black Athame Dagger. Be ready to draw blood from wherever on your body you desire, that the vital energies may be exposed to the Magical atmosphere, which will attract the elementals hither.

Dress in black & red, symbolizing Death & Life, & as representing the elite Vampire-Predator.

- - - Procedures - - -

Etch the Pentagram upon the soil.

STand within the Pentagon.

Trace leftwise around The Pentagram, opening the ritual.

Point athame to the sky, recite the Necro-Incantation. As the Shadow Forces begin to manifest, there will also be sounds.

Bow head in respect, crossing arms about the chest {crux position}, giving thanks for attendance.

Recite The Nosferatu Pact. Burn Parchment.

Draw blood, then motion arms upwards in offering.

Bow down, crossing arms about the chest, thanking The Lords of Death.

Undo the circle, tracing leftwise.

Get home before sunrise & sleep.

- - - Necro-Incantation - - -

By the Power of Satan & The Forces of Darkness, I call upon The Infernal Lords of Death --- Anubis, Euronymous, Hecate, Mormo, Pluto, Nergal, Proserpine, Supay, Mictian --- let the world beyond the grave be opened! Send forth Camazotz, dread God of Vampires, unleashe thy powers unto Me! Enter My substance, possess this body, I Am of thine own! Manifest your forms before & within Me, let the shadows arise! SO LET IT NOW BE DONE!

- - - The Nosferatu Pact - - -

By the Power of Satan, in the name of Camazotz, I dedicate Myself unto thee, Black Gods of The Void, & to the eternal night! I desire to be part of the Dark World of living nightmares! O, that I may partake of the shadows forever! By this petition writ in blood, I Am vampyr!

Further Explanation:
OK so here after the revision of the Ritual and me rephrasing it for you all as in a better explanation to make it easier to understand.

First of all, requirements with alternatives to the requirements in case you couldn't find them or have them

1- parchment: if not found a black piece of paper is required instead. Nothing but black you could replace it with.

2- Athame Dagger: if you couldn't manage to get an Athame dagger the only replacement to it, would be any dagger or sharp tool (as a knife) but has a black handle. And please notice that this knife/Dagger must not be used ever before this ritual and not after it must remain sacred for the ritual only.

before the ritual. as was mentioned before fear must not exist in the participant if wanted to commence with the ritual for that fear may and would cause great damage and havoc on one self if after proceeding with the ritual the participant may encounter any fear one the manifestation of the dark lords of death. there for and before the ritual, the participant must "Dark Meditate" and Self-test himself before the procedure. and this is done by isolating yourself in darkness darkest spot could be ever found and there meditating on the most darkest and foreboding thoughts, imagine all your fears and feel them come true magnify them and face them, the grounding would magnify everything for you. The meditation must be at least 4 hours long between 1 am - 4 am.
after this is done if you have any doubt that you can't complete the ritual once in the flow then STOP! Until you think you are ready enough to do it.

After the meditation and knowing of one self is capable of proceeding with the ritual the next day at 2 am and before the commence with the ritual that should take place at 3 am and at this time only not before not after. So not much before earlier than 3 am and within 1 hour at least you must prepare for the ritual and this is done as follows.

Prepare the parchment/black paper by drawing on one side the Satangram(1) with whit your white/red ink. on the other side of the paper do write the Nosferatu pact with your blood. after you do so, charge the symbol by tracing left wise in joined cornu(2) hands and this is by placing the index fingers on the satanagram symbol and tracing on top of the symbol circling around the circle with your hands from left to right while doing so say the words of power "potentiam inferus, in nomine Satanas." after finishing with that put the paper away within your reach for later on use during the ritual. have it in your pocket or any where near once needed. dress up with red and black representing life and death and for ladies its preferable to wear black and red make up as will. and also keep some matches with you for burning the paper later on during the ritual.
the commence with the ritual at 3 am.
the Ritual must be done somewhere outside the house abandoned palaces or where no eyes can see you would be better.
You also need a place with Soil/dirt/Sand on the ground where you can itch or draw the Pentagram(3) on.
Please notice that two drawings must be made the satanagram (baphomet) on the paper and the pentagram on the sand/soil which there is difference between the both of them, as you will see in pictures at the end of this article.

after you have etched the pentagram into the soil have it drawn big enough and you can do that with a stick or something, so that you can stand in the middle of the circle and within the pentagon.
Trace left-wise again around the pentagram opening the ritual. Meaning with trace left-wise is while you are standing still in within the pentagon and inside the circle after the pentagram is drawn you circle around your self while standing still in your place like turn around your self from left to right tracing with your sight around the outer circle you are in the middle of already.
now hold your dagger and point it to the sky , recite the incantation and not the pact that you written, so you recite the incatnation which is this :
By the Power of Satan & The Forces of Darkness, I call upon The Infernal Lords of Death --- Anubis, Euronymous, Hecate, Mormo, Pluto, Nergal, Proserpine, Supay, Mictian --- let the world beyond the grave be opened! Send forth Camazotz, dread God of Vampires, unleashe thy powers unto Me! Enter My substance, possess this body, I Am of thine own! Manifest your forms before & within Me, let the shadows arise! SO LET IT NOW BE DONE!

Now here is the catch where you must maintain control and keep focus and DO NOT GET SCARED because as you do so the shadow forces will begin to manifest and there would also be sounds and you noticing stuff or maybe seeing. just keep a hold of your self and focus only on the ritual bow your head in respect crossing arms about the chest in (crux position - as forming an X with both arms) giving thanks for attendance.

Take out the paper you already prepared recite the Nosferatu pact :
- - - The Nosferatu Pact - - -

By the Power of Satan, in the name of Camazotz, I dedicate Myself unto thee, Black Gods of The Void, & to the eternal night! I desire to be part of the Dark World of living nightmares! O, that I may partake of the shadows forever! By this petition writ in blood, I Am vampyr!
then burn the paper with matches.

here comes the most important point you draw blood now and and motion arms upwards in offering, you would feel Something being absorbed into your body and would also feel like on the edge of fainting or at least way so dizzy. Hold yourself together and focused for that the Ritual is almost over. Bow down also crossing arms about the chest again the same as before as thanking them for their offering and acceptance.
undo the circle tracing left wise with a stick or something.
Get home before sun rise and sleep for that you need it.


(2) Cornu: is the same as the devil mark but with both hands joined together the devil mark made with hands is like the rock and roll sign made with the hands with index and pinky up raise along with the thumb but it is made with two hands joined together



Number of posts : 6
Location : Europe
Registration date : 2017-08-16

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The Nosferatu Pact Empty Re: The Nosferatu Pact

Post by Maxx 17.08.17 11:55

Good God.......I came back to check to see this stuff.  lol.

Fake News.

As another posted else where.......they stated.....

Confused individuals who see themselves as great predators join with bold claims only to realize they are in fact easy prey. This should be public service.

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The Nosferatu Pact Empty Re: The Nosferatu Pact

Post by Heruset 17.08.17 19:00

you saved my soul with this one

I never would have thought to google a pact to a fictional character

Can I call you my master of the night?



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The Nosferatu Pact Empty Re: The Nosferatu Pact

Post by Jonathan 17.08.17 21:11

Maxx wrote:As another posted else where.......they stated.....

Confused individuals who see themselves as great predators join with bold claims only to realize they are in fact easy prey. This should be public service.

That's a pretty accurate statement! Who wrote it?

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The Nosferatu Pact Empty Re: The Nosferatu Pact

Post by Maxx 18.08.17 4:33

when the Dawn breaks in Europe, all is revealed.

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The Nosferatu Pact Empty Re: The Nosferatu Pact

Post by Redian 18.08.17 7:42

I have no idea what you guys are talking about.I posted this because I thought it might come in handy to other human members here who want to be vampires.Yeah I am sure most of you will say this is fake but I strongly believe it is legit.If you dont like it than I will remove it.


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The Nosferatu Pact Empty Re: The Nosferatu Pact

Post by Heruset 18.08.17 7:59

1. No 'legit' spell or ritual would likely be found on or most other if any websites.

2. The members here are past the nonsense that you are dis/playing.

Drop your ego for a bit and see that you aren't going to become a vampire (especially acting like that, if anyone could or did want to turn someone).

The same ideas you have were lingering in my head when I was 12(or -), but I guess not everyone matures at the same pace (I guess some never do).

It's your choice here. Take my advice and learn from hereon out, accepting your faulty view and logic and mistaken approach to the occult and vampirism or keep choosing ego and never overcome the obstacles standing in your way toward spiritual evolution.

No one really cares what you do.


Number of posts : 298
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Registration date : 2015-10-24

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The Nosferatu Pact Empty Re: The Nosferatu Pact

Post by Jonathan 18.08.17 8:44

Got it, Maxx. study

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The Nosferatu Pact Empty Re: The Nosferatu Pact

Post by A.Nightside 21.08.17 16:25

Redian, I hate to hurt your feelings but this read like a total crock of you-know-what, for reasons stated by other commentors. (I mean c'mon, Nosferatu??)

This is an elaborate roleplay, LARP, or at best a half-baked cult thing.

It's stupid, it won't turn you, just make you look silly. It's a joke.

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