Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by LittleWanderer 03.09.17 20:41

Of Dreams and Doorways:
"Your dreams have a way of helping you when you are lost. They bring attention to issues that you are not dealing with while in the waking world, and they act as instigators for change.
You said it was a recurring dream, so your subconscious knows it was important and needed to be understood by your conscious mind.
your brain is surprisingly symbolic. [...]Everything has a meaning if your dreams." -Daniel09

"It is said that during sleep each night, our energy bodies (also known as 'vitality sheath' or 'etheric body') is put to 'charge', where it expands and opens in order to accumulate and store energy. When expanded, our chakras flow in power in the form of etheric matter, into our energy body. It is also said that our energy bodies can only do this during sleep, in its expanded state. While this process of 'recharging' is taking place, our astral body then separates and tunes into the astral dimension where it can experience dreams... Or create them."-Aghrab 

"Other times I have had deeply unnerving visions while sleeping. Personal circumstances usually come along much later and cause these visions to make more sense, and seem like they were not simply the petty wanderings of my unconscious mind. When I have visions like this, normally there is a lot of physical sensation during, as if it is actually happening to me."-Rhea Kaye  

"With that said, meditation is not magick, but a door. A very interesting door." -

"But don't confuse dreaming state with astral realm, many people do that. Same goes for imagination. The astral is not within our minds, so try to make a clear distinction between what your mind can imagine and what it is a true projection."

Of Other Beings:

"They look for attention. Possession cannot occur unless the spirit is allowed in. The spirit knows when they are called. Interaction with demons as you call it is always because they have been calling them in some way, either at the time of possession or playing with them before hand. Or they have been doing something that is out of normal maybe over and over again which is a calling." -Maxx

"I don't connect the shadow self with Seth. I approach it more like a dualistic side to your light or conscious self that you recognize but both make up the whole that is you. The shadow self being more dangerous, dark and unexpected, maybe a side of you that you're not even aware it exists unless you explore your own existence deeply which not many succeed in doing because of how painful and traumatizing it can be. Bringing it to surface can be related with what the Asetians describe as the Dark Flame."-Nightshade

"My big dilemma here is one: Who is the voice that speaks behind us when we dreams? Many people exploring the world of dreams know and listen that voice but can't explain. It's a spirit? a guide? Our subconscious? The problem is when that voice transmits the information to unknown and when we explore the information is credible. The question is: How does one voice can convey knowledge about our future or about what we know even before it happened?" -Kalb

"I believe the subject of spirit guides to have special importance to Asetians who might have been lost in time and are now reincarnating in this era. The ones that might not have found the Aset Ka yet and to whom the Asetian Bible may work as a tool of awakening and awareness. I believe these lost Asetians may likely have a spirit subtly guiding and protecting them, like an Asetian master made of energy." -Johnathan

"The thing/image or whatever that was pretending to be Dakota simply smiled - I noticed then that it's eyes were cold and pretty much empty."

"There is nothing that can happen to your physical body while out of it and you will not be overpowered or attacked while out of your body." -Maxx


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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by LittleWanderer 03.09.17 21:30

Forgive the very long post of stolen quotations from people here. They are statements I have been pondering and exploring, but they are scattered and I wanted to put them together.

There are many concepts and teachings on this site that I am struggling to grasp and to reconcile with my own experiences. The more I dig, the more frustrated I feel.

I am left with two options. I accept that what I am experiencing is a creation of my own mind, an intermittent lapse in sanity. Or... I accept there is more to this life, this world, this universe, than I want to believe in. I'm not sure which idea is more uncomfortable. That seeing the boogieman is crazy, or that the boogieman may actually exist.

Now that I have thoroughly expressed my discomfort with this entire subject, I wish to engage in a conversation regarding doorways and other beings. For the sake of this conversation, I am going to pretend that I have absolutely no doubts about my own experience.

I experience intermittent episodes of sleep paralysis as I wake up. When this happens, there is another being present who is no longer there when I am fully awake.

Under the assumption that Victor is correct, dreams and astral experiences are two separate things. How do I tell if this is a dream experience or an astral one? Are accidental astral experiences even possible? The disconnect, lack of control of my body, and heightened awareness makes it feel as though it is more than a dream. Is there something else it could be?

Combining Aghrab's thoughts on sleep/energy and Maxx's thoughts on Demons... Is it possible that sleep opens a doorway for someone/something more capable than I to visit my (un)consciousness?

Looking at Kalib and Nightshade's comments on the shadow self and the voice of dreams... Are there beings that already rest in our conscious or unconscious mind waiting for the right time to come forth?

Thank you for your patience,


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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Maxx 04.09.17 13:35

appears you have combined 3 subjects together.
Spirits, astral element, OBEs.

Victor gave the correct description.  OBEs and dreams are two different things.  One has to know the difference.

The paragraph with kalb I think I remember my reply to him on that.  The voice behind you and also the spirit that is behind you that you have trouble seeing is your higher self.  It is also the Higher Guardian Angel (so called) as it is connected to you all the time and is in the location of about 20%over the top of you and is connected with your 3D body all the time.  This topic can be seen in the Robert Monroe material I believe is called far journeys....his book.  He created the Monroe Institute on the East Coast.

The being standing there while you are catatonic and cannot move when you are mid way between wake and sleep is your higher self and is waiting on you to step out of your body.   This condition is the stage just before leaving out of the body and your self is waiting for you.  No need to fear this at all.    

As for the rest of the items, those you selected can speak for themselves.

Good you are sincere in taking the time to research all this material in this forum.  Everyone here will go out of their way to assist you in finding legit answers to some of your questions but the only way to learn is to discover this yourself.   Good luck.

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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Lynskha 04.09.17 15:00

I found very interesting what you did, as I am trying to do it myself. I am reading many old posts here, and putting them in a file, organizing .

I hade some episodes of sleep paralysis, many of them come after lucid dreams. And I experienced this fact of having a being beside me, the same that was in the dream. It was a very meaningful dream at the time. Full of symbols, and we had a conversation. As I opened my eyes, he was still there, beside me. A big shadow.

Lately I have been having some dreams where I find someone explaining me things, teaching me. Sometimes, just giving some advices, specially after I have entered Aset Ka page, ordered the Asetian Bible, and having myself connected here in the forum, and looking to get myself into this energy .

I found very interesting Jonathan words about "guiding and protecting" that could come from something " like an Asetian master made of energy".

Also sometimes I think that we left some tracks to ourselves, and that our Higher Self comes to show us some things. We just have to listen.

And that is sometimes the hard part, as I notice, they can only be heard in Silence.

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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by LittleWanderer 04.09.17 15:08

It seems your experiences have been more clear than mine. The presence I have experienced has not clearly communicated with me except once and I each time I see it, I am overwhelmed with fear. Though I am not sure if it is due to the being or my inability to breathe.

The fact you refer to it as a big shadow has caught my full attention. I wish to hear more please.


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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by A.Nightside 04.09.17 15:21
- a video about sleep paralysis.

I've never had full paralysis. I've seen plenty of entities, in my room, standing over me, etc. None were me in any way shape or form. I have felt myself float out of my body, and I can only say that whether I've experienced dreams, projections or "visions" I really can't tell much difference. I lucid dream almost every time that I dream.


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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Maxx 04.09.17 15:30

your 20% is certainly there.  There are many more beings that have agreed to help us the entire time we are here is 3D.  Their goal is to help us advance into the 4D thought dimension and then overlap into the 5D area but it is paramount to learn how the etheric and the physical operate together.   You are 50% operating in the physical and 50% operating in the astral at the same time.   The trick is to understand how to move the consciousness in and out of each one to accomplish what you need to do.
Most important is to learn how to stay in the present and use thought to create. Thought is always in the 4D when you create. Going backward and thinking memories is keeping you in the 3D dimension all the time. Become conscious at all time. Most everyone lives their life day in and day out in an unconscious state. Stop it.

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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Lynskha 04.09.17 15:58

When I as a kid I used to have the same dream every night for about 2 weeks.

It was a nightmare. The same place, the same story. I was in a house, with a young kid. No parents. We were supposed to look after each other. But at sunset, there was a "bad" being that started coming, and we shouldn't leave the house. It only appeared in the dark.

I used to wake up, in the middle of the night, but couldn't move sometimes. One day I woke up crying, and my mom sais I should pray.

The I remember I prayed, and this night I had the same dream, but a "person" made of light came and told the "bad" being to leave me alone. I never had this dream again.

Then some years later, I remember I woke up for a week, but could'nt move.

The dream I mentioned about the shadow was when I was about 15. At this time I used to go to a church, they call here evangelical (universal) .

Ok, In this dream I was in a farm. It was really dark. And I knew there was somebody with me. I could just hear a voice telling me that in that farm the light was never able to be seen, because the shadows were really dark and heavy, so never a person would be able to see the sun , or any other kind of light.

As I looked up I could see the shadows, and all around me it was dark, except for this little house and lamp behind me.

Then , suddenly I saw some signs appearing in the middle of the plantation, they were like arrows indicating different directions. And then, the light of the lamp disappeared and I was in the complete darkness.

I panicked. And I started prayind Psalm 91. And I started repeating

"God is light, god is light"

Then I heard a laugh, loud, sarcastic. And in front of me this huge shadow appeared. It was like it was wearing some kind of hood, as its shape formed a triangle.

It was laughing and it said " oh your god is light? so take a look here at your light", it was holding a candle and laughing. I could understand that it was showing me that It was in control , and at any momment it could blow the candle, leaving me again in complete darkness, and that my faith was nothing.

I forced myself to wake up. The I couldn't move, Just opened the eyes, and it was there, standing beside my bed. That huge shadow.

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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Lynskha 04.09.17 16:01

This dream was when I was going to churches, and other religions... I have been to many places. Many different experiences, since very young.


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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Maxx 04.09.17 16:11

Sorry, tried to post on this and it disappeared so will try a short one......Your past was programmed with religion to instill fear that you acquired and it was attached with the spirit world. Religion is used to control people. Once you get away from that myth material and begin to work in it yourself, the better off you will find yourself.

I was an ordained minister for a number of years and all I did was answer calls all over the US to deal with exorcism. Out of that now when I found how deceitful the ministry really is.

But do not take my word for it. Just consider it and look into it for yourself. The truth is always there to be revealed. The only thing is that you will never find it if all one listens to is the story from liar after liar telling you they have the truth. lol.

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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Lynskha 04.09.17 16:17

Exactly Maxx.

Even when going to churches and getting this "program" , I was always questioning.

Then, fortunatly my mother always had an open mind, and I had my freedom.

I thought about this interpretation. At that time I was going to the church, but questioning too much. Then I had this dream and I thought "Oh my, I may be doing many wrong things".

After long years, it is just simple as everything is inside us.


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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Lynskha 04.09.17 16:21

I like analysing how the surroundings influence us. Concepts of religion, faith... everything that is "the truth", according to each one, each faith, each religion.

We are exposed to somethings, and if we are not able to open our eyes, that is the life of numbness we will live and accept.

Standing and walking outside that comfortable room, to a dark and cold and unknown world can be scary, but worthwhile.


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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Maxx 04.09.17 16:29

you volunteered for

Got to go,,,,,, another time, another place.

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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Lynskha 04.09.17 16:38

I didn t understand the volunteer part. Lol.

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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Lynskha 04.09.17 17:03

Volunteered for what? Got me curious. Lol.

I liked your explanation about 3D 4D 5D, thoughts and memories.

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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Jonathan01 30.12.17 22:16

Been there. Sleep paralysis almost every day for something like six months.


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Sleep Paralysis and Doorways Empty Re: Sleep Paralysis and Doorways

Post by Nightvein 19.02.18 4:35

Max’s response to LittleWanderer is incorrect, the levels of our selves can be moved around and transferred based on the law we have here...

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