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Identification Empty Identification

Post by Lynskha 05.09.17 13:33


I was thinking about something regarding the identity and secrecy of Asetians.

As I can notice in different "orders" and "houses" , mostly the ones that are more famous on the internet, that people declare themselves as part of them.

I was just wondering, IF, in a gathering for example, where people would be talking about occultism, vampirism, and some just said "oh I belong to Quinotaur , I am part of Kheperu, I am OSV , TOV ".. woul and Asetian do the same?

I mean, would it be Ok for a person to say he is part of the Aset Ka?
Or for example, you have friends, who are part of a small group of yours, and they are also vampires and otherkins, and they are part of different houses, would it be ok for you to indentify yourself being part of Aset Ka?


Number of posts : 476
Age : 40
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Registration date : 2017-08-25

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Identification Empty Re: Identification

Post by Jonathan 05.09.17 14:09

Short answer is no. The Aset Ka is not like any other groups you may have encountered or read about.

Question is, why would they? Why would an actual Asetian go online and claim to be a member of the Aset Ka? That sort of action only suits one thing and that is the ego. The internal operations of the Aset Ka are secretive so there is no actual purpose in making such claims.

Also, this sort of discretion serves a different purpose of quick validation, which is when you see someone on a forum or social network claiming to be such a cool member of the Aset Ka you instantly know they’re fake. Frauds abound, especially online where people so often pretend to be members, know members or having some kind of special access to information. We had our dosage of those people around this forum in the past and all ended up being exposed as a scam.

Now one thing people often do without a problem is declaring themselves an Asetianist. An Asetianist is someone who studies the path of the Aset Ka and is dedicated to its spiritual pursuit, safeguard and exploration. You will find many Asetianists out there and people who declare themselves as such, with entirely different backgrounds and life experiences, but that is very different from one stating to be Asetian or an actual member of the Order of Aset Ka.

Do you understand?

Number of posts : 3046
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Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Identification Empty Re: Identification

Post by Lynskha 05.09.17 14:14

Very clear answer Jonathan, specially because there are so many things and wannabes all over.

I asked that just to pay attention to this kind of behavior, if I meet this situation. Since I am reading, and the contact with other people interested in the same subjects is happening, I just wondered about that.

My first thought was exactly what you mentioned : "Why would they?"

It would only be some kind of ego thing, or could generate a prejudice, like I mentioned in another post.

My admiration for Aset Ka just grows. And my respect too.

As well as for this forum. I would like to mention here how mature this place is.

I just feel the "energy" , when I read it. The way people talk about things, the knowledge that can be obtained "in between the lines" .

This is a wonderful source.

Number of posts : 476
Age : 40
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2017-08-25

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Identification Empty Re: Identification

Post by Lynskha 05.09.17 14:18

Reading again what you said,

You will find many Asetianists out there and people who declare themselves as such, with entirely different backgrounds and life experiences, but that is very different from one stating to be Asetian or an actual member of the Order of Aset Ka.

Declaring yourself as Asetianist , it is something external. As you declare your Love for this path, and you study and feel somehow connected to it.

Being an Asetian , is between you, your Self, and Aset Ka , being internal.

Correct me if I am mistaken.

Number of posts : 476
Age : 40
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2017-08-25

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Identification Empty Re: Identification

Post by Jonathan 05.09.17 14:23

Lynskha wrote:Reading again what you said,

You will find many Asetianists out there and people who declare themselves as such, with entirely different backgrounds and life experiences, but that is very different from one stating to be Asetian or an actual member of the Order of Aset Ka.

Declaring yourself as Asetianist , it is something external. As you declare your Love for this path, and you study and feel somehow connected to it.

Being an Asetian , is between you, your Self, and Aset Ka , being internal.

Correct me if I am mistaken.  

That I can agree with. You are correct.

Declaring to be Asetianist is precisely that, for many it's a statement of love for the path and legacy of Aset, an admiration for the wisdom and teachings of her children. On the other hand to be an Asetian is something completely intimate and personal that only concerns the higher Self and Aset, being entirely independent of opinion, expectation and outside influence.

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Identification Empty Re: Identification

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