What is Vampyrian?

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What is Vampyrian?   Empty What is Vampyrian?

Post by JP Vanir 12.11.17 13:26

I consider myself as Vampyrian and this has been the focus of TempleUVUP for a long while now. I believe in a constant Spiritual awakening as a Vampyre which has lead to my Vampyrian Awakening. I want the community to be united in its knowledge of what Vampyrism is and what we are capable of as Vampyre and Human; I also believe Vampyres are spiritual beings and this is my spirituality as well as what I am. I believe in many deities as well as Satanism, Luciferianism, Paganism, Christian, Eastern Spirituality, Judaism, Egyptian Spirituality, and Spiritual Humanism BUT most importantly I am my own God as we all are as Vampyres.

I believe in Vampyrism as a part of my life as well as my spirituality and what makes Vampyrism a Spiritual condition is that though we are humans we have a Vampyr Spirit or Soul so we are both Human as well as Demi-God. I believe Layla is our dark mother; my personal belief is that Vampyrism is a product of her as well as the Fallen Angels, Demons, or Gods who decided to come to this realm mated with human females who bore Vampyre children. Vampyrism comes from Vampyre Gods and can also come from an evolution of the Soul so some Humans can evolve into Vampyre God hood while some can just practice Vampyrism by learning it.

Many of the religions of the world although not completely false are Actually created by humankind and blind them from the Vampyric Gods/Goddesses that have been around well before them and survive on their energies. Many of them, though modern religions are actually an offset of the Vampyric Spirituality. A few of these religions are Satanism, Luciferianism, and other Vampire religions that have truth but many false ideas. I believe Anton Levay was a Vampyre though he did not know the truth about what a vampire really was. Satanism and Luciferianism actually has many similar beliefs though they are technically a newer faith and Vampyrianism is actually older than Christianity. The Pentagram is a nature symbol in the Pagan Spirituality; it represents mankind as well in other faiths and the inverted Pentagram most likely represents Otherkin (Vampyres) such as us; this is my (Founding Father J P Vanir) personal belief…

As Vampyres we are very powerful energy magnets as well as very powerful sources of a different type of energy or life force. Though we are enclosed in our Human shells we something other than human; our Souls or life force are what certain religions would like to call demons but I wish to call demi-gods. There are several types of Vampyres and you have either been born from a long line of different Vampyre Gods/Goddesses as well as human or have evolved past a normal human into a god-like state of being. This is the Basic Vampyrian belief and as Vampyres we are Gods in our own rite. We should never forget this but must also respect everyone unless they give us a reason not to because everything and everyone has a purpose and there are still things above us all…

© Founding Father J P Vanir
JP Vanir
JP Vanir

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What is Vampyrian?   Empty Re: What is Vampyrian?

Post by Nightshade 12.11.17 13:57

JP Vanir wrote:Satanism and Luciferianism actually has many similar beliefs though they are technically a newer faith and Vampyrianism is actually older than Christianity.

What factual evidence do you have that this "Vampyrianism" is older than Christianity? From what I'm seeing there is no such thing as "Vampyrianism" as that's a name you gave to your own beliefs correct? Of course you're entitled to your own beliefs no one can argue that but you can't claim your highly eclectic views to be older than something else.

A quick digging shows that this "Vampyrianism" that you're describing is a mix of different traditions such as Satanism, Luciferianism, Paganism and of course Asetianism that has influenced every form of vampire spirituality out there.

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What is Vampyrian?   Empty Re: What is Vampyrian?

Post by Maxx 12.11.17 14:11

This is nothing other than posting Condo rules within a new subdivision just constructed.  They post for sale signs up around units hoping for new buyers to come in and join the others and agree to be controlled by the new regulations.  They cannot find new buyers for their condos by just building quality construction and the desired buyer element will be drawn to it and the units would be sold before the construction is finished. Things are so very obvious. Don't know why one would think we are dumb enough to sign up as new buyers for this condo construction. Good luck with your comedy routine, Founding Father.

If you want to join reality, we are a group that is open-minded but not this crap. Your choice.

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What is Vampyrian?   Empty Re: What is Vampyrian?

Post by Maxx 12.11.17 14:50

OH Boy.....fallen angels again. lol.

No fallen angels.....It was humankind that fell.....

You have gotten your info from one of your new Christian Religions. You might care to check personally with one of the so-called fallen ones and get the real skinny.

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What is Vampyrian?   Empty Re: What is Vampyrian?

Post by A.Nightside 14.11.17 16:06

Hey, JP. Nice to see you here.
Fair warning, many of the regulars here don't sugar coat things Razz Good luck. Try to be as open to learning about others' beliefs as you are eager to teach/share your own (not that you aren't, but it's the best I advice I could think of on the fly).

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What is Vampyrian?   Empty Re: What is Vampyrian?

Post by A.Nightside 14.11.17 16:08

* oh, and JP, another tip, the majority of this/these forums do NOT consider themselves to be a part of the greater "vampire community". Equating them to such may come off more insulting than not. You're not in Kansas anymore (:

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What is Vampyrian?   Empty Re: What is Vampyrian?

Post by Nightshade 19.11.17 16:53

Don't get me wrong I wasn't trying to scare him away or anything. Just making sure we can engage in an open discussion without all the fluff. Actually if he is genuinely invested in exploring spirituality and its potential ties to vampirism I think there is a lot of interesting material for him around here.

Number of posts : 438
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What is Vampyrian?   Empty Re: What is Vampyrian?

Post by Maxx 19.11.17 18:38

his statement of

There are several types of Vampyres and you have either been born from a long line of different Vampyre Gods/Goddesses as well as human or have evolved past a normal human into a god-like state of being. This is the Basic Vampyrian belief and as Vampyres we are Gods in our own rite.

and then his founding father crap.....

that tells me he
believes he should have already evolved into a god-like state at present in that human body he is in. If he is the founding father of the group, that would have to be the case. lol.  If that is the case then he should be doing super feats and not have to worry about coming on other sites trying to drum up followers.   This is why I treat him so harshly.   He is nothing other than just another sock puppet from VCN.

Number of posts : 4334
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What is Vampyrian?   Empty Re: What is Vampyrian?

Post by Maxx 19.11.17 18:44

hmmmm. Sugar coat...??? Never heard of it.

Must be a new cereal out.

Number of posts : 4334
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What is Vampyrian?   Empty Re: What is Vampyrian?

Post by A.Nightside 20.11.17 6:49

Nightshade wrote:Don't get me wrong I wasn't trying to scare him away or anything. Just making sure we can engage in an open discussion without all the fluff. Actually if he is genuinely invested in exploring spirituality and its potential ties to vampirism I think there is a lot of interesting material for him around here.

Different people take things in different ways. I did not interpret any such intention, but what he interprets is for him to say. I am familiar with JP to (I think) a fair degree, but I"m not gonna talk for him, just kinda hope seeing a familiar face (so to speak) will be nice for him.

Number of posts : 523
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What is Vampyrian?   Empty Re: What is Vampyrian?

Post by A.Nightside 20.11.17 6:50

*any such ill intention ("scare him away..."

Number of posts : 523
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What is Vampyrian?   Empty Re: What is Vampyrian?

Post by A.Nightside 20.11.17 6:57

Maxx wrote:his statement of

There are several types of Vampyres and you have either been born from a long line of different Vampyre Gods/Goddesses as well as human or have evolved past a normal human into a god-like state of being. This is the Basic Vampyrian belief and as Vampyres we are Gods in our own rite.

and then his founding father crap.....

that tells me he
believes he should have already evolved into a god-like state at present in that human body he is in. If he is the founding father of the group, that would have to be the case.  lol.   If that is the case then he should be doing super feats and not have to worry about coming on other sites trying to drum up followers.   This is why I treat him so harshly.   He is nothing other than just another sock puppet from VCN.

Different people consider godliness in different contexts. Take left-hand paths (though as you may be aware, my understanding is extremely base/surface-level), a majority of which claim that each individual is born, in their own right, as a god, or at least god-like.
Also, as far as I understand deities, I've heard the thought the human body cannot maintain a true deity, I've heard the opposite. I've heard that the incarnation of a deity in a human body would be sickly and not last long, or that they would be deity in flesh and super-human to some degree, and then some that they'd be simply normal either due to a desire to stay hidden or because the human body and physical world simply have their limiations, even if designed by a deity perhaps these limitations and "laws" do not make exceptions.

I do not agree with your conclusion, he doesn't really preach much of what the VCN (Vampire Community News), or the Vampire Community does. Yes, there are similar elements, but he takes that as a base (as far as my interpretation goes) and has built from that through adopting other various beliefs or practices (elements from the GVC [General Vampire Community], elements from left and right hand spiritual or religious paths, etc.).. He may just be his own sock puppet..

Number of posts : 523
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What is Vampyrian?   Empty Re: What is Vampyrian?

Post by Lynskha 20.11.17 8:07

. I've heard that the incarnation of a deity in a human body would be sickly and not last long, or that they would be deity in flesh and super-human to some degree, and then some that they'd be simply normal either due to a desire to stay hidden or because the human body and physical world simply have their limiations, even if designed by a deity perhaps these limitations and "laws" do not make exceptions.

Interesting comment. Desire to stay hiden, or the limitations. Also other possibilities relate to it, like not a "desire" to stay hidden, but a necessity due to other factors, not a limitation, but a way to better evolve in order to manifest completely in a secure way.

As for manifest , I mean the things related to the deity, or its "powers".

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