Salutation and a bit of myself
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Salutation and a bit of myself
I've read and posted a bit here so, it is time for me to properly introduce myself.
As some of you have gathered, I am a vampire, that is I must take energy form other sources to thrive. I prefer blood be the conduit but, I can draw energy in other ways. I will say little of that save that I am not the only one in my human lineage to be a vampire, or perhaps I've been reincarnated in the same family for centuries, I do not know beyond one reincarnation into the same family. That is a story I may tell another time.
I live a simple life in rural America, in the south, Arkansas to be as exact as I will on a public forum. I read the Asetian Bible but do not claim to be Asetian, there is knowledge there for anyone willing to read the book. My spiritual path is one guided by my soul, by what I know I must learn, what I must master within myself and, what I must discover about myself and the world, even the universe if I feel I need to learn of it.
I am spiritual but, I am not religious, I subscribe to on one religion but, take what is good and right where I find it. I think it's better to learn and, seek truth within yourself and, not reject nor adapt all of any one path or religion but rather only that which rings true to your soul. I may be wrong but, for me that's what I need to do.
Beyond that, I enjoy many mundane things. History, archaeology, cooking, reading, animals and, living as self sufficiently as possible in this modern world, without giving up the luxuries I enjoy such as electricity, internet and satellite television. I detest the added chemicals, preservatives and hormones in commercially available food so, I maintain a garden in season, can, freeze and dehydrate my own produce. I hunt wild game in season, I fish where it's clean, safe water to do so and, I raise an animal for it's meat when I need to. That's usually a steer calf once every three years, or if I can't get a calf, two or three sheep or goats. Of course there are some things that don't grow here, or are difficult to produce at home so, I do buy some commercial food to supplement what I can acquire by more natural means.
As some of you have gathered, I am a vampire, that is I must take energy form other sources to thrive. I prefer blood be the conduit but, I can draw energy in other ways. I will say little of that save that I am not the only one in my human lineage to be a vampire, or perhaps I've been reincarnated in the same family for centuries, I do not know beyond one reincarnation into the same family. That is a story I may tell another time.
I live a simple life in rural America, in the south, Arkansas to be as exact as I will on a public forum. I read the Asetian Bible but do not claim to be Asetian, there is knowledge there for anyone willing to read the book. My spiritual path is one guided by my soul, by what I know I must learn, what I must master within myself and, what I must discover about myself and the world, even the universe if I feel I need to learn of it.
I am spiritual but, I am not religious, I subscribe to on one religion but, take what is good and right where I find it. I think it's better to learn and, seek truth within yourself and, not reject nor adapt all of any one path or religion but rather only that which rings true to your soul. I may be wrong but, for me that's what I need to do.
Beyond that, I enjoy many mundane things. History, archaeology, cooking, reading, animals and, living as self sufficiently as possible in this modern world, without giving up the luxuries I enjoy such as electricity, internet and satellite television. I detest the added chemicals, preservatives and hormones in commercially available food so, I maintain a garden in season, can, freeze and dehydrate my own produce. I hunt wild game in season, I fish where it's clean, safe water to do so and, I raise an animal for it's meat when I need to. That's usually a steer calf once every three years, or if I can't get a calf, two or three sheep or goats. Of course there are some things that don't grow here, or are difficult to produce at home so, I do buy some commercial food to supplement what I can acquire by more natural means.
Charby- Outsider
- Number of posts : 58
Age : 58
Location : USA
Registration date : 2017-12-15
Re: Salutation and a bit of myself
I grew up in that location and then got out of there.
Lived all over the world and live now in cold weather haven.
You must live in the upper half of the state.
Lived all over the world and live now in cold weather haven.
You must live in the upper half of the state.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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Re: Salutation and a bit of myself
No, I live in the corner known as the Ark-La - Tex, the southwest corner of the state.
I have lived all over the USA and, in both Spain and France in this life. In the previous incarnation which is really the only one I recall clearly, I lived in England, Australia and finally the USA.
I didn't choose this location for the weather but rather for the cost of living here and, it's isolation from the cities. I have no desire to live shoulder to shoulder with humans. I may have a human body but, that's as far as being human goes with me.
If I were honest in my opinions of most humans, I would sound quite arrogant but, as with any group of sentient beings, there are those with incredible insight and wisdom, those that are fools and, every possibility in between the two extremes.
I cannot allow my own arrogance to summarily dismiss all humans, some may be of value and I have known a few that hardly seem human at all but are aware and, self aware enough to offer provocative and, sensible insights and information.
Maybe that arrogance is born in us when we are able to remember bits of many incarnations and, finally one previous one in full, when the fact that we are immortal souls ingrains itself in our hearts, when we begin to understand that a vampire, as society wishes to call us is far more than an energy starved, misplaced soul forced to suffer in a body that is not really the sort of body we need and, instead are here to learn, to grow and, to share with and, love others as well as all that is beautiful in this world. When we learn that the intent is not to suffer for what we are but to thrive and, enjoy all this world had to offer while continuing to learn all that we are and, work toward perfecting ourselves.
Am I perfect? Of course not, I don't see a reason for a perfect soul to be here, to have a frail, mortal body, to need to experience pain or loss or any suffering, so I must find what I need to improve, what I should know and, what I must experience now in order to grow.
I have lived all over the USA and, in both Spain and France in this life. In the previous incarnation which is really the only one I recall clearly, I lived in England, Australia and finally the USA.
I didn't choose this location for the weather but rather for the cost of living here and, it's isolation from the cities. I have no desire to live shoulder to shoulder with humans. I may have a human body but, that's as far as being human goes with me.
If I were honest in my opinions of most humans, I would sound quite arrogant but, as with any group of sentient beings, there are those with incredible insight and wisdom, those that are fools and, every possibility in between the two extremes.
I cannot allow my own arrogance to summarily dismiss all humans, some may be of value and I have known a few that hardly seem human at all but are aware and, self aware enough to offer provocative and, sensible insights and information.
Maybe that arrogance is born in us when we are able to remember bits of many incarnations and, finally one previous one in full, when the fact that we are immortal souls ingrains itself in our hearts, when we begin to understand that a vampire, as society wishes to call us is far more than an energy starved, misplaced soul forced to suffer in a body that is not really the sort of body we need and, instead are here to learn, to grow and, to share with and, love others as well as all that is beautiful in this world. When we learn that the intent is not to suffer for what we are but to thrive and, enjoy all this world had to offer while continuing to learn all that we are and, work toward perfecting ourselves.
Am I perfect? Of course not, I don't see a reason for a perfect soul to be here, to have a frail, mortal body, to need to experience pain or loss or any suffering, so I must find what I need to improve, what I should know and, what I must experience now in order to grow.
Charby- Outsider
- Number of posts : 58
Age : 58
Location : USA
Registration date : 2017-12-15
Re: Salutation and a bit of myself
Welcome. I enjoy reading your words and the way you write.
Lynskha- Adept
- Number of posts : 476
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Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2017-08-25
Re: Salutation and a bit of myself
Thank you, Lynskha.
Charby- Outsider
- Number of posts : 58
Age : 58
Location : USA
Registration date : 2017-12-15
Re: Salutation and a bit of myself
Charby wrote:I detest the added chemicals, preservatives and hormones in commercially available food so, I maintain a garden in season, can, freeze and dehydrate my own produce. I hunt wild game in season, I fish where it's clean, safe water to do so and, I raise an animal for it's meat when I need to. That's usually a steer calf once every three years, or if I can't get a calf, two or three sheep or goats. Of course there are some things that don't grow here, or are difficult to produce at home so, I do buy some commercial food to supplement what I can acquire by more natural means.
That sounds pretty interesting. I can't uphold that natural way of living myself at this time, at least not to the level that you describe, but I admire those who do. A strong connection with nature is an important aspect of my identity and personal spirituality.
Welcome to the community. Looking forward to read more about your opinions, experiences and contributions around the forum.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
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Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: Salutation and a bit of myself
Jonathan, don't be shy, if you wish to know, ask me. I will likey answer, unless it's too personal, then I might tell you that and no more.
Charby- Outsider
- Number of posts : 58
Age : 58
Location : USA
Registration date : 2017-12-15
Re: Salutation and a bit of myself
Welcome. To be straight-forward.
I like you.
You seem awesome ^_^
I've enjoyed reading your posts, those of which I've had the attention span to read. You seem incredibly insightful and well-established within yourself and with your personal identity. You come off quite admirable to me.
I like you.
You seem awesome ^_^
I've enjoyed reading your posts, those of which I've had the attention span to read. You seem incredibly insightful and well-established within yourself and with your personal identity. You come off quite admirable to me.
Re: Salutation and a bit of myself
Thank you, I find you admirable and, sensible as well.
Charby- Outsider
- Number of posts : 58
Age : 58
Location : USA
Registration date : 2017-12-15
Re: Salutation and a bit of myself
I am really glad to be able to read these posts full of deep insights and meanings. I have sent you a Private message too.
I agree with most of what you say, and by what I can feel in your words, in the way you perceive the world and deal with it.
Also the way you described the Universe, and the beings, each one with its melody, its note. I tend to use a second nickname with this one, that is Ária, as I feel like an Aria, a self-contained piece for one voice...
Really glad to meet you.
I agree with most of what you say, and by what I can feel in your words, in the way you perceive the world and deal with it.
Also the way you described the Universe, and the beings, each one with its melody, its note. I tend to use a second nickname with this one, that is Ária, as I feel like an Aria, a self-contained piece for one voice...
Really glad to meet you.
Lynskha- Adept
- Number of posts : 476
Age : 40
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2017-08-25
Re: Salutation and a bit of myself
I haven't received your private message yet, Lynskha but, i look forward to reading your words.
I spent a long time trying to change the world, make it fit what I thought it should be. That brought nothing but unhappiness, suffering and a dislike for the world. I finally realized that the only thing I can really change is myself, the only thing I can really control is myself. I can change my approach, my reactions and, how I allow what the world does to me to affect me.
I can create a life, a small sanctuary of a home where I can live apart, live a nearly as possible in the world I want all the world to be but, I'm not going to ever make the world change to suite me. Instead accept it as it is, wait and see how it will change, adapt and learn form what is rather than trying to make something be what it isn't.
When you stop trying to fight the world, stop making it a struggle to live here, then you can do what is necessary, you can learn, grow and gain self and, in doing so, you discover there is beauty in all of it if you only stop reacting as a mortal, as a human might and, trust your self, your soul to be your guide, to dictate your reactions to the world.
What does it matter if you cannot have this or that treasure? Is it a need? Of course not, we only need sustenance and shelter for our bodies and our souls and, in reality a body can endure a great deal and, we can feed our souls when we need to, be that exactly ethical or not, we can take when we need to.
How did I discover that truth? Whether fate or the Gods did it, I will never know but in two different bodies, I was left homeless and penniless at a time when I knew I could not survive that way and, I did survive, I thrived, I learned, I grew wiser and stronger. I fear no loss, no material hardship, I will survive whatever happens and, knowing that, you loose the desire for what society says we should value and, instead value what your soul values, beauty and love in all its forms.
You learn that you can walk boldly through the world, learning, observing, perceiving what is and non of it can truly harm you. Yes it can cause you grief, sorrow, pain and discomfort but, it can't truly harm you. Maybe something will kill your present body, but that won't truly harm you, in fact it will only be an opportunity to grow, to remember a new experience, the experience of death and rebirth and, when you can remember that, then you know, immortality is yours.
How many bodies will I need before I'm done here on this world? I don't know but I do know that this being the second full life I remember in great detail that each will be easier to navigate and, I will be stronger and, more truly myself in each incarnation.
Besides, what joy it is to begin with a blank slate of a brain and shape it as it grows, to make it one with your mind, make it yourself and, by the time the body is able to set out, free of parents, free of any other caregiver, it is yours, it is you as completely ad it can be and, not once does that body ever question doing what you know you should do.
The one drawback is knowing in a body to young to have the strength you require of that body and, having to wait for that to come in later years. Having to act the child for so long when you know you are no child.
I spent a long time trying to change the world, make it fit what I thought it should be. That brought nothing but unhappiness, suffering and a dislike for the world. I finally realized that the only thing I can really change is myself, the only thing I can really control is myself. I can change my approach, my reactions and, how I allow what the world does to me to affect me.
I can create a life, a small sanctuary of a home where I can live apart, live a nearly as possible in the world I want all the world to be but, I'm not going to ever make the world change to suite me. Instead accept it as it is, wait and see how it will change, adapt and learn form what is rather than trying to make something be what it isn't.
When you stop trying to fight the world, stop making it a struggle to live here, then you can do what is necessary, you can learn, grow and gain self and, in doing so, you discover there is beauty in all of it if you only stop reacting as a mortal, as a human might and, trust your self, your soul to be your guide, to dictate your reactions to the world.
What does it matter if you cannot have this or that treasure? Is it a need? Of course not, we only need sustenance and shelter for our bodies and our souls and, in reality a body can endure a great deal and, we can feed our souls when we need to, be that exactly ethical or not, we can take when we need to.
How did I discover that truth? Whether fate or the Gods did it, I will never know but in two different bodies, I was left homeless and penniless at a time when I knew I could not survive that way and, I did survive, I thrived, I learned, I grew wiser and stronger. I fear no loss, no material hardship, I will survive whatever happens and, knowing that, you loose the desire for what society says we should value and, instead value what your soul values, beauty and love in all its forms.
You learn that you can walk boldly through the world, learning, observing, perceiving what is and non of it can truly harm you. Yes it can cause you grief, sorrow, pain and discomfort but, it can't truly harm you. Maybe something will kill your present body, but that won't truly harm you, in fact it will only be an opportunity to grow, to remember a new experience, the experience of death and rebirth and, when you can remember that, then you know, immortality is yours.
How many bodies will I need before I'm done here on this world? I don't know but I do know that this being the second full life I remember in great detail that each will be easier to navigate and, I will be stronger and, more truly myself in each incarnation.
Besides, what joy it is to begin with a blank slate of a brain and shape it as it grows, to make it one with your mind, make it yourself and, by the time the body is able to set out, free of parents, free of any other caregiver, it is yours, it is you as completely ad it can be and, not once does that body ever question doing what you know you should do.
The one drawback is knowing in a body to young to have the strength you require of that body and, having to wait for that to come in later years. Having to act the child for so long when you know you are no child.
Charby- Outsider
- Number of posts : 58
Age : 58
Location : USA
Registration date : 2017-12-15
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