The Eyes of Egypt were upon me...

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The Eyes of Egypt were upon me... Empty The Eyes of Egypt were upon me...

Post by ☥ AEOLUS ☥ 07.02.18 12:53

Hello everybody! I purchased "The Violet Throne" and "The Asetian Bible" online on February 5, 2018, and eagerly await their delivery. Although it required a sacrifice of my meagre funds to do so, I feel privileged to be able to peruse the transcendent teachings of our beloved Lady Aset. I suspect that my new foray into the Kemetic Order of Aset Ka spiritual society is a natural progression of my lifelong  Egyptian mystic journey. Actually, I have been absolutely fascinated and deeply obsessive in my love for all things Egyptian since I was a boy of about nine years old; which personal momentum, I believe, was instigated whereupon I experienced two spectacular events at the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History, back in 1955. That was the precious instance when I felt compelled to transgress the temporal museum authorities whereupon I dared to reach across a "Do Not Touch" boundary sign so as to place my hand upon one of the wooden carrying handles attached to an ornate, ancient royal Egyptian "litter."  I can vividly recall that when my fingertips made contact, I felt a slight tingling sensation that surprised me. Several minutes later, after I wandered off by myself into an adjacent section, an even greater thrill awaited me! It was with wide-eyed fascination that I slowly proceeded between two rows of a total of twenty-three upright human mummies flanking me. Each row had been placed behind a long, enclosed glass display case in which they were resting in their original sarcophagi. Their blackened, desiccated faces were unwrapped and exposed so that their features were clearly visible. That's when it happened! Without warning, I abruptly felt their combined array of powerful laser gazes piercing me, as though they were all still alive and carefully scrutinizing me! Whew! I nearly wilted as I became so terrified that I ran back to the safety of my nearby parents in record time! Now, after all these years [I am 71], I am still convinced that it was a real encounter, and that I was forever changed! So that initial contact must have influenced me to puruse various occult studies thereafter, which preoccupation has evidently led me back full circle to the Aset Ka Heart of all ancient Egyptian Mysteries! [I suspect that I had been scanned by a group of powerful, mummified albeit sacred transdimensional Initiates who were somehow still alive and aware!] Is it really possible that I have finally found my true home and sanctuary in the Kemetic Order of Aset Ka?  Am I reaching a fabulous conclusion to my lifelong, meandering Egyptian Mystery Quest first set in motion when I "touched," and was "touched" in turn, all those years ago by those "living" artifacts? My Beloved Lady Aset, I apologize to Thee for my irrepressible flamboyant and enthusiastic demeanor as I express my burning desire for your transformative Dark Kiss! Nevertheless, I dare pray to Your Divine Majesty for acceptance into your elite family of Asetian Frater & Sorer initiates? Ave! ☥ AEOLUS ☥ p's., please, someone, please assist me to understand what happened to me, and I desire to know if anybody else has ever experienced a similar "contact?"

What we call the beginning is often the end.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.


Number of posts : 4
Age : 77
Location : south of the mason dixon line
Registration date : 2018-02-06

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The Eyes of Egypt were upon me... Empty Re: The Eyes of Egypt were upon me...

Post by Nightshade 07.02.18 15:10

I think you might be confused about what the Aset Ka represents, or then you're just a bit too enthusiastic. lol
Either way, please study the books you have purchased and do let us know your thoughts after a deeper study. See if your views have changed and how.

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The Eyes of Egypt were upon me... Empty Re: The Eyes of Egypt were upon me...

Post by ☥ AEOLUS ☥ 07.02.18 18:03

Thanks Nightshade, I will refrain from further posting until I study the books that are scheduled to arrive in a few days.


Number of posts : 4
Age : 77
Location : south of the mason dixon line
Registration date : 2018-02-06

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The Eyes of Egypt were upon me... Empty Re: The Eyes of Egypt were upon me...

Post by Nightshade 08.02.18 6:35

It wasn't my intention to silence you, feel free to post and join discussions, although many things will be better understood after some study.

Hope that you enjoy your new occult books!

Number of posts : 438
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Registration date : 2013-06-15

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The Eyes of Egypt were upon me... Empty Re: The Eyes of Egypt were upon me...

Post by ☥ AEOLUS ☥ 08.02.18 10:09

Hello again Nightshade. Well, I do value your advice concerning my admittedly glaring confusion and perhaps ill-advised enthusiasm. I can relate to your incisive evaluation because it makes good sense to me, in that throughout my 20-year internet foray, I've encountered many sanguine newcomers to sundry fields of study who invariably insist upon dragging their boatload of idiotic preconceived notions with them into new fields of specialized endeavor. The resentment of such annoying and unwelcome intervention, amounting to intolerable hubris, is understandably deemed as an affront of noxious vulgarity confronting the sentiments of sincere disciples inclusive of the gathering of the illustrious members populating this most exalted forum. Of course I understand that you all shouldn't be subjected to such rude behavior inflicted by the non sequitur prejudices of a typical slave-mentality-uninitiated knave. Consequently, I respect the sovereign protocols of this conclave's principles of ☥ HONOR ☥ DEDICATION ☥ LOYALTY ☥ LOVE ☥

☥ Unshakable Honor to the Asetian Family, their ways and culture; ☥

☥ Profound Dedication to their Cause; ☥

☥ Loyalty, deep and unconditional Loyalty to their Masters, the Asetians and the Order itself; ☥

☥ Eternal Love for Aset ☥

In an effort to earn the trust of the Kemetic Order of Aset Ka, I declare that I am wholeheartedly dedicated to adhering to this motto: "Ask not what Aset Ka can do for you. Ask what you can do for Aset Ka."

Here is my aromatic, erudite opinion regarding the pungent, uncultured opinions of others:

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and think everyone else's stinks. These self-righteous people get in your face, saying, "hey, don't tell me what to think." "hey, I make my own rules, unlike those fools whom before reason and logic slink." "In fact, I'm so full of fresh opinions right now, I'm really feeling in the pink!" LOL! LOL!


Number of posts : 4
Age : 77
Location : south of the mason dixon line
Registration date : 2018-02-06

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The Eyes of Egypt were upon me... Empty Re: The Eyes of Egypt were upon me...

Post by ☥ AEOLUS ☥ 08.02.18 15:53

Hello again everybody! The 2 books that I ordered online February 3, 2018, "The Violet Throne" and "The Asetian Bible," were shipped on February 5, and were both just now delivered to me this afternoon of the 8th, days earlier that their expected time of arrival [between February 9 - Friday, February 16.] Unbelievable! I wonder if they were magically transported, for never before in all the decades of my ordering books have any of them [via standard shipping rates] been rushed to me so quickly? Normally, I expect at least a 10-day delivery wait, so, to me, this is a double miracle, especially considering their profound content! I feel as though I'm about to embark upon a spiritual adventure of a depth and intensity that I have rarely, if ever, experienced, even in my most exalted moments. Therefore I plan to totally immerse myself in the timeless wisdom of their esoteric light that still quietly flows from the secret sanctuaries of ancient Egypt all the way down to us modern day spiritual seekers who languish amidst this consumer/polluter societal "wasteland" of synthetic people, places and things. I wish to personally thank the divinely Illuminated One, the exalted Luis Marques, for His gracious bestowal of inspired teachings upon those of us neophytes who feel willing, ready and able to appreciate, study and incorporate the transformative revelations of the Kemetic Order of Aset Ka into our lives! Now I'm going to sequester myself with these 2 communiques and there's no telling if or when I may resume posting to this noble-minded forum. Ave!

If my father is Aeolus and my mother is Athene,
Shall I pry from Orouborus' coils the golden pearl supreme?
But before I can regain command and rise up to that task,
I must transcend the tyranny of Aions' future/past.

Fortuitously I've stumbled onto your most wondrous scene,
Where my melancholy lifts amidst your company pristine.
I hope I have contributed and shall receive back in return
My memory of who I am, for which I dearly yearn.


Number of posts : 4
Age : 77
Location : south of the mason dixon line
Registration date : 2018-02-06

http:// and   http://aeolu

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The Eyes of Egypt were upon me... Empty Re: The Eyes of Egypt were upon me...

Post by TaurusDevil 09.02.18 12:14

☥ AEOLUS ☥ wrote:Hello again everybody! The 2 books that I ordered online February 3, 2018, "The Violet Throne" and "The Asetian Bible," were shipped on February 5, and were both just now delivered to me this afternoon of the 8th, days earlier that their expected time of arrival [between February 9 - Friday, February 16.] Unbelievable! I wonder if they were magically transported, for never before in all the decades of my ordering books have any of them [via standard shipping rates] been rushed to me so quickly? Normally, I expect at least a 10-day delivery wait, so, to me, this is a double miracle, especially considering their profound content! I feel as though I'm about to embark upon a spiritual adventure of a depth and intensity that I have rarely, if ever, experienced, even in my most exalted moments. Therefore I plan to totally immerse myself in the timeless wisdom of their esoteric light that still quietly flows from the secret sanctuaries of ancient Egypt all the way down to us modern day spiritual seekers who languish amidst this consumer/polluter societal "wasteland" of synthetic people, places and things. I wish to personally thank the divinely Illuminated One, the exalted Luis Marques, for His gracious bestowal of inspired teachings upon those of us neophytes who feel willing, ready and able to appreciate, study and incorporate the transformative revelations of the Kemetic Order of Aset Ka into our lives! Now I'm going to sequester myself with these 2 communiques and there's no telling if or when I may resume posting to this noble-minded forum. Ave!

If my father is Aeolus and my mother is Athene,
Shall I pry from Orouborus' coils the golden pearl supreme?
But before I can regain command and rise up to that task,
I must transcend the tyranny of Aions' future/past.

Fortuitously I've stumbled onto your most wondrous scene,
Where my melancholy lifts amidst your company pristine.
I hope I have contributed and shall receive back in return
My memory of who I am, for which I dearly yearn.

I think you're over reading into this!

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The Eyes of Egypt were upon me... Empty Re: The Eyes of Egypt were upon me...

Post by A.Nightside 16.02.18 8:56

↑↑ What Taurus said .. <.< sorry I'm not adding much.

Good luck, Aeolus! ^_^

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