Surf & Turf

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Surf & Turf Empty Surf & Turf

Post by NECROVAMP 19.05.18 16:03

I've always been a big fan of meat and seafood. I've always liked my meats extra rare and my seafood raw. I'm a big fan of sushi. The content of food items, concerning nutritional value, is excelled (so i've heard) when prepared raw. Overall i think its very beneficial to enjoy food raw on a regular basis. An increase in energy can be felt significantly when consuming raw food often as well. I know there's tribes of cannibals out there, who aren't necessarily vampires but like to dine on humans. I've never eaten human, nor do i intend to, kind of freaks me out.

Number of posts : 28
Location : USA
Registration date : 2018-05-18

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Surf & Turf Empty Re: Surf & Turf

Post by Niani 19.05.18 16:23

I can mostly get behind this way of thinking - to an extent.

I am most definitely a carnivore. I subsist mainly on a diet of meat and greens (when I'm being good and not letting my bad habits get in my way) with an array of fruit and nuts. But I crave meat on a regular basis, and adore most seafood, so I get what you're saying there. Still haven't gotten to try lobster, but I have had shrimp that were cooked perfectly that melted in my mouth.

I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.

I am definitely a foodie.

But I digress, I do experience something of a kick when I ingest my preferred medium rare steak. I would eat it rare but I am pretty picky about my steak and it is easier to get my steak back right the first time if I order it medium. Also, I am usually out with others when ordering steak and I try to be....courteous as not to wolf down bloody meat in front of unsuspecting people.

Not to mention it helps satisfy an innate predatory drive that has come to my attention.

I will note that again, you are simply making statements as opposed to ending with open ended questions or requests for comments.

A simple "Does anyone else experience this?" At the end would have opened the floor for further communication. Just letting you know.

Number of posts : 27
Age : 34
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Registration date : 2017-06-20

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Surf & Turf Empty Re: Surf & Turf

Post by NECROVAMP 19.05.18 17:01

Lobster is amazing ! bounce I'm getting hungry now too.

Number of posts : 28
Location : USA
Registration date : 2018-05-18

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Surf & Turf Empty Re: Surf & Turf

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 19.05.18 17:19

I am vegetarian personally due to a variety of reasons. Started off due to spiritual convictions or reasons of wanting to lighten my vibrational energetic load and so attain to higher states of consciousness, as well as clairvoyance and telepathy, more easily, but this was when I experimented with such procedures (of occult abilities and powers such as clairvoyance and telepathy - but not meaning the part of higher consciousness) although riskfully, something for which I have had to learn grave lessons. But the vegetarian diet seems to help my clarity of mind, yet, being a vegetarian, I feed on energy in the ambience of crowds or in nature. I used to have a strong predatory instinct in the physical sense of the word but that has majorly passed or been subdued since I became vegetarian. Now my reasons for vegetarianism are mainly out of compassion for the animals as I seek to value all life in the way I find most agreeable and implicit in such way of thinking, although not meaning to come off as self-righteous in any way although I might appear that way more or less. People can still eat meat in my opinion, just that I do not fully concur with such diets however I tend to keep that to myself and just subtly go about the influence of vegetarianism for the sake of the poor animals being majorly mistreated and put out of proportion from their natural habitat as is so common in the pig factories or various other factories where animals are mass bred only to be put to death for the sake of our tastebuds. Actually I find the taste in a diet of vegetarianism far more exquisite.

Number of posts : 1339
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Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Surf & Turf Empty Re: Surf & Turf

Post by NECROVAMP 19.05.18 17:38

It is terrible the atrocities many animals have to endure to become stocked up in markets for us to eat. Due to mass population growth and gathering in cities and even rural communities as well are becoming more and more populated, therefore it is increasingly difficult for us to go out and traditionally hunt or fish... I like to go out and get my meat the old way and i do it as often as i can. Vegetables and fruits when picked fresh are great too.

Number of posts : 28
Location : USA
Registration date : 2018-05-18

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Surf & Turf Empty Re: Surf & Turf

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 19.05.18 17:58

Indeed, better it is to hunt your own food than to support these terribly unfortunate - for the animals - mass industries. That is something I would support above the latter if one has to eat meat anyways; I reckon vegetarianism might not be suitable for all as might be dependent upon blood types although I am not very well versed with this science, hehe...

Number of posts : 1339
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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