Greetings from NC

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Greetings from NC Empty Greetings from NC

Post by MR84 07.09.18 9:57

So, I figure it's time for a proper introduction.

You can call me whatever you want. It doesn't bother me. On here, I am MR84. In this go around, I hail from North Carolina in the United States of America. From the best I remember, in my previous go around I hailed from Japan.

In this life, I had a sort of awakening around the age of ten. I have always had a number of "abilities" that many would consider "psychic". I've always had "paranormal encounters". My earliest memories were of me conversing with a being without definite form about life, why I'm here, and what is expected of me. I don't remember all the conversations in detail, but I do recall it was before I knew English very well. As my life progressed, my abilities became stronger. Around the age of ten, I had some realizations that I was not "normal". I started having many cravings and visions. Life almost seemed like a dream until around the age of thirteen, when I "asked" for "all of this" to be "taken away". I couldn't handle it. I attempted suicide but failed. I'm glad I failed.

From roughly the age of thirteen to roughly the age of thirty-two, nothing spectacular occurred. I retained some of my abilities but most went away. By my late twenties, I began wanting my abilities back. They didn't seem to want to come back. I got the feeling that it wasn't time yet. So I waited.

About a week or so ago, everything changed. I can't pinpoint a specific date as, since the changes, my perception of time is weird. Day one, I dreamed of walking down a shopping aisle full of wooden rulers of various lengths and various units of measurements. I stopped and picked up one. It was about ten feet in length but the units of measurement were in "days". It was "five days long". Day two, no dreams of note. Day three began the five-day long streak of vampire dreams. Each day was a different vampire. I didn't and still don't recognize the people I saw. Each dream was of a vampire "testing" me to see if I was a vampire. On day four of the dreams, my abilities began coming back. Reality itself for me changed in many ways and there's no going back. By the end of day five of the vampire dreams, a huge amount of information was coming to me from unknown sources. There was a great clarity of mind and soul. I knew who I was.

Ever since the ending of those dreams, I have been searching for more information, searching for others like me. It seems I am a vampire who is a natural at manipulating and working energy. I feed via energy. I crave blood, but I'm aware that craving is actually a craving for energy. Since this re-awakening, I have spotted others like me in public, but they have kept their distance. I felt we each knew of each other, but at that time, it was best to keep the distance. The feelings while around people are so different than before. I can't put into words all of the changes and experiences from the last week or so.

I am here because I wish to meet others like myself and converse with them. Hear about their experiences. I wish you all well.


Number of posts : 23
Location : NC, USA
Registration date : 2018-09-06

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Greetings from NC Empty Re: Greetings from NC

Post by A.Nightside 07.09.18 18:26

What about them made you recognize them as vampires, in your dreams?

You know Vampires aren't supernatural, right?

Number of posts : 523
Age : 34
Location : New Hampshire, US
Registration date : 2017-06-07

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Greetings from NC Empty Re: Greetings from NC

Post by A.Nightside 07.09.18 18:26

Sorry, i can be a bit blunt sometimes.
Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay and learn a lot while you're here (:

Number of posts : 523
Age : 34
Location : New Hampshire, US
Registration date : 2017-06-07

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Greetings from NC Empty Re: Greetings from NC

Post by MR84 07.09.18 20:12

A.Nightside wrote:What about them made you recognize them as vampires, in your dreams?

You know Vampires aren't supernatural, right?

They looked like normal people, but I "just knew" they were vampires. In the dreams around day three, I asked if they were vampires and they said yes. Normally I try to dismiss dreams as just my brain working out things, but these were rather odd. To top it off, I have been known to have prophetic dreams and visions, so, they may or may not have been more than "just dreams". Due to the events surrounding the dreams, I wonder now if they were actually people/vampires visiting me via dream for reasons unknown. The tests weren't physical in any way. I don't know what tests they did. I just felt I was being tested and they confirmed they were testing me. I still don't really know what to make of those dreams.


Number of posts : 23
Location : NC, USA
Registration date : 2018-09-06

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