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Post by Maxx 14.01.19 14:50

None of you here really know what the hell I do but in many cases, it is tied to consciousness and energy work.  Nothing I see really surprises me I thought.  But last night I had a new incident come up.

I have contact with many that have passed over after so-called death and we have conversations, etc.  One lady, I remember from the past, I  had not been in contact with for a while so when I would think of her I could not find her out in the universe.  I wondered.  etc.   We first met when she brought her daughter into my office after hearing a couple of radio interviews I did with the Vatican's exorcist at the time.  Malaki Martin.

Last night she came in lucid dream time and talked to me over a cell phone more plain than the phone I use today.  I had gone to focus 12 and was working there when I suddenly found myself in an open area in a Mall.  We had a great conversation and she told me to tell a lady that had lost her dog that it was fine and it will find it's way home with no problems.  When I first figured out who she was that was talking to me over the phone, I said that I now recognised the voice.  I asked where she was...?   Her reply....why, I'm at home.  You know where I am.  ha.  At the end of the conversation, I heard kind of half a sob of sorts so I asked what's wrong?  She said, she has to go now back to heaven...and she laughed.  She said I will be back in touch.  

Not strange that I had a conversation with her, but it is very strange that she called me over a phone to chat with me from the other side.

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posted under dream work Empty Re: posted under dream work

Post by Sinata 25.07.19 4:03

I have had that phone experience, for a few years after my father had "died"... he would randomly call me, and I would speak to him from different phones, even a payphone once... he would leave different numbers to dial him up, sometimes others would deliver them to me... An interesting part is that each number or extension only would last but for so long...

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posted under dream work Empty Re: posted under dream work

Post by A.Nightside 01.10.19 16:04

I should record my dreams. I don't remember them easily anymore.

Most of my dreams are lucid, at least I know they're dreams. Sometimes I have control, sometimes I don't, sometimes it's a bit of both at different times.

I recall a phone call recently (maybe in the last month or so), but nothing of the dream. I recall being frustrated, having trouble hearing and waking still frustrated.

I'm not sure if there was a particular sort of response you were hoping for, Maxx. Apologies as this probably isn't it.

As a side though (unless this entire post counts as a side lol), since you talking about dreams and entering the dreams of others, I regularly fall asleep wondering which, or how many dream "characters" aren't just dream people. I mean, I've always considered this, as I've shared dreams when I was really young, and other dream related experiences but I suppose someone visiting me, rather than me to them, wasn't a very strong consideration before.

It's fascinating to mull around.

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posted under dream work Empty Re: posted under dream work

Post by Maxx 01.10.19 16:29

In a very far fetched way one can find this connected to your comment.

It is on youtube.  A full-blown movie of 1:45 min in Portuguese.  With English subs.  If you watch closely you can see his mother returning....  and she is coming down to visit from a higher dimension. He cannot go there.  This should open some thoughts about the hierarchy of the spirit world from that one little scene.  

look for Astral City on Youtube...  A Movie.

I can see some things I learned while I was there last time and I had to smile.  I never knew where that ability came from before seeing this.

Also, after the above phone call happened, My father tried the same type of call several times one night but it was never fully connected. Not long ago I visited him in the kitchen in the home he is living now and waiting for my mom to come over. We had a long talk and he mentioned trying to call me on the astral cell Said he had been working on dimensional work and was not able to connect. No need. We can visit now at any time as he is becoming more accustomed to his new home and how to move around.

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posted under dream work Empty Re: posted under dream work

Post by A.Nightside 01.10.19 17:03

I will check those out. Right now/ASAP

Absolutely fascinating. I really do enjoy your posts, Maxx - when you're not coming off like an ornery donkey ^_^

Number of posts : 523
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posted under dream work Empty Re: posted under dream work

Post by Maxx 02.10.19 19:01

[quote="A.Nightside"]I will check those out. Right now/ASAP

Let me know your feedback when you watch that movie.

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posted under dream work Empty Re: posted under dream work

Post by A.Nightside 14.02.20 17:05

I forgot to come back to this.

I did watch it completely. It was interesting. Some bits I felt like arguing against other bits were just, I don't know, thought provoking.

It was a bit difficult to watch entirely though.. the whole subject of death, even in the context of an immortal soul or reincarnation or whatever tends to set off some pretty heavy anxiety for me.

I did watch it though. That very night. So sorry it took me so long to come back to this 😔

Number of posts : 523
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posted under dream work Empty Re: posted under dream work

Post by Maxx 14.02.20 19:58

Your entire balance is out of whack.  You need to work on grounding yourself and then watch it again.

Have you a new medication you have not gotten control of yet?  Your mind is out of sync.

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posted under dream work Empty Re: posted under dream work

Post by Maxx 14.02.20 20:22

A.Nightside wrote:
As a side though (unless this entire post counts as a side lol), since you talking about dreams and entering the dreams of others, I regularly fall asleep wondering which, or how many dream "characters" aren't just dream people. I mean, I've always considered this, as I've shared dreams when I was really young, and other dream related experiences but I suppose someone visiting me, rather than me to them, wasn't a very strong consideration before.

It's fascinating to mull around.
At this point in time, you should consider that you are not only in one dream event, you are also in parallel universes as well as also visiting some of your previous lives that you have experienced and all of these are now coming together in strange sequences.   Each cell in your body and there are many, holds a memory of all your previous lives which one can find in the DNA ..... as well as your Spiritual DNA.  So this is the reason for the nighttime questions you wake with.   You have not been trying to balance the Chakras or grounding yourself.

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posted under dream work Empty Re: posted under dream work

Post by A.Nightside 01.03.20 16:46

Honestly haven't had any questions. Just anxiety. Though for the two previous weeks I was constantly exhausted, but that's physical.

No new medication, btw. Not recently new anyway. It's been probably close to 6 months. Razz Does no good (big surprise).

Only question this morning is how a seemingly normal dream (the one I had last night) would become silly and super-hero-esque so quickly, but it seems a pretty simple answer. Dreams are symbolic afterall.

As far as balance, I haven't been any different lately. Though I've been engaging in less spiritual practices (meditations, workings, anything of the sort). Life, or at least big parts of my life, are sorting themselves out and becoming awesome. My job, my romantic partner, my home life. Just trying to make sure these positive things are stable and aren't going anywhere, next comes spirituality and recreational pleasures. There is one part of life that doesn't seem to be going quite the way I'd hoped, I'm not surprised but it's off-putting. I won't go into detail here but considering that all things are connected, so it's at least a sign that there's still something I haven't quite managed in this [retty puzzle of my life.

I'll revisit the movie when I have the opportunity see if anything comes more easily for me.

Interesting perspective on the dream people. I will consider it.

Thank you for your responses, Maxx.


Number of posts : 523
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posted under dream work Empty Re: posted under dream work

Post by Maxx 01.03.20 21:23

your uneasiness is the fact you are having to deal with karma through dreams.  Both here and previous lives.
Give it free rein and walk away from it and leave it.  You will find it a much lighter walk on your path.  Do not resist it and try to figure it out.  Just detach from it and let it go.  Things are picking up speed now.  There is no way to live in a constant calm.  The energy of the earth just registered 178 two days ago.   That is an all time high.

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posted under dream work Empty Re: posted under dream work

Post by Void 24.08.20 5:54

In my UPG, at least part of it related to dreams and visions, a human mind is large and complex computational machine with layers of subsystems, designed (or evolved) to act as middleman constantly receiving enormous amounts of sensory data on one end, then filtering it, compressing, interpreting and generating a kind of lean "virtual experience" of present reality for the sentience, consciousness that sits cushioned within that complex machine.
And those filtering and interpretation "subsystems" don't completely shutdown during sleep, or even during deep meditation, so if there is external data incoming, that data still pass through whatever layers of physical mind that are still awake for processing and that "experience" we are presented with, that dream or vision, while may be based or "extrapolated" from external data, will have layers of interpretations, with variable thickness. The machine mind takes creative liberties all the time, in attempt to fill gaps, and to generate fluid, coherent and sensible experience, whatever any specific mind deems to be "sensible", according to it's own design and conditioning. It's not negative by any means, dreams tends to be more fluid, more enjoyable, more sensible, with all that additional "chewing" machine-mind does on it.
In deep meditations, at least some type of those, I attempt to put as much of that machinery to sleep as I can while maintaining general focus and awareness as high as I can. While I don't think it's possible to switch anything completely, but it's possible to achieve level of minimal influence of the mind. In such state I start getting certain data closer to the original (or at least I believe so), at the expense of both fluidity and sensibility in that experience. That "middleman" start cutting corners, like "Hey, we got this, I don't know what it is, I have no reference, but here it is", and the experience gets very choppy, comes in packets, with gaps. So it's either fluid, comfortable, sensible experience (sensible to the physical computer of my mind), or choppy string of beads of data that makes little to no sense in the moment, which I then have to chew and digest later in my waking state. Well different states of the mind is not just 1 and 0, not just this or that, there can be hundreds degrees in between.
Where was I going with this..
[10 minutes of mental back-stepping later]
Oh, yeah, the phone calls in dreams, I get those often too. I see it as my minds attempt to interpret "long distance communication", like a mind got message that seemed or "felt" like long distance communication, and chose to present it, to introduce that data in to a dream or vision as something from it's "known reality", to present it in "familiar format".
I remember a while ago one egregore was trying to get my attention by keep sending me discord messages in dreams. And more recently I tried to do invocation (of the gentle kind). For a non-physical person I haven't seen for a while, and haven't heard from, and instead, in my not very deep meditation the next day, I just got a video call for her, saying "Yes, I'm fine, don't worry, I'm now in this and that place, busy with this and that, pursuing my own  goals. But I might drop by someday when I'm free."
Seems like people out there not always able/willing to just jump the distance and actually appear in person. But occasional phone calls are still nice.

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posted under dream work Empty Re: posted under dream work

Post by Maxx 24.08.20 7:58

Some are, some are not. In some they have a harder adjustment to make as many never worked with consciousness while they were here. My father was one.
No dif than personalities one would find living here and then moving back into the other side again.

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