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Post by riseinperfectlight 05.02.19 16:57

Hello everoyone,i wanted to share my story and seek help.Since when i was 14,something changed in me that day (i had a big fight with paretns that time) and i remeber running to cemeteary.Trying to keep story short as possible.So anyway after that day i never felt the same.Years passed and i always thought hey you're teenager,you are just imagining stuff,too much movies bud.Years went on on,i tried to supress whatever i felt,saw....i cant really explain my view of stuff tbh.After few years i got curios (since my parents are religious christians) i tried seeking knoweledge in that religion.Id stumble on few stuff id feel a bit related but still nothing even close to explaining my things.Few more years passed and i just kept ignoring it.Troughout my life i was able to see things others didnt,know stuff about ppl that even they didnt know at the certain time.JUst so hard to explain my thought process,wish i could just put someone in my head and see the world with my eyes.I never wanted to be any of this,never craved any of this and would much rather preffer average life over this.SO years went on on and one day,i swear to god i didnt search for stuff like this,i stumbled on asetka website...i to this day dont remeber how i got there.After just few pages,i just felt it.I cant explain it,everything made sense.From first to last letter i got to read.I cant even explain the feeling.Now i saw stuff (not read) saw supernatural stuff in front of me,even felt it on my own skin.Tbh i wasnt always opend minded about this stuff,i rember i used to joke about it a lot,till i felt it on my skin and watched things happend that you couldnt explain right before my eyes (more people were witnessess).And i just even after feeling relatablet o asetka i still pushed it away from me,thinking i was just imagining stuff.Till one day,i still cant explain it,felt i was awake.It felt like ltierally waking up,i was never the same after that.It was about a year ago,and few months ago i experienced some kind of advanced awakeinng.I could feel differently,see differently,i just cant explain it.With so little knoweledge of asetka i was able to do stuff with my energy.Best i can explain it is like driving a car,i can hit a pedal but i cant control the wheel.I cna feel it inside of me,i just cant concencrate it on specifi stuff.All i know is i can hurt people,make bad stuff happend if they do me wrong.It usually goes back bad to them in some kind of thing they did to me.Speaking atm as 22 almost 23 year old,i just had to share my stuff.Know this is poorly written,i have 10000 more things to say in specific detalis but it would take hours and hours to write,and i dont evne know if anyone is bothered enough to read this.I am back and it feels good to be back,hope im just not alone.


Number of posts : 4
Location : Montenegro
Registration date : 2019-01-05

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Post by Lynskha 05.02.19 19:23

Welcome. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Number of posts : 477
Age : 40
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Registration date : 2017-08-25

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.02.19 5:38

Ah, hello and welcome. I would say if you have some gift, honor and treasure it. Do not wish it away, even if it might not be possible, but appreciate its value. Look within and embrace who you absolutely and truly are. Asetian teachings do promote the exploration of true nature. Interesting story, as well. Have a nice time around. Very Happy

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Post by Lynskha 06.02.19 6:00

Now I can write better, since yesterday I was in the mobile. I would say you should observe yourself, like you described, many things changed, and there are many things our own mind create especially because of these new "things" we discover.
Try to develop a work in order to gain balance. There are many tools available, there are many systems. The most important, in my opinion is questioning and seeking.

Number of posts : 477
Age : 40
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2017-08-25

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Post by riseinperfectlight 06.02.19 15:02

Hello everyone and thank you for welcoming me.My english isnt so fluent so hope i can be understood.

Forgot to include this:Just recently after a while i browsed forum and read a thread that best way i can say started fire inside me.It was like i was burning inside.Reading those texts,seeing byoned those letters,i think that triggered next level of this in some kind of way or another.

I was sceptical about sharing this stuff,i never wanted to be labeled as wannabe,knowing how much time i spent denying stuff about me until it was so clear that even I couldnt stop pretending its not real anymore.
My biggest issue at the moment is i honestly dont know where to start.The more i learn even without reading any of asetian stuff just trough myself,every day its just mesmerizing.I remeber times where i was unaware,sleeping you can name it,life was much simpler.Seeing things this way,understanding it,its just too much for a mind to handle and need to be treated carefully in my opinion.
I was you can say in some kind awaken about a year ago,in a way i cant explain.For someone it might be a simple thing,for an eye that cant see above and trough that.Over a last year i mostly researched myself deep within,being honest with myself.Hardest journey ever.I connected all dots in my past and present so when i created big picture it all actually made sense.
A month ago something strange happened,something i never thought would be possible again.For years i was unable to feel things like love,that kind of affection was i dont know how to explain it,like i never actually had it.Many times i strugled to even understand myself,not to mention beyond that.Trough series of events caused by anonymous person who got trough me.Strangest stuff ever.It was not so obvious,but that person knew hot to trigger some stuff about me i never told anyone ever.Never met that person irl but,that person knew me better than i did myself.Due to my poor english i cant explain stuff deeper,nor translate my feelings and thought process,but that moment i will never forget.I was once again bless with everlasting love.Second i felt affection (not towards person,just feeling) It felt like i was above all this,above this wolrd,above all that exists.Best i can explain it its like being risen.I was just above all at that moment.It all mad sense,everything i doubted,everything i think i knew.Just incredible.Soon after that series of things happend like every time i did something about this part of my life.One thing i learned about this life that its always action>reaction.It is strange,some things i would long time ago just see and just go along,it all makes sense now.Connecting stuff etc. i can see big picture behind all.Behind every action i see reaction,i cant say i can see future like perfectly,id lie if i say that.BUt i can see what every action leads to.I can feel new things comming,strange things i will not be able to fully understand i fear before its too late.I denied myself a lot troughout this life,im not afraid to face it anymore.
If you made it this far than i thank you for your time and honestly appreciate it.Any suggestions on where to start would be great,i guess it is asetian bible,which i fear to get a real copy,i dont want this part of my life to be known to others.Is there any way to get pdf format or something?I am willing to pay money for it.
Best regards.


Number of posts : 4
Location : Montenegro
Registration date : 2019-01-05

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Post by Troublemaker 06.02.19 20:42

The PDF version of the Asetian Bible does not exist. I would be quite wary of any vendors trying to sell that too, since that would be illegal and a clear violation of copyright, not to mention disrespectful of the author. Be sure to obtain an official copy of the material if you choose to obtain it at all.

I'm not sure what your living situation is (nor are you required to share that private information) but I see from reading your post that you are almost 23. Live a little! Just my bit of advice - others will always be judging Asetianism, but that matters not. What matters is your passion and commitment toward growth. If threats are not posed toward your physical or mental safety in doing so, I would definitely obtain the Asetian Bible if you are so called to it. Many study this path silently and keep it more within their hearts than to the outside world.

You can find some excellent things here on the forum, but do remember to keep discernment in mind, as no official member will be commenting anywhere publicly.

If you're really anxious to get started in studying things, I can recommend the kabbalah and the tarot, as both are heavily explored in Asetianism. There are good traditional sources online, available for free, that explore these.


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Post by riseinperfectlight 08.02.19 14:54

I am having a nice life i can say,i do job i like.I work as personal trainer,i lift and feel/look good so im fine with my life.Its just its all not enough for me,want to explore this part of myself and world,if you can put it that way.
Thank you for recommending it,will definetly search it on internet and see what i can find.


Number of posts : 4
Location : Montenegro
Registration date : 2019-01-05

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