Sky Nut and Aphrodite

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Sky Nut and Aphrodite Empty Sky Nut and Aphrodite

Post by Maxx 14.02.19 17:13

*** Aphrodite ***

Just watching the historian Bettany Hughes, and her BBC documentary on Aphrodite. Yet she has no idea who Aphrodite is (she makes no mention of ISIS, for a start).

Worse than that, she says that Aphrodite was born in the Foam of the Sea (that is what her name means), without realizing the cosmic symbolism in her name (the majority of gods were cosmic). In reality, the 'foam of the sea' is the Milky Way in the heavens above. And so Aphrodite is simply a later incarnation of the goddess Nut - the goddess who arched her body across the nigh sky - the goddess who was the Milky Way.

This is the trouble with modern academia - they pontificate on the popular media, but the information they are giving is naive and misleading. I do wonder sometimes if they have any capacity for rational thought.


Nut is the Milky Way, arching across the sky.
Aphrodite is a later incarnation of Nut,
... born in the Foam of the Cosmic Sea
... the Milky Way.

Ralph Ellis

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Sky Nut and Aphrodite Empty Re: Sky Nut and Aphrodite

Post by Troublemaker 14.02.19 17:45

Interesting. Do you think it possible for Aphrodite to be a later interpretation of Hathor?

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Sky Nut and Aphrodite Empty Re: Sky Nut and Aphrodite

Post by Troublemaker 14.02.19 18:12

I see many similarities between Hathor (and her association with the Milky Way) and Aphrodite. But either way, it's definitely an interesting thing to think about.

I may have to hunt this documentary down now!

It's true, a lot of historians and academics seem to have poorly researched ideas. They are supposed to be leaders, in a sense, but push forward with misconceptions and all of that... all out of just believing what they're told.

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Sky Nut and Aphrodite Empty Re: Sky Nut and Aphrodite

Post by Maxx 14.02.19 21:09

along with the hijacked educational system you can include being bought out by the money that you only get if you present a narrative that goes along to get along. Example: Zahi Hawass.

I loved (the majority of the gods were cosmic).

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Sky Nut and Aphrodite Empty Re: Sky Nut and Aphrodite

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 15.02.19 8:49

Aphrodite relate to Venus?

Aphrodite and Hathor seem to have many similar attributes. But is Hathor ever related to Venus? Which reminds me, "The bright and shining morning star", Lucifer, connected to Venus. How do they interrelate, if at all, as they seem to have no apparent connection in mythology (?) yet relating to the same planet in our solar system in certain senses, but maybe misconstrued on the part of how Lucifer was designated as such? Interesting query.

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Sky Nut and Aphrodite Empty Re: Sky Nut and Aphrodite

Post by Maxx 15.02.19 10:46

Lucifer is a name that is entirely given by the Romans in their god creation so the connection is from their view. To find what is actually going on you will need to go back further than that to find out who Lucifer really is. Do not take that stuff at full face value and do not just accept it as written.

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Sky Nut and Aphrodite Empty Re: Sky Nut and Aphrodite

Post by Maxx 15.02.19 10:48

This is also why I just have to chuckle at all of the religious material that is churned out inferring these beings are real or gods or what actually took place in past planet history.

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Sky Nut and Aphrodite Empty Re: Sky Nut and Aphrodite

Post by Maxx 15.02.19 13:10

Well, I see that did not ring anybody's bell so maybe this might wake you up out of your slumber....

I will say that there is no historical fact in the bible crap other than "fake news" lol...  and people just accept this what if you looked at the biblical David as really being someone else that you could research and actually can find in history. (This is because there is no actual historical record ever found except that written by the Christian and Jewish writers to reinforce their fake narrative. Always when you see stories written on the latest archaeological find you will see it disappear and nothing else will be heard on it as far as living proof that it backs up the written bible). So if I told you that King David was actually Tuthmosis III from Egypt, that might open your eyes just a little to show you how you have been told silly myths all down through history.

This might also open up a whole new look at the historical Pharaoh line- up....don't you think?

What would this do to the Jewish storybook as well as the Christian storybook?

Actually, the Jewish leaders are well aware of this fact.
The same can be said in regard to factual details hidden away in the Bat Vat vault.  (or the Vatican).

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Sky Nut and Aphrodite Empty Re: Sky Nut and Aphrodite

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 15.02.19 13:19


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