3600 or 36000 year lifespan

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3600 or 36000 year lifespan Empty 3600 or 36000 year lifespan

Post by Maxx 28.04.19 11:24

Listen closely to what this is saying. A Being coming here from another planet which has a different 1 day period based on the revolving around the sun would have a much different lifespan than a human on this planet. Meaning an explanation of the so-called Gods that ruled over a longer lifespan..... explanation is around the 20 min. mark.

Could this be the reason some were thought of as Gods in ancient time in Egypt and before?


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3600 or 36000 year lifespan Empty Re: 3600 or 36000 year lifespan

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 28.04.19 11:43

Saving for later. Does this tie into the Annunaki? It mentions a "Mystery Planet".

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3600 or 36000 year lifespan Empty Re: 3600 or 36000 year lifespan

Post by Ramla-Meryt 28.04.19 12:47

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:Saving for later. Does this tie into the Annunaki? It mentions a "Mystery Planet".

Going off the 12th planet reference, I'd say yes. The mention of 'Nibiru' is a distinct giveaway in terms of the association. I had quite a bit of ancient alien theory literature a few years back as my partner at the time was a heavy believer. I never chucked it out but they are currently inaccessible. The lifespan thing is also quite interesting.


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3600 or 36000 year lifespan Empty Re: 3600 or 36000 year lifespan

Post by Maxx 28.04.19 13:49

see if you relate this to any of the Beings of the Aset Ka and ROS.

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3600 or 36000 year lifespan Empty Re: 3600 or 36000 year lifespan

Post by Lightseeker 29.04.19 3:52

Thanks for sharing that link, Maxx, it seems really interesting, I'll watch it this evening. Just a quick thought on this: The Bible itself states that for God, "1000 years is like a day". And according to Mormon and Rosicrucian tradition, time around the Central Sun and the Throne World(s) of God, such as Kolob, Ko-ko-beam or Zeist, passes much slower than it does on earth, making the residents of these planets almost immortal according to our standards.

I would also interpret the story of the biblical patriarchs in this direction: Did you ever notice that the first ones (such as Abraham and Noah) still become hundreds of years old and then the age span gradually declines? I would take this to mean that they originally came from one of the systems closer to the Godhead and as they adapted from generation to generation to the living conditions of our earth, their agespan became smaller due to the higher physical density of our planet.

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3600 or 36000 year lifespan Empty Re: 3600 or 36000 year lifespan

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 29.04.19 5:07

Maxx and Ramla-Meryt, I'm still in the gestation phase about this. Do you think this might hold significance to Atlantis and its initial leaders, not the later "priesthood" of black magicians who were ultimately cause to its destruction in a time of collapse, self-sought power and decadence, but the actual gods who helped the civilization of Atlantis evolve and become so highly technologized? Do you think that might also relate to the Sep Tepy? I am not trying to make a direct parallel between the Annunaki and gods of the Sep Tepy as well as Atlantis, however, as they might be distinctly different things, but that there might be certain correlations in those timeframes of history that are almost lost to humanity.

There are also references to the "Watchers" in the Old Testament and books that might have been canonically excluded. It's a very simplistic putting together of pieces, but could the Annunaki be the Watchers, or "Sons of God" (who became the "fallen angels") who went down to earth to commingle with human females and produce the race of giants also known as Nephilim that were seen as evil, or might they have been very separate things?

Just food for thought as I am still in the gestation phase as I mentioned about all of this. There certainly appears to have been many things going on in ancient history, that are nearly out of reach for understanding to this day and age. Just throwing this out here, not as facts or definitive information but as notes for further information, connection of pieces and contradictions of reproving.

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3600 or 36000 year lifespan Empty Re: 3600 or 36000 year lifespan

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 29.04.19 5:07

Lightseeker, interesting notion about a "Throne World" of God. Would you say that the universal Creator has a manifestation within the center of our galaxy? I just entertain it as an interesting notion but I never thought of God much in the terms of a localized being, either up in the sky or at another remote planet or starsystem or even center of the galaxy. To me God was always formless, supremely unmanifest, the highest, yet pervading throughout all of creation but it would make a little bit of sense if it had a more concentrated presence of manifestation within the center of the galaxy and other galaxies as well. However, in my opinion, that should not be mistaken with that it actually is where God resides absolutely; it is just a concentrated manifestation of its presence at a singular point for the supposedly natural order of the galaxy and other galaxies as well, as its means of sustaining worlds. Would you say the same?

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3600 or 36000 year lifespan Empty Re: 3600 or 36000 year lifespan

Post by Maxx 29.04.19 8:02

I will not post much detail to the above now as I am busy.  But one thing I HAVE to address.  I have posted over 3 times throughout the years here my statement there was no fall from the spirit realm.  NEVER.  The fall was strictly of mankind, not angelic.  I certainly do not expect you to rummage through my posts to verify that I posted this so the background details come from the ancient Chaldean translations.
The Chaldean Account of Geneses by George Smith
translated Oct.26, 1875

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3600 or 36000 year lifespan Empty Re: 3600 or 36000 year lifespan

Post by Maxx 01.05.19 10:56

you might care to ask the question...

if this is a dual universe, both before and after that SO-CALLED fall by the spirits, why was everything hunky dory 100% love, light, peace (as Ringo Starr projects, lol) without the evil, dark side, sin, etc, supposedly brought into this world when the good spirits fell and turned into demonic at that point and brought evil into the world as that Bible tries to teach?  And then a savior was needed to rescue the Christians from their original sin???

I might prefer to look more toward the overextension of the advanced consciousness powers that mankind had developed over a period of time and the use of those to misuse such, which brought about the downscale of mankind's development.  That destructive period was a time when Consciousness was used more than the physical body.  The downfall spoken of was the slide downward from primary consciousness use to a more physical type and where we are today.

This was the fall of man, not the fall of spirits or angelic Beings turned into demons. Sounds like an attempt to blame someone else for our own misdeeds and create a need for a Religion to serve a priesthood. lol.

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3600 or 36000 year lifespan Empty Re: 3600 or 36000 year lifespan

Post by Maxx 01.05.19 12:19

Here is an addition to this you can use in formulating a concept for this.

Last night it appears I was astral and walked into a room where the astral form of Bill Clinton was there waiting.  We sat and we spent a while in conversation but I will give you the big take away from this conversation for me.

Bill's statement was that
Truth is what a person believes about a subject and it is total truth to them, so the essence of all this is WHICH truth is the one they base their belief on?

He said each person has their own truth and that it has nothing to do with what is actually happening.  (I felt this meant there is so much going on behind the scene that the individual has no knowledge of but yet it certainly has a bearing on the outcome of that situation).

LOL.  I found this a thought-provoking meeting not only based on the above statements but from whom it came from.

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