Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Sinata Anika Asti
Divine 277
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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Daniel09 27.10.10 21:11

I do not think their essence would be able to be contained within a human body.

If they could, they would probably just mind their own business until Aset gives some kind of command to them. I imagine they would not fight for any side.

As for their awakening... absolutely no idea.

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Divine 277 28.10.10 2:47

Daniel09 wrote:I do not think their essence would be able to be contained within a human body.

If they could, they would probably just mind their own business until Aset gives some kind of command to them. I imagine they would not fight for any side.

As for their awakening... absolutely no idea.

Speculating :
hmm... well, If they could, then Aset could also.... and then we probably would have a new epic wars on our hands, if their human ( like the biological brain ) mind didn't go insane before that happens.

Well , I dont know, but that much knowledge, nature , law and force related stuff would probably overload the human brain they where incarnated in to.

under the awakening : They would probably be a bit confused, and probably think that they had some kind of insanity, if looked at it from a logical perspective ( like in human nature,law ) they will have grown up in a world where human rule, and the same rules dont apply to them, where they come from.
So it would have been quite a contradiction, to wake up in that way.

I think (If this is possible at all ) that I would have to go in a very small rate , since to much could probably cause brain malfunction and insanity, I could actually ( hypothetically ) cause brain strokes and hart failure...

( just some thoughts, on the subject )

Sincerely Divine 277

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by AndreiaLi 28.10.10 6:48

I think it could be possible if a big battle was near, and if Aset would that.

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by AndreiaLi 28.10.10 6:48

if Aset would want that* I meant.

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Kalb 28.10.10 13:34

Divine 277 wrote:
Stalker wrote:Nice post. Thank you.

Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Icon_sunny

I do no sure if you interpret well my words. "Nice Post" was not for you. Was for Victor, Jonathan and Aghrab.

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Divine 277 28.10.10 13:47

Yes I know ... I was agreeing Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 30.06.11 17:40

Greetings to everyone. I found this topic interesting because the Goetia was a key in me learning about Asetianism and led me to this forum.

In my introduction I had mentioned "So, why am I here??? Well, I have been contacted by an entity that insists he knows me very well...over the years...apparently I am supposed to figure out the pieces to this puzzle all by myself, give or take a few clues here and there... What I do know is that my soul if definitely not mortal... I have natural inclinations toward the occult and inborn abilities or skills that I did not have to study to attain in this lifetime... I am here on this forum to observe, share, and gain any knowledge that will lead me closer toward my true enlightenment..."

So, you are probably wondering how I got here from that...Without giving too much information, I always felt that I am a vampiric soul since being a child. I had many dreams involving this. As I stated a certain entity was always following me. I didn't get his name until a few days before the death of my father in March of 2005. I didn't get an accurate name for some time after because of his accent. I had mistakenly placed a consonant in front of his name. So I was searching for a "Demon" with the wrong spelling. Until, I said the name repeatedly and realized my mistake. Interestingly enough, that entity is vampiric, it is also mentioned in biblical text, thousands of years old.

Anyways, I think the Goetia has definite connections here because, there are 72 entities listed in that text. So you may be wondering where am I going with this? Well, it is written that Seth had a great feast to which he invited Osiris and the 72 conspirators.

That being said, let us look at the definition of a "Demon" from another angle, I pulled a quote from Wikipedia concerning this.

{Greco-Roman concepts of daemons that passed into Christian culture are discussed in the entry daemon, though it should be duly noted that the term referred only to a spiritual force, not a malevolent supernatural being. The Hellenistic "daemon" eventually came to include many Semitic and Near Eastern gods as evaluated by Christianity." - - Wikipedia}

I am intrigued by this and would like to hear all of your enlightened thoughts on this theoretical correlation I presented. Please excuse any grammatical errors you may encounter while reading this post. I have not slept in almost two days due to my job.


Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Natalia 01.07.11 10:11

Greetings, Sinata.

This encounter that you had with a supernatural entity was it after you practiced with the Goetia? If so, were you evoking or binding any specific daemon with Solomon's sigils?

In your connection of Goetia with the Osirian myth, are you implying that the 72 daemons of Solomon were under the control of Seth when he plotted to betray Osiris?

I am just trying to understand you in order to be able to help.


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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 03.07.11 1:56

Greetings Natalia,

Thank you for taking the time to respond. To answer your first question, I had never practiced with the Goetia. The entity had been around me before I was old enough to even know what that was.

To answer the second question, I am not implying that they were under his control. I was only mentioning a possible connection because I thought it an odd coincidence.

What are your thoughts on this?
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Natalia 03.07.11 12:38

It is in fact an interesting connection. I am unable to say if true as I don't hold enough information on such details.


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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by witchmark 08.03.12 7:32

On this subject, my question would be "what would be the need to invoke them?"

It would seem that if one were to attempt such a thing, then circumstances of ones own existence would have to be in dire straits. Then I think, one would attempt a direct link with the Goddess rather than with the seven scorpions.

It was an interesting question, I enjoyed reading this thread.


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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Maxx 25.06.19 11:37

possibly an allegorical description of similar description for consideration:

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle (Alice Bailey) - Daily Quote
22 hrs ·
The rays are the seven emanations from the "seven Spirits before the throne of God"; Their emanations come from the monadic level of awareness or from the second cosmic etheric plane. In a certain sense it could be said that these seven great and living Energies are in their totality the etheric vehicle of the planetary Logos. The evolutionary processes can equally well be stated to be those of eliminating the physical substance lying between the dense physical body and the astral sentient body, and substituting substance of the four highest planes, the four cosmic ethers. Physically speaking, it is this etheric substitution which enables a man successively to take the five initiations which make him a Master of the Wisdom.

The first initiation is purely the concern of the man's own soul, and the moment that that initiation has been taken, a measure of buddhic energy can enter and the process of transference of the higher ethers and their substitution for the lower can go forward. This, as you may well imagine, produces conflict; the personality etheric body rejects the incoming higher ether, and thus crises are produced in the initiate's life.

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Justin7 20.04.20 18:01

Hi, sorry to bother you...I'm not sure who to talk to, but I saw that you are a "master," here in the forum. I thought you could help me understand something.

I'm not really familiar with many things, but I there are many weird things happening to me, and I was never one to believe in other "forces" or "supernatural beings" until now. I don't want to sound crazy, but I have been seeing things, and experiencing things. I thought I was schizophrenic, but that was not the case. I don't mean to sound stupid, or be the odd one out here, but are witches, vampires really a thing?
I think I may be a witch, but I am not really sure how to feel, or even what to do. My grams used to talk to me about this stuff but I never listened, I always thought she was crazy. But not anymore.
I'm sorry for "replying," I know this has nothing to do with the topic, I just don't know who to go to, or where.

Let me know if you can help,

- Justin


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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Maxx 20.04.20 19:46

this Just in.....
I am so sorry to let you down with disappointment but that Master thing....It was misspelled.   You see, I am a Retsam here.  It is something like the Heyoka as I live on a Lakota Dakota Sioux Reservation.

As far as weird things happening to you, do not be overly concerned as it is something more than 70% of the population is experiencing.  The Earth is increasing in frequency and it is changing.  Therefore the thin veil between the physical and the spirit world is affording some of the Beings to cross over on certain times of the year. Completely normal.  As for Supernatural Beings.....we are tri-dimensional beings, ourselves,  and operate in many different dimensions all at the same time. Just in 7...Flash, think about that.  You and I are the SuperDuper Supernatural Beings.   Do not find fear in those other beings as they do not operate on a consistent basis because they can only use one or at most two modes of polarity at a time whereas you or I can flow between at least five. (If you know what to learn) We are more powerful than what you speak of.  You have been fooled to believe you and I have no power.  That is a misnomer.  A witch or a vampire can have power because first and to begin with, they come here and they have to operate as a human, to begin with.  That human element can learn and develop the same power that a witch or vampire can develop.  No exceptions.... So any witch or vampire you speak of is first and foremost a human. That is except for the Asetian Vampire.  Includes the Red Order.  They are born with a different element within the Soul that has developed over many ions of time.  But no one has ever seen one and knew it was them as they only move in from a higher dimension and are silent about what they do. Even the Red Order moves in and out from that other dimension. They do not draw attention to themselves at all.   Fascinating, isn't it?

Your Grams sounds like a wise lady.  Give her my regards.  

"Let me know if you can help".......

              Help what????

Quick story to give you some confidence....  You and I can go and visit those places that the Supernatural beings that are coming in to frighten you live.  Oh yes.  You can go to their domain and you talk about being afraid, they would be so afraid of you because you have come into their domain.  I have seen the effect first hand and heard some of those Voudon beings yelling how in the hell did he get here?  They were running from me.  The first time that happened you would be surprised how much confidence that gave me.  I thought that was so unbelievable.  But not a biggie....just know you can do it and turn the tables on them. Always remember. A Heyoka always rides his horse backward.
And walk out the door backwards and they will think you are saying hello.

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Maxx 21.04.20 18:05

Looks like Just in 7 was not that interested....

Oh well. I am riding off to see the Wizard...

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Maxx 26.04.20 13:19

Well, then. Looks like Justin7 may have been a complete fake. I dislike fakes, somewhat. But they do help balance things by showing you how far off the mark they are and help keep you in the middle of the road. So they are not a complete loss.

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Liamirishdrakolover 27.04.21 17:18

Capimao vovim chant this etc

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Liamirishdrakolover 27.04.21 17:19

And tell me how you feel when the sun goes down lol

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Liamirishdrakolover 27.04.21 17:25

Aegisgalmer spelt wrong a book by Michael Kelly fathnirs horde a astral working lol then ahhhhhhh enter the dragon.
My secret to share with want to be drakosx peace and love ladies and gents disclaimer alert you won't be human ever again and you can't go back so enter the void at your own beautiful ohh so curious risk.

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Liamirishdrakolover 27.04.21 17:26

APOTHIS by Michael kelly

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Liamirishdrakolover 27.04.21 17:28

My spiritual journey has been a long and dangerous left hand turn rally threw the spiritual multiverse all while signing on to get the giro haha any questions I got answers take care.

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Liamirishdrakolover 27.04.21 17:31

I just give formula to make a human being a real vampire lol haha so if there's any fakes they run out the door lol ha

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Liamirishdrakolover 27.04.21 17:36

After doing fathnirs hoard astral working you chant capimao vovim each night
Left hand Mantras
Xeper Xeper xeperu
Zazas Zazas nastenada zazas(open the gates of hell) fuck knows why anybody would do that but heh knock yourself outx
Can't remember the rest enjoy x


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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Liamirishdrakolover 27.04.21 17:38

I trust we are all grown ups here so enjoy

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Seven Scorpions and Goetia - Page 2 Empty Re: Seven Scorpions and Goetia

Post by Liamirishdrakolover 27.04.21 17:47

Rune yoga that is another journey worth taking if you want to become a real subzero viking element juggernaut do the postures chant the mantras to align frequency and and in no time the power of your choosen element will be in your hands. I am particularly advanced with laguz water rune Iwhich when developed gives you the power to make it rain (no shit) you also flow better in daily life also get a shower 🚿 see how it feels. To do with chakras too also with lagus you will become an adept lucid dreamer don't ask me how I shrug I'm just a viking born in the wrong time line. Ahh isa this rune and stadgalder posture will make you psychotic ego maniac but you will get stronger when in cold ice weather you will start to enjoy the cold you will also perceive the demonic entities or spirits that live in the cold. Etc so yeah rune yoga yea a cool 😎 journey but try to find a tribe first for some reason it works better in groups peace outx

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