She Returns!
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She Returns!
Hey, all!
Gosh, it's been forever and a day since I've logged in here.
Won't promise I'll be logging in regularly or more frequently, just yet.
What's been happening? Any highlights about the forum here? How have your lives been (don't get TOO personal or detailed, some things I DON'T want to know)? Got any questions for me, shoot!
If you don't know me yet, consider this a reintroduction ^_^ What do you want to know?
I am a 29 year old heterosexual/cis-gendered female.
I identify as/exist as a Pranic Vampire, Wolf Therian and Feline Clado-feline Therian (though plenty of fuddy duddies here will argue if these claims are fact, false or merely a personal perception).
I suppose I'm still relatively new here, though I was active for a while. I'm certainly still knew to Asetianism (please correct me if there is a better word). I do not claim to be an Asetian, nor Asetianist, myself.
I am spiritual, not religious. I view the world, and all things metaphysical with a Agnostic/Pagan-y but skeptical lens (Skeptical meaning to with-hold judgment until information for or against is presented, used in tune with Open-mindedness, or a willingness to accept new ideas, concepts, etc. Accept =/= believe or agree).
Gosh, it's been forever and a day since I've logged in here.
Won't promise I'll be logging in regularly or more frequently, just yet.
What's been happening? Any highlights about the forum here? How have your lives been (don't get TOO personal or detailed, some things I DON'T want to know)? Got any questions for me, shoot!
If you don't know me yet, consider this a reintroduction ^_^ What do you want to know?
I am a 29 year old heterosexual/cis-gendered female.
I identify as/exist as a Pranic Vampire, Wolf Therian and Feline Clado-feline Therian (though plenty of fuddy duddies here will argue if these claims are fact, false or merely a personal perception).
I suppose I'm still relatively new here, though I was active for a while. I'm certainly still knew to Asetianism (please correct me if there is a better word). I do not claim to be an Asetian, nor Asetianist, myself.
I am spiritual, not religious. I view the world, and all things metaphysical with a Agnostic/Pagan-y but skeptical lens (Skeptical meaning to with-hold judgment until information for or against is presented, used in tune with Open-mindedness, or a willingness to accept new ideas, concepts, etc. Accept =/= believe or agree).
Re: She Returns!
Hello there. Was wondering what happened to you.
Welcome back!
Welcome back!
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: She Returns!
Mostly just adulting. Physical life draining me, stealing my attentions.
Been feeling more of a pull lately to come back and visit my old haunts and communities, so here I am. Hoping that making a little bit of time, allows for more time and moving forward to where I want to be.
Been feeling more of a pull lately to come back and visit my old haunts and communities, so here I am. Hoping that making a little bit of time, allows for more time and moving forward to where I want to be.
Re: She Returns!
Welcome back! Was almost afraid Maxx chased you away and I was afraid I did too little to prevent his slanderings... Now that good old lad has left the forum, it appears... Lol...
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: She Returns!
MysticLightShinethForth wrote:Welcome back! Was almost afraid Maxx chased you away and I was afraid I did too little to prevent his slanderings... Now that good old lad has left the forum, it appears... Lol...
Maxx is still around just like Victor. They just participate less.
Maktub is the one missing for a longer period but even him sometimes pays a visit.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: She Returns!
Are you sure, Jonathan? It gave me the impression that he really left last time and we haven't heard from him since.
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: She Returns!
Sure? No as I haven't asked him, but it's a fair suspicion and I sense his energy at times, which I assumed could be related to him logging in.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: She Returns!
LOL nah, I'm stubborn. No one can chase me away. This forum is stuck with me, even if I'm not very active. I like it here ^_^
I've just been out of the communities lately, on hiatus. Spread too thin, life getting in the way.
But I can't stay away. I am what I am, I've met lots of great people and there's always more to learn. I can't just abandon it all.
I've just been out of the communities lately, on hiatus. Spread too thin, life getting in the way.
But I can't stay away. I am what I am, I've met lots of great people and there's always more to learn. I can't just abandon it all.
Re: She Returns!
You're always welcome here.
By the way, since you used to be more active than me when it comes to the OVC, are you by any chance familiar with one Vincent Irkalla? It seems that he is more active around role-playing groups and dress-up communities. Had no idea who he was but the guy came around the forum for a visit, trying to spread the word about some blog and mostly trying to promote Sabretooth and Father Sebastiaan which he idolizes as a living god. Completely insane stuff I tell you, I strongly feel that he is someone in need of medication and professional help. I was told that after that petty show he gave around here he went on Facebook claiming that we are the ones impersonating him, because he is just so damn famous you know? lol Just thought you might be aware of the individual from somewhere because he's known to make these kind of freak shows online creating all sorts of crazy stories.
In case you're curious, you can read the developments for yourself here:
By the way, since you used to be more active than me when it comes to the OVC, are you by any chance familiar with one Vincent Irkalla? It seems that he is more active around role-playing groups and dress-up communities. Had no idea who he was but the guy came around the forum for a visit, trying to spread the word about some blog and mostly trying to promote Sabretooth and Father Sebastiaan which he idolizes as a living god. Completely insane stuff I tell you, I strongly feel that he is someone in need of medication and professional help. I was told that after that petty show he gave around here he went on Facebook claiming that we are the ones impersonating him, because he is just so damn famous you know? lol Just thought you might be aware of the individual from somewhere because he's known to make these kind of freak shows online creating all sorts of crazy stories.
In case you're curious, you can read the developments for yourself here:
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: She Returns!
Jonathan wrote:You're always welcome here.
By the way, since you used to be more active than me when it comes to the OVC, are you by any chance familiar with one Vincent Irkalla? It seems that he is more active around role-playing groups and dress-up communities. Had no idea who he was but the guy came around the forum for a visit, trying to spread the word about some blog and mostly trying to promote Sabretooth and Father Sebastiaan which he idolizes as a living god. Completely insane stuff I tell you, I strongly feel that he is someone in need of medication and professional help. I was told that after that petty show he gave around here he went on Facebook claiming that we are the ones impersonating him, because he is just so damn famous you know? lol Just thought you might be aware of the individual from somewhere because he's known to make these kind of freak shows online creating all sorts of crazy stories.
In case you're curious, you can read the developments for yourself here:
I saw the thread. [Un]Fortunately, Sabretooth stuff and the Strigoi Vii was never something I got too deeply into. I have a digital copy of the Sanguinomicon (I might have a second hand copy physically), and I believe I am subscribed to his youtube (for reference and curiosity) but as far as I know he plagiarized many many people. Worked with some, then denied partnerships and tried to take sole credit (Sebastian, I mean). I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, I have nothing personal against him, but I don't go out of my way to benefit him or sing praises. I'm not very fond of the guy, and even in OVC circles he and his following, or at least his teachings, are considered a cult, or at least not something good. He's a fraud, and no vampire is legitimate to him, unless they purchase his fangs.
I have no idea who Vincent is, if he's relatively new in the OVC or just a lurker who's suddenly popped his head out. He certainly doesn't seem like one from any of my circles, at least not one that would have been allowed to stay long.
Re: She Returns!
Since G+ ended and FB has cracked down on using alternate names ("nightside" names), I'm really haven't been as involved or in the know. On top of that, my being away from everything hasn't helped
Re: She Returns!
If I recall accurately from an interview, and from his Sanguinomicon, Sebastian does not consider blood drinking vampires to be legitimate, that blood is symbolic. However, in other videos he's also spoken against energy feeders.
No one is real to him, except those that follow him. Vincent is wrong in claiming that his being "Sanguine", in any way makes him more legitimate in anyone else, even by his precious Founding Father.
Took a quick look at his blog,
Unless I'm misunderstanding what I'm reading, it's pretty funny how he suggests that it is "false" vampires who came out from VtM, considering the first Black Veil (and most recently his Tenants of Elorath) was written, along with Michelle Belanger, based off of VtM.
Strigoi Vii, The Sanguinarium, and a large part of what is now the OVC, no matter how separated they are now, as a pop/subculture, all began from the same origin.
He clearly doesn't know his history.
No one is real to him, except those that follow him. Vincent is wrong in claiming that his being "Sanguine", in any way makes him more legitimate in anyone else, even by his precious Founding Father.
Took a quick look at his blog, I have previously touched upon in another article, the coalescence of the vampire subculture was encouraged early on with the assistance of a tabletop role-playing game called Vampire: the Masquerade. Many of the self-professed “vampires” within the false “vampire” community came to identify as “vampires” only after inspiration from this game, an interesting spin on the fundamentalist Christian conspiracy theory that Dungeons & Dragons led players to devil worship.
Unless I'm misunderstanding what I'm reading, it's pretty funny how he suggests that it is "false" vampires who came out from VtM, considering the first Black Veil (and most recently his Tenants of Elorath) was written, along with Michelle Belanger, based off of VtM.
Strigoi Vii, The Sanguinarium, and a large part of what is now the OVC, no matter how separated they are now, as a pop/subculture, all began from the same origin.
He clearly doesn't know his history.
Re: She Returns!
Thanks for sharing your views. It sounds very much in line with my thoughts as well, especially the cases of plagiarism that are evident. Also observing how members of Strigoi Vii act publicly I can definitely see why people describe them as a cult. There are a lot of elements there with the signature of a brainwashed mindset and manipulative purposes.
That bit about forcing people to buy his fangs so they can be vampires is a massive red flag for Sebastiaan being a fraud.
That bit about forcing people to buy his fangs so they can be vampires is a massive red flag for Sebastiaan being a fraud.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: She Returns!
I've shared this before, but as far as the OVC, this is really all there is to know about how most feel about That Man
This gives a brief history (may be a bit outdated now) of the Black Veil
This gives a brief history (may be a bit outdated now) of the Black Veil
Re: She Returns!
Yeah, anyone who sings Todd's praises like that, and that of his "teachings" just comes off like a total whack job to me.
Most of the people I've come across claiming to follow the Strigoi Vii, or the ToS, all seem really extreme. and hyper focused on their own beliefs/what they've been told, rather than being at all open to anything else.
It's uncomfortable.
Most of the people I've come across claiming to follow the Strigoi Vii, or the ToS, all seem really extreme. and hyper focused on their own beliefs/what they've been told, rather than being at all open to anything else.
It's uncomfortable.
Re: She Returns!
Yes they just reflect a lot of limitations. For me as an Asetianist what you described about them represents everything that we can't be in this path. This is a tradition of internal liberation, there's no need to go around communities preaching their beliefs like for example this Vincent does. We learn from countless other paths and cultures that aren't Asetian and this is strongly recommended by the Aset Ka, not frowned upon. Those Strigoi Vii fanatics can only see themselves and everything else is fake and something that must be fought and destroyed. It's actually a pretty destructive mentality.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: She Returns!
What you say is quite true... Yet, ironically enough, it seems like Asetianists are always accused of being the brainwashed ones. Particularly when they confront any falsehood or lies... The ones spreading dishonesty or distortion are the ones accusing Asetianists, in those moments, of being simple-minded fanatics. I suppose that's a reflex of the ego and a prime example of mirroring.
Vincent Irkalla remains highly, intensely obsessed with Asetianism, the vast majority of his "culture" and "supreme society of enlightened vampires" stemming from the teachings of Luis Marques (though of course neither he nor any of the other deluded followers of Sebastiaan will ever admit this). Loyalty, love, ultimate unity in some kind of transcendent enlightened vampiric power... Violet ankhs (or should I say, the trashy looking modified ankh they use like a brand logo), and more. Most of it is quite blatant in its Asetian influence.
Of course, one can never logically expect a fake tradition founded on lies and plagiarism, drawing from real magick they do not and never will understand, to hold any real "Family". Things like loyalty actually take a high level of character and integrity, something that those who excuse lying and plagiarism for gain of fame will never be able to wield.
I heard that not long ago he came mentally unhinged and made a video on social media to lash out at and antagonize Asetianists, although it obviously fell flat because he holds no real power or relevance, only the ability to rant with crass language while desperately screaming for attention.
Most recently the whole VCN arena has seemed to lose even more relevance and intellectual coherence, with some of the more uncultured and egocentric minds freaking out and losing it over drama between Todd and that Logan South. I suppose people will do literally anything to feel like powerful vampires, including the process of starting dumpster fires online where personal attacks on things like appearance are prime material to make some kind of "relevant point". That place is so toxic and incredibly lame in its obsession with drama and two poser personalities that I am almost embarrassed to even know what has been going on over there. It is a ripe breeding ground for egos to flourish, Vincent included in that.
Vincent Irkalla remains highly, intensely obsessed with Asetianism, the vast majority of his "culture" and "supreme society of enlightened vampires" stemming from the teachings of Luis Marques (though of course neither he nor any of the other deluded followers of Sebastiaan will ever admit this). Loyalty, love, ultimate unity in some kind of transcendent enlightened vampiric power... Violet ankhs (or should I say, the trashy looking modified ankh they use like a brand logo), and more. Most of it is quite blatant in its Asetian influence.
Of course, one can never logically expect a fake tradition founded on lies and plagiarism, drawing from real magick they do not and never will understand, to hold any real "Family". Things like loyalty actually take a high level of character and integrity, something that those who excuse lying and plagiarism for gain of fame will never be able to wield.
I heard that not long ago he came mentally unhinged and made a video on social media to lash out at and antagonize Asetianists, although it obviously fell flat because he holds no real power or relevance, only the ability to rant with crass language while desperately screaming for attention.
Most recently the whole VCN arena has seemed to lose even more relevance and intellectual coherence, with some of the more uncultured and egocentric minds freaking out and losing it over drama between Todd and that Logan South. I suppose people will do literally anything to feel like powerful vampires, including the process of starting dumpster fires online where personal attacks on things like appearance are prime material to make some kind of "relevant point". That place is so toxic and incredibly lame in its obsession with drama and two poser personalities that I am almost embarrassed to even know what has been going on over there. It is a ripe breeding ground for egos to flourish, Vincent included in that.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: She Returns!
Forgot to mention, on the point of the original post: welcome back.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: She Returns!
Jonathan wrote:Sure? No as I haven't asked him, but it's a fair suspicion and I sense his energy at times, which I assumed could be related to him logging in.
Seems you were right!
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: She Returns!
Rhea Kaye wrote:What you say is quite true... Yet, ironically enough, it seems like Asetianists are always accused of being the brainwashed ones. Particularly when they confront any falsehood or lies... The ones spreading dishonesty or distortion are the ones accusing Asetianists, in those moments, of being simple-minded fanatics. I suppose that's a reflex of the ego and a prime example of mirroring.
Vincent Irkalla remains highly, intensely obsessed with Asetianism, the vast majority of his "culture" and "supreme society of enlightened vampires" stemming from the teachings of Luis Marques (though of course neither he nor any of the other deluded followers of Sebastiaan will ever admit this). Loyalty, love, ultimate unity in some kind of transcendent enlightened vampiric power... Violet ankhs (or should I say, the trashy looking modified ankh they use like a brand logo), and more. Most of it is quite blatant in its Asetian influence.
Of course, one can never logically expect a fake tradition founded on lies and plagiarism, drawing from real magick they do not and never will understand, to hold any real "Family". Things like loyalty actually take a high level of character and integrity, something that those who excuse lying and plagiarism for gain of fame will never be able to wield.
I heard that not long ago he came mentally unhinged and made a video on social media to lash out at and antagonize Asetianists, although it obviously fell flat because he holds no real power or relevance, only the ability to rant with crass language while desperately screaming for attention.
Most recently the whole VCN arena has seemed to lose even more relevance and intellectual coherence, with some of the more uncultured and egocentric minds freaking out and losing it over drama between Todd and that Logan South. I suppose people will do literally anything to feel like powerful vampires, including the process of starting dumpster fires online where personal attacks on things like appearance are prime material to make some kind of "relevant point". That place is so toxic and incredibly lame in its obsession with drama and two poser personalities that I am almost embarrassed to even know what has been going on over there. It is a ripe breeding ground for egos to flourish, Vincent included in that.
Great analysis and observation. I've been thinking alongst similar lines as in the top paragraph although not so elaborate but it makes perfect sense. Interesting psychology and interdynamic relationship based on such details. Wished I could add more, but I don't have so many thoughts about it at the moment.
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: She Returns!
I've been pretty removed from the "VCN", as with everything online, and spiritual.
I think it was going down hill before I lost touch. I'm a little anxious to see how much farther it's all fallen =(
I think it was going down hill before I lost touch. I'm a little anxious to see how much farther it's all fallen =(
Re: She Returns!
A.Nightside wrote:I've been pretty removed from the "VCN", as with everything online, and spiritual.
I think it was going down hill before I lost touch. I'm a little anxious to see how much farther it's all fallen =(
The same cyclical dips and peaks.
Ramla-Meryt- Insider
- Number of posts : 199
Location : Between the sacred and the profane.
Registration date : 2018-03-19
Re: She Returns!
Ramla-Meryt wrote:A.Nightside wrote:I've been pretty removed from the "VCN", as with everything online, and spiritual.
I think it was going down hill before I lost touch. I'm a little anxious to see how much farther it's all fallen =(
The same cyclical dips and peaks.
Yeah. I still take a peak sometimes..
Looks like a lot of drama lately at least in the "GVC" corners..
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