Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by Maxx 06.03.20 22:28

Most of you will not even be able to comprehend this and it is on a level of 3 hours.
It is very deep but is one of the most profound things out there.  It even confirms some of the things I have posted here.   

For Mystic, you will want to spend time with this as it is on Rudolf Steiner.

For Naoom, here you find some of the content regarding the portals we talked about in Egypt.  It even has some of the same content from the Arcturians I directed you towards.  It confirms that as probably those two know nothing of the Arcturians.

All in all, if you want to spend time with watching over and over, this will attach to your subconscious and you will have the recall when the time comes.  It even speaks of what I had written some others about regarding what is stored in every cell of our body all the memory of all the prior involvement we have had over all of our incarnations.  I love the part of the astrological section about the different beings and dimensions on the other planets I have visited and written about.  A great video.  It just finished tonight.  Spend some time with it.  It is a gem.

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by Maxx 06.03.20 22:33

well, when I checked out the copy of the video, they had great problems getting this up and started an hour late.  So the above copy misses out on the first hour.  It is completely wiped out.  sorry.  but the last two hours have many things to glean.  I suppose there was a reason the universe did not want that section sent out.  lol.  for sure.

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by Naoom 07.03.20 1:35

wow... so many interesting things in this video, and all of it connects neatly to what I have been studying recently and so this probably will be quite useful. I'll get on to watching it now, that sounds like a fun way to start off the weekend hehe. Thanks for sharing Maxx Smile

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by Naoom 07.03.20 4:34

After watching halfway through, I remembered the book I told you about called "The Double" which talks about the higher self and how it works in relation to time. At one point he talks about Ahriman, and how exchanging information with the future could work two ways. One would be according to our higher selves and True Will, and the other according to Ahriman and those who want to bring the world to a fully materialistic state which would be a way to avoid evolving through our own energy and Self, but through technology instead. I was wondering why he would leave a reference like that in a book whose goal is to explain it all through science and math, which was confusing, as well as talking about the zodiac in the other parts. Now it all makes sense, that book is an occult book in reality, but the author realizes that there is no difference between occultism and true science. That also connects to the Age we are moving into, which was also discussed in the video. Very fascinating stuff!

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by Maxx 07.03.20 6:29

Yes, if you check your sublet body right now, it actually feels heavier instead of lighter.  This fact is the materialist side trying to be the primary influence and slow down your transformation.  Mentally construct your selected environment.

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by Maxx 07.03.20 10:25

subtle is the correct spelling.   My typo error above.

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 07.03.20 10:58

Listening right now. Just noticed I had paused the video on 32:32. Wonder what this synchronicity might mean. I see them often, these synchronicities, but different numbers. Mostly the number 33.

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by Maxx 07.03.20 11:20

it has its own meaning for you personally.

for myself, anytime I see numbers come up in any combination that draws my attention, I use it to connect my mental focus on Beings I am attached to on the other side that have an interest in working, helping, guiding, directing, healing, protecting, etc me in any way.  Many times a day it brings my focus back in line with them.  This is how that side is becoming more real in many ways to me over and above the physical.

But that is just my own personal way of using it.

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 07.03.20 11:37

Makes sense because that meaningful connection in regards to what the numbers might mean to you can be a synchronicity that your very own spirit guides and helpers lead you towards or make you notice, so the key to its meaning is relational to one's own work and cooperation with them - or that key being within that context - one might say, in addition to being of a personal meaning but, rather, more accurately interpersonal to these beings and yourself, perhaps?

54 minutes into the video right now. This is great material, I've also subscribed to the YouTube channel (of the "Dark Journalist").

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by Maxx 07.03.20 11:49

his is a great mind with fantastic recall with the occult historical background.  he comes up with many photos I have never seen before on some of his subjects.  a good show......if I could only get him to stop running his hand through his hair all the time...   lol.   funny habit.

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 09.03.20 15:35

Ok, I've had time to look through most of it now - there are only about 54 minutes left of the video for me to finish watching. However, I'd like to note before I forget it - and I'll finish watching it in a bit - that this reminds me of the immense spiritual technology available to us in this time. With a frequency shift of the planet and the whole of humanity, whether consciously or unconsciously, or whether clinging on to the past or bravely entering the new, the consciousness of humanity is uplifted and spiritual technologies become accessible, therefore, that weren't previously so easy to reach or even to acknowledge, in the first place. This might be partially resultant an outcome of the mystery schools, as well, that they bring up and talk about in the video, and the other part being the very frequency shift of the planet itself. It seems that due to the latter point, foremostly, humanity would be ready to receive the knowledge of these esoteric matters released by the mystery schools to the public, however that is only to a very certain and limited - but yet deemed as a necessary and useful - extent of all the knowledge that they contained themselves but which humanity isn't ready for yet, as it appears, of course, but that being, then, for the relatively more awakened individuals in humanity - which would be a significantly larger number in this day and age - to puzzle together various pieces of the puzzle and activate internal spiritual technologies themselves by those tools which would be easier to use now during a mass-awakening of humanity and to then further that awakening process, individually as well as collectively.

(The word "relatively" was used when discussing more awakened people, in regards to them being able to use and decode these tools that were given to us by the release of knowledge and information to the masses by the mystery schools, as there are always higher degrees of awakening and more awareness to conquer beyond this maze of reality - but which has to be done in a balanced approach of spiritual unfoldment and physical development at the same time as the so-called inaction of meditation and awareness should be balanced with and taken out into the concrete, specific and physical actions of a particular calling or higher purpose - and the first onset of spiritual awakening being merely a wakeup from slumber. But, then one has to start their day and take up the so-called journey - if you can call it that but which can also be a kind of misconception concerning the spiritual reality, which just IS and one doesn't arrive at it like walking foot by foot from one place to another place, but rather realize it with deeper and deeper experiential insight into it here and now (and the here and now is the only place we have got to truly make a difference and act, making it the most relevant place to make a true spiritual effort and not to postpone it or delay, if one wishes to be truly successful and ride the tides of consciousness through the waves of existence, and not missing the subtle signals of it that leads one into greater spiritual growth); so it is only a journey in retrospect to the level of the mind but which reality has always been there underlying the mind or its thoughts and illusions. It is a matter of deeper investigation into reality, beyond sleep, or beyond the preconeived notions of a stuck and fixed, inflexible physical reality of a mundane world called as "reality" but which is merely a matrix of psychological illusion superimposed and unconsciously projected unto the reality of things from an erroneously apperceived idea of physical concreteness stemming from an experience of the world merely through the five senses. But more people, then, however, realize and wake up to the fact that it is indeed a false construct in their mundanely indoctrinated minds; an insight or realization which constitutes part and parcel of the very awakening process itself as the reality is far more multi-dimensional and many times unthought of in regards to its spiritual implications or esoteric dimensions of life.)

Indeed, spiritual technologies are available through persistent and ongoing self-awareness deepening in its intensity of self-discovery, meditation and dwelling into higher frequencies as the shift occurs. Spiritual technologies, I believe, work in the domain of inward, pure or higher consciousness foremostly as well as energy and aren't easily accessible by dishonest hands or low frequency people as the subtle code doesn't yield to the futile attempts of minds stuck in lower-vibrational thinking (or even gets thought of by them in the first place anyways, or at least not for the most part) but only by raising the edifice of our vibration upon the cornerstones of solid spiritual verities and principles can we activate those technologies that are albeit very subtle but transformational to ourselves and the world.

However this also makes me theorize about a kind of battle at the end of time, recounted in various scriptures and tales of old traditions, where we might merely be in the beginning of stepping into that, although its significance is entirerly spiritual, for the most part, or esoteric in nature, in similitude to what various outlines in the video discusses about an apocalypse - that is, a revelation, as is the true meaning of the word. However it might, indeed, carry destructive implications merely due to the nature of what is revealed and the epic proportions of the reactions to that, whether it be a very seemingly chaotic dissolution of the old ego structure of the previous age on a then collective scale, reflecting in societal structures undergoing dramatic changes or resisting overwhelming pressures to change - which change would be out of necessity, but they'd be too stubborn in their old paradigms and systems of rigidified thought to at all want to change - which will inevitably, and quite hopefully, I'd say, for the benefit of humanity's true potential to unfold, lead to their collapse and imminent downfall as ongoing tides washes over them and eventually overwhelms them. Or it is that some of these things, as described about the old paradigms and systems, take on the manifestation of a type of incarnation, like that of Ahriman which Rudolf Steiner talks about - whether it be a figure as a physicalized person taking on leadership roles and imposing some tyranny around over the world, or whatever it might be; or a kind of cyborg agenda that they speculated about in the video which would be to so-called update humanity with technological implants and all these new technologies, like AI and genetic engineering, that we have invented under the overarching paradigm and schools of scientific materialism, that would all embody Ahrimanic influences in one way or another, to use Rudolf Steiner's terminology, then.

Here's a relevant video for that subject of technological development, by the way, as was also touched upon by another thread here mentioning the technological singularity in its title (but which thread went on under a more fictional approach which sadly detracted from the value of the subject itself in its reality):

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by Maxx 09.03.20 17:47

Believe it or not, I read All of your above posting.

Let me add somewhat to your uneasiness regarding your transition.  You have billions and billions of cells within your body.  EACH one of them carry your entire history of all your lives spent on this planet as well as other planets in all of your incarnations.  They have your stored memories and summary of your soul advancement.  If your intention is to advance and continue into the higher realms then all of this memory bank is there to help that advancement into the 4th and the 5th transition.  Desire is the utmost tool.  You will find that within yourself.  Your negative traits you will try to discard while increasing the intensity of the positive ones. The plan is that you will not be able to transition while taking your negative traits into the higher realm.  You will have to discard all those.  (remember the weighing of the soul or being against the feather in Egypt).  You actually have your history built into your being to help you with the transition.  There are Beings in higher realms that are helping you to increase your vibrations by leading you to the correct pathways.  What you do not feel you have in lessons needed, you might find that one day you wake up and suddenly are aware of an added feature needed that is JUST there.  So do not worry yourself over what you feel you are lacking.  Just make sure your intent is there.

Believe it or not, there are those here that will prefer and do prefer to stay in the 3D realm and not go higher.  Many will be destroyed while a few will survive.  There are some from a higher realm that have decided to return and help those that survive after the big shift.  I certainly feel those left here will change their minds as even the planet will shift to a higher frequency.  Those that are left after the complete shift will have the attitude of connecting to the personality of the more denser Being mentioned on that video.  Remember this is necessary as we were set up in the dual creation here.

But I will try and view the video you furnished tonight or tomorrow as I have had a busy, busy day.  Time is picking up all the time and becoming faster.  lol

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 10.03.20 5:14


Good points, though, I think. Although I'm not sure about the idea of the whole earth shifting away from a physical reality, but much rather that the consciousness of it changes, anchored to the physical reality, and making it easier to shape and mould the physical in that way, as manifestation will be easier to do and accomplish, and so forth. We've often heard and seen the idea discussed, for instance, that to manifest in the physical reality requires more time than in the astral, as the manifestation process has to trickle down from that realm of the astral to more denser realms, i.e. the physical, which might ordinarily take some time. But that now, then, becomes much easier to accomplish given that the consciousness changes and abides in a higher dimension which would give greater creational powers of manifestation here, for one example, and speeding up that process, because there's a greater link or connection to the higher realms which will make the trickling down process of manifestation from the astral to the physical face far less resistance. You can yet live in the physical world whilst your consciousness moves on to a 5th-dimensional plane, I believe, and incorporate that into the World of Action, if I'm using correct terminology - that's a Kabbalistic reference although I haven't studied much of Kabbalah sufficiently enough yet. Great reference about the weighing of the heart ceremony, too; I think there's deep significance in that, which is albeit quite simple to understand but too often overlooked.

Also, he's a great scholar, in my view.

(And, oh, now that I reread your post I see that there was no necessary implication that we'd be leaving the physical reality entirerly but just that it shifts from 3D to 5D. However, I'll keep this reply just for reference and discussion anyways...)

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.03.20 5:48

Finished watching already one or two days ago.

Here's a link to a lecture by Rudolf Steiner discussing the Eight Sphere, titled "The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth Century: Lecture Five":

Maxx, did you watch the other video?

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by Maxx 12.03.20 8:42

I have not had 15 mins. much less 45 mins.  My son sends me stuff he wants me to watch NOW.  I do not even have time to watch that either.  It is in the back of my mind to watch it and was waiting til I had time to see it before I answered.  I have been with all kinds of work......will get to it maybe over the weekend.

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.03.20 9:09

Very well, take your time. Razz

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 19.03.20 4:33

Do you think Lucifer is more of a feminine force? Ahriman might of course then be a masculine force, whilst the Christ, that Rudolf Steiner often talked about as a balancing force between Lucifer and Ahriman, would be balanced. It is to say that Rudolf Steiner often discussed Ahriman being a very materialistic force that tried to pull man towards an earthly state of a very material existence whilst Lucifer did the opposite and pulled man far too much into spirit without physical balance and so the Christ was a balancing principle thereinbetween according to him. This proposition that I bring makes certain sense in this context because according to me the feminine is far more spiritual than the masculine and the masculine is far more physical than the feminine and so might correspond with Lucifer and Ahriman. The thing is that when I look at Lucifer I don't just see a masculine force as is commonly portrayed but actually more of a feminine force instead. Maybe it has something to do with Venus, that was called as the morningstar, which is another epithet for Lucifer at least in the Roman Catholic tradition, from their past of translating the Bible? And, when I look at Ahriman I see a masculine force for sure. But when I look at the Christ I see a balanced force of unified opposites. It carries both the grace of masculinity but also of femininity in a very strong balance whilst being reconciled from going to either extremes, as in the case of Lucifer or Ahriman when standing alone. I might be wrong here but that's just my perception or the feeling I got. Was wondering upon this, why there was no feminine figure in this "triad", as it were, but then I came to think of this which makes certain sense to me although those forces would be polarized and balanced strictly within male archetypes which sounds rather strange, unless they're all of some particular sexual orientantion. Lol.

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Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere Empty Re: Rudolf Steiner & New Jupiter VS Ahriman and the Eighth Sphere

Post by adrenochrome_rush 15.09.22 10:08

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:Do you think Lucifer is more of a feminine force? Ahriman might of course then be a masculine force, whilst the Christ, that Rudolf Steiner often talked about as a balancing force between Lucifer and Ahriman, would be balanced. It is to say that Rudolf Steiner often discussed Ahriman being a very materialistic force that tried to pull man towards an earthly state of a very material existence whilst Lucifer did the opposite and pulled man far too much into spirit without physical balance and so the Christ was a balancing principle thereinbetween according to him. This proposition that I bring makes certain sense in this context because according to me the feminine is far more spiritual than the masculine and the masculine is far more physical than the feminine and so might correspond with Lucifer and Ahriman. The thing is that when I look at Lucifer I don't just see a masculine force as is commonly portrayed but actually more of a feminine force instead. Maybe it has something to do with Venus, that was called as the morningstar, which is another epithet for Lucifer at least in the Roman Catholic tradition, from their past of translating the Bible? And, when I look at Ahriman I see a masculine force for sure. But when I look at the Christ I see a balanced force of unified opposites. It carries both the grace of masculinity but also of femininity in a very strong balance whilst being reconciled from going to either extremes, as in the case of Lucifer or Ahriman when standing alone. I might be wrong here but that's just my perception or the feeling I got. Was wondering upon this, why there was no feminine figure in this "triad", as it were, but then I came to think of this which makes certain sense to me although those forces would be polarized and balanced strictly within male archetypes which sounds rather strange, unless they're all of some particular sexual orientantion. Lol.

My experience with powerful demons is they make me feel like I am astrally in their world. They will pull you in. e.g., took part in an exorcism w/ leviathan. I felt like I was growing in the deep, dark ocean. Personally, Lucifer wouldn't have an interest in me. I have no experience with this...however, I see many popular musicians who've clearly had a vision of the fall of Lucifer. They sing about it and it's in their artwork. To me it's a sign they've been in contact with Lucifer.
So based on this I see a male energy, interested in media and popular music.

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