Why I am REALLY Here

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Why I am REALLY Here  Empty Why I am REALLY Here

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 15:13

Em Hotep.

I am here firstly to learn, that’s why I took two years studying and learning from the site and off of the site to finally post something relevant.

Secondly, I am here to share what I find. Aren’t we all? Youtube videos or High Magick, poems or spells.. there are places in the forum for it all..

So I am not responding to criticisms or praises. I will only respond to serious discussions from now on as my time and mental energy is wasted on the pursuit of lower endeavors.


Number of posts : 77
Location : Springfield, Missouri
Registration date : 2017-09-14

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Why I am REALLY Here  Empty Re: Why I am REALLY Here

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 15:14

So far I have learned a lot about myself in a group setting like a forum and the forum members around me.


Number of posts : 77
Location : Springfield, Missouri
Registration date : 2017-09-14

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Why I am REALLY Here  Empty Re: Why I am REALLY Here

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 15:14

My mistake on the last comment, I clicked the size button on accident.


Number of posts : 77
Location : Springfield, Missouri
Registration date : 2017-09-14

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Why I am REALLY Here  Empty Re: Why I am REALLY Here

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 15:18

Admins, sorry for the flood. But I don’t know why the font keeps going small. I will not write white anymore but Gray. Sorry for the darkness.


Number of posts : 77
Location : Springfield, Missouri
Registration date : 2017-09-14

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Why I am REALLY Here  Empty Re: Why I am REALLY Here

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