A Revelation

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A Revelation Empty A Revelation

Post by Maxx 16.04.20 15:56

It just dawned on me what is going on here. With all the nutcakes and cracker jacks showing up here and purposely demonstrating to draw attention, I suddenly realized what the cause is. Also, you can be certain more demonstrations are on the way because this is seen all over the internet. More want to join the show when they see how they can get away with it.

It is Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. It is going on right now and there will be issues all through this year with other alignments. All kinds of protests galore, screaming, and demonstrations (to draw attention).

With the increase in the frequency of the planet, everyone is feeling the higher vibrations and the fact of being unbalanced at the time only increases the outward display. You are seeing people turn crazy right before your eyes. So no need to wonder what is going on, it all will be here for a little before the big shebang.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Naoom 16.04.20 16:02

I was thinking of that last part as well these past days, that's a funny coincidence. Maybe we are moving into a higher dimension as we are speaking right now, and the ones who refuse or are unable to adjust to all this are showing all the craziness you talked about haha. I think it isn't random that a lot of people have been having these strange experiences lately, and it all seems to have sped up by a lot lately.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Naoom 16.04.20 16:08

This change definitely seems to be bringing the true side of people to the surface, and amplify energy wherever it goes through, whether or not that'll be destructive or creative depends on the vessel or person it comes in contact with entirely, as it clearly doesn't make distinctions of good or evil.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Naoom 16.04.20 16:19

I remember when I first learned about this from my past mentor who was teaching me Orgonomy. He said it had just started a few years ago, or has entered that final stage, and he claimed that the three different parallel realities of time will become more interconnected than ever, which will allow for the information to pass so easily that everyone will have access to it whether they are aware of it or not. He claimed that it all was connected to the levels of human consciousness, and how older souls are coming back around this time in order to experience that and guide others. I don't know much from experience about this, but there are a lot of things which all seem to be leading to that same thing spiritually, so I think it is important to gain information about it from different sources as they all seem to have something different to offer and their unique perspective. The fact that a lot of different people around the world are reporting such similar experiences makes this even more fascinating and dare I say, objective. Just my two cents Very Happy

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Maxx 16.04.20 16:38

I am watching people all over the internet coming forth asking if anyone else is having issues with high pitched sounds in the ears....others saying they are having anger problems...and the main item is many are saying they are having strange dreams and it is like the past is coming back in strange ways to make them become involved with remembering again.....  this is what I am saying previously here that people are experiencing dealing with karma from this life as well as some previous lives as you cannot take these attitudes and unbalanced things into the higher dimension where some are moving into.

Many are choosing to leave (die) now and not have to go through it.  The higher-self deals with the exit option that has already been chosen before being born.

Others are refusing to deal with it and do not want to leave the 3D world.  Many will die because they are just utterly stupid.  But everyone has a choice.  But watch and see all the anger that will show up in different people.  lol.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Troublemaker 16.04.20 17:08

Now no one can ever say that Maxx isn't a nice guy. He is even being kind enough to give the recent idiots a side door for escape.  Very Happy

Concerning the energy shifts, I can definitely feel it.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Maxx 16.04.20 18:51

That is funny. I never made the post even considering anything like that. Besides, no one is going to take advantage of it anyway as the ones I reflect that way will not see it affecting them at all.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Maxx 16.04.20 18:52

But I am a different person than what is exhibited here. Completely.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Maxx 16.04.20 18:54

Ha. Every person is a different person than what is shown over the keyboard. You would be surprised if you were to meet the people you talk to over the keyboard and have never seen or met....ever. Many would not even have the guts to show themselves or meet at all.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Maxx 16.04.20 19:35

I recall I hosted a gathering of about 25 members of the TOV in my home that attended from all over.  There were probably 2 that were reasonably responsible individuals with the rest completely problematic with their lifestyle, mental health, lack of self-support or just general screw-ups. I even had to drive to Chicago and pick up one as he was unable to cover the travel cost.  This is why I have had my personal thoughts about people coming in the door here with their big talk of vampire and magic blend.  I know first hand what most of these yokels really are.  ha.  Complete fakes.

Ok.  Enough revelations.  ha.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Maxx 16.04.20 19:49

Rhea Kay or Mystic, I would be interested to hear if you have ever attended any gathering of a magical or otherkin group and what might the experience produced for your assessment of your fellow attendees????

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.04.20 3:07

Never been in any real life occult context or otherkin gathering, apart from my solitary practices. Maybe that's both fortunate and unfortunate. I had the hunch that I should join some organization a while back, though, but maybe it's better to follow a solitary path? The choices and alternatives for different organizations appear rather limited in either way. Not much of it truly speaks to me.

About the other topic at hand in this thread, however, I've heard it reported from so many different places, so many different angles, so many different independent sources - all under their different and unique perspectives and interpretations of what is going on - that indeed there's a great shift ongoing, that it's simply undeniable, not to count one's own verification of that experience that started mostly all since 2012 and has since then been gradually ongoing and rising in climax. Even if it's in a subtle way and one doesn't easily recognize it without proper reflection but there's certainly something major that has been going on ever since and rising in climax all over the planet. We'll never go back to the same old ways again, is my strong supposition; everything is about to change. But that merely echoes what many others have said.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Naoom 17.04.20 4:24

Something funny I noticed. Someone has been reporting Maxx's and Rhea's posts here, which further proves your points Razz

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Maxx 17.04.20 7:12

not following that completely. reporting to whom in what way? lol.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Naoom 17.04.20 7:15

Oh, it is the exclamation mark next to the quote button, I think it is glowing white because those messages were reported.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Maxx 17.04.20 7:23

anyway. not an issue. Everyone here knows Heruset is still here and is still posting. There is no question about that now. No big thing. His effort is continuing to destroy and compromise. He leaves evidence with every post he makes. Rhea Kay will have him for lunch if he is not careful. lol

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Naoom 17.04.20 7:28

He just keeps digging holes for himself, and lol, agreed. I don't think he can see how subtle Rhea deals with him, he always falls in for the bait Razz

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Maxx 17.04.20 7:32

when he copies everything he posts he leaves the same mark as his computer when he posted as Heruset. He is too damn dumb to understand that I guess.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Naoom 17.04.20 7:36

Energy doesn't lie

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Troublemaker 17.04.20 7:46

Ha. Well I could go for some nice lunch. I will need a lot of barbecue sauce to cover up the bad taste.  Very Happy

I agree wholeheartedly about what you mention of the in person meetings, and how the energy of someone in person is often much different than what they present over the keyboard. I had some in person experience with this. Though I haven't taken part in any large gatherings and I'm not a part of any Order, I did have the opportunity to meet someone in person and see just how astoundingly severe the difference was between what they poured energy into showing online and what they really were. To be fair, the contrast was obvious to some others who hadn't met the individual in person, but it was still an important experience for my growth and development. I did get the chance to observe what happens in someone's eyes when their masking falls, or when their projections falter. The eyes are a deeper gateway than what is appreciated by most. Also, I can attest that being able to read someone's personal energy is a plus when not at a big distance. There is even less chance for someone to hide who they are when they are right there, dumping the kind of energy they embody within straight into the environment. 
I know a lot of people shy away from meeting in person because they wish to hide who they are. I've always thought it would be a fascinating opportunity to see how my words and online presence might match or contrast with my actual presence.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Maxx 17.04.20 7:54

Exactly.  And it is even more astounding when meeting others in the same topic we are discussing that have grown up in an entirely different culture.  Say from other countries.  Combine that with cooking in the vampire and blood issue the kids chase today as well as the frequency change of the planet as Mystic says, and mix all this up, and you have one freaky setup.  lol. No wonder the planet is sick with all the fruit cake on it.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Troublemaker 17.04.20 7:58

Actually, it deepens my curiosity to think about some of these official grades within Orders. I know that the grades correspond to specific spheres of the Kabbalah. And I highly doubt some of these men and women are embodying any kind of Binah consciousness, or anything above Malkuth, for that matter. 
It seems like the grades were greatly corrupted at some point. Meeting them in person would probably expose a lot of that. Claiming to be a conqueror of power from the supernal triad and then being really upset at a stranger's opinion over the internet seems like a big contradiction that no amount of funny clothing will solve.

Also I agree about this. The blood and vampirism topic attracts a lot of completely nutty people. Unfortunately I've seen that first-hand.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Naoom 17.04.20 8:08

I was thinking of how this also applies to meeting with other Asetianists in person, and I think I learned a lot about that from my experience with Heruset. Unfortunately no matter how much you think you know someone, they need to earn that trust very deeply, and things like that will always happen as they aren't in our control, but I honestly have such a great passion for the community and the people I've met, that I would be willing to take that risk again given the chance and having that previous experience under my belt. That risk is small considering you can never go wrong when having the right mindset and always learning something from these experiences as a natural part of growing. One thing I understand better now though than previously, is that everyone has to develop these feelings of unity and passion towards Asetianism within themselves individually, and not feel depended on each other to feel that deep burning feeling of love. It is a sacred and beautiful path, and I think there is a very good reason why so few people can actually traverse it with care and an open mind. At the end of the day, that is the only thing that matters to me as an Asetianist, all the lies and dishonest actions only make us push further and feel even more passion, knowing how the real path is not easy one.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Naoom 17.04.20 8:11

I meant to say, within themselves first, and only after that share it with others who share the same, and not less of your values.

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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

Post by Maxx 17.04.20 9:19

Naoom wrote:lol!
Energy doesn't lie

view all of the video as it pretty well proves the point with science.


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A Revelation Empty Re: A Revelation

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