Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism

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Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism Empty Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism

Post by Blood_Thirsty_Vixen666 03.05.20 6:03

What are the physical, energetic, psychic, mental, emotional, spiritual signs or symptoms of being a psychic and sanguinarian vampire?
Are there obvious symptoms, some that aren't mentioned?
Haven't seen it being explained much online, so that's why I am asking.
Is their aura damaged, so they need energy and blood from other's to give them energy?
Is it normal to not have a or of energy during the day and feel like you have more energy at night time?

I have weird cravings to drink blood, eat raw meat that is dropping in blood
(I'm not delusional or fucked up in the head, and I am not here to cause drama unlike some people here unfortunately)
I am serious about learning about the occult, and spiritual practices, so quit treating me like I am stupid.
My skin is very sensitive to sunlight, it !makes me feel tired.
I have a allergy to silver (may or may not be relevant to being a vampire)
I feel connected, drawn to nocturnal animals, I have always felt drawn to the occult, paranormal, so there must be a reason for that.

Only reply if you have serious answers, that would be helpful, I won't reply to trolls. Don't see why it is such a problem that I want to learn about the occult, understand vampirism better, the whole point of this community is for that purpose. Everyone here is here for the same purpose, so why not at least be helpful?


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Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism Empty Re: Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism

Post by Naoom 03.05.20 6:40

Hello, and welcome to the forum. I will try my best to answer your questions as best as I can, but the real answers to those things are not to be found online like you said. Keep in mind I can only speak through my own experience and studies, about the beings known as Asetians and their spiritual path known as Asetianism. To answer in the correct order, it is true that those things aren't explained online, all you will find is either delusions, misguided notions, or simply lies. The reason for this is that there is only one "reality" of vampirism, which entails all the different elements you mentioned, as a unified aspect of this occult branch or sector. Their auras aren't damaged, that is another misconception. They have perfectly healthy subtle bodies, but they require the energy because of their highly elevated energy and psychic abilities, which takes a toll on their physical bodies and health. They are beings of higher realms, and that is the reason for their vampiric nature, due to adapting in the physical plane. Blood carries the subtle energy of the being it has exited, but only for few seconds after it has done so. This is the real reason for blood drinking among these ancient beings. Also there are different forms of subtle energy, and each one has different qualities, such as the one you mentioned from animals, which is very different in comparison to that of humans. A sensitivity towards the sun doesn't necessarily imply it is because of your spiritual nature, although it is a common symptom to people who are sensitive to energy in general, and each to a different degree. As another member has explained before, it has more to do because of the energy of the sun than your own. There is always a reason to feel drawn to specific things in specific times in our lives, but one should simply remain aware and not come into fast conclusions. It is always good to explore with an open mind and try to understand those things, but some fundamental spiritual truths illustrate why those things are highly inaccessible for the most part, besides requiring of you to have the subtle sensitivity and knowledge in order to determine your spiritual nature with such certainty, towards which I can speak about myself for the most part, but these tools are only accessible in closed circles and occult orders which are far hidden from the eye, and something very few have access to, which doesn't include me, lol. I hope this has been helpful in clarifying some things, and I am confident you will discover the same things over time if you continue to be persistent and open-minded about this facet of the occult and spirituality.

just in case, I should clarify that I am also just a human, who is simply interested in spirituality, so that just leaves me among the Village idiots with Maxx Razz

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Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism Empty Re: Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism

Post by Naoom 03.05.20 6:52

I should add that you have been rude to other members as I have just noticed, and this doesn't leave off a good impression on the rest of this forum. Do you think it is everyone else who is overreacting and being rude to others, or does it mean there has to be more effort on your behalf? You are welcome here, but realize that these questions you've asked have been asked a lot of times before, and people are only trying to kindly help by shedding out the lies to uncover truth, so that others can remain more aware and not fall in the same ego traps in which others, myself included, have fallen into in the past. I am more patient because I haven't being here as long as others have, so understand that people have lost their patience after recurring situations like this one.

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Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism Empty Re: Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism

Post by Blood_Thirsty_Vixen666 03.05.20 7:08

I understand some people have asked similar questions a lot, but I didn't expect for some people to be rude or harass me for no reason. I understand that some people are delusional fantasists, but I am not one of them.
I genuinely seek knowledge,to understand the occult.
Some of my questions relate to a book about psychic vampires it was a scientific study for research purposes that the author conducted. The book was about auras how a psychic vampire could damage your aura intentionally, or unknowingly and subconsciously, psychic attack things of that nature.
Thank you, your explanation was helpful, I appreciate it.


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Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism Empty Re: Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism

Post by A.Nightside 22.05.20 14:27

Blood_Thirsty_Vixen666 wrote:What are the physical, energetic, psychic, mental, emotional, spiritual signs or symptoms of being a psychic and sanguinarian vampire?

You are operating under potentially false preconceptions. Let go of that. Your defensiveness shows that you are possibly not as open minded as you think you are.

Open mindedness is not the ability to believe in everything, but the ability to accept until more information becomes available. Skepticism is the ability to not hold beliefs without evidence or appropriate support.

If someone says you are wrong, and yet you are open minded, you should consider further why they say you are wrong, instead of lashing out at them.

Now, the terminology you are using is heavily Vampire Community. This forum, is NOT Vampire Community (think of the VC as it's own, widely-incorporating organization). While some may think of this forum as part of it, those OF this forum generally do not.

Given the terminology you are using, you might find more favorable responses in a forum or group that is part of the VC. However, some would argue that those responses will be incorrect. Sometimes the truth is not pleasant.

I think I responded to your Intro previously. Look back at that.

Are there obvious symptoms, some that aren't mentioned?
Haven't seen it being explained much online, so that's why I am asking.
Is their aura damaged, so they need energy and blood from other's to give them energy?
Is it normal to not have a or of energy during the day and feel like you have more energy at night time?

In the VC it's definitely mentioned. However, you need to understand that Vampirism is not necessarily a disease or condition that comes with symptoms. More often, with questions like your's it's a lot easier to explain what is not, than what is.

Some vampires share common symptoms or traits, but these are not across the board. Most are not unique to vampires alone. It's also important to consider the idea that "Vampire" as a term is a very broad one, encompassing many different beings.

I have weird cravings to drink blood, eat raw meat that is dropping in blood
(I'm not delusional or fucked up in the head, and I am not here to cause drama unlike some people here unfortunately)

Cravings, specifically for blood are not definitive, nor do many vampires actually experience such, even Medical Sanguivores do not begin with cravings for blood, as I understand it. Unless you're pulling the tissue right out of the animal, the liquid it drips is not exactly blood.

You are already way too defensive here. You've put up your walls, which will hinder your ability to truly digest what you will be explained. So what if you are "delusional". Delusion is either a choice or a symptom of a much bigger problem, that can be treated. Your defensiveness carries it's own air of drama.

I am serious about learning about the occult, and spiritual practices, so quit treating me like I am stupid.

Then show it, because the first few threads of your's that I've seen so far, do not show a true seriousness or eagerness to learn, but one who is looking for their preconceptions to be confirmed. Your ego to be stroked, to be told you're special and correct. No you are not stupid, no one is treating you like you are. However they are treating you in response to how you're presenting yourself.

My skin is very sensitive to sunlight, it !makes me feel tired.
I have a allergy to silver (may or may not be relevant to being a vampire)
I feel connected, drawn to nocturnal animals, I have always felt drawn to the occult, paranormal, so there must be a reason for that.

None of this means anything conclusive in terms of Vampirism.

Only reply if you have serious answers, that would be helpful, I won't reply to trolls. Don't see why it is such a problem that I want to learn about the occult, understand vampirism better, the whole point of this community is for that purpose. Everyone here is here for the same purpose, so why not at least be helpful?

There are your walls and lack of open-mindedness again. My comments shouldn't be perceived as pointed, but to the point, if a bit blunt. I do genuinely care, otherwise I wouldn't be taking the time to respond. I see you are struggling, but there are pieces that are glaringly obvious to me, that I feel you need to have pointed out, because you can't see them for yourself. You're so hyper focused on a tree, you're missing the forest.


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Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism Empty Re: Signs/symptoms of psychic/sanguinarian vampirism

Post by A.Nightside 22.05.20 14:30

Some of my questions relate to a book about psychic vampires it was a scientific study for research purposes that the author conducted. The book was about auras how a psychic vampire could damage your aura intentionally, or unknowingly and subconsciously, psychic attack things of that nature.

Can you name this book, or cite the research?

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