Greetings from Ohio

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Greetings from Ohio

Post by revJPDDG 27.05.20 4:34

I am an Autistic Dark Druid Vampyre Goth; I have been in the gothic community since the first Outland (mid 90's), the pagan community since 2002, as well as the V community since mid 2000. Since 2012 I have been working on the Ohio Vampire/Vampyre, Pagan, and Goth Alliance to unite all communities and not just devote myself to one

Number of posts : 13
Age : 46
Location : Ohio
Registration date : 2020-05-06

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 27.05.20 5:43

Hello. What brings you here to this community?

From the other thread, regarding perceived rudeness: it might be perceived that way but this community strongly opposes role playing, vain deception, fantasy and the kind of delusion of the ego that seeks to propose fantastical claims of no real basis in reality but that seeks to promulgate it both to self and others. Such cannot be left unchallenged or be accepted because it is the very antithesis of this forum, mirroring a culture that builds upon timeless truth, adversarial philosophy and predatory spirituality that does not lend itself to futility. But, of course, you're always free to stay if your interest is in honest discussion and sincerity to the subject matters being discussed as we can't bar you from such progress, maturation and growth if you are genuine about it. It's also a public forum.


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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by revJPDDG 28.05.20 1:48

I do not see how I added anything perceived as roleplay or fantasy? I did say I am an immortal undead creature of the night named Lastat or any other such fictional response. I just had a different believe about Vampirism maybe as I believe Vampyres are born as such and not made by other Vampyres and an an opinion is an opinion not a fact.

Number of posts : 13
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Location : Ohio
Registration date : 2020-05-06

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by Maxx 28.05.20 23:45

I have noticed when I read your statements I am confused... as some sentences you type in the manner you are trying to say the word "not" when completing the sentence.  But your actual wordings seem to indicate you are using the sentence in a positive manner.  So we do not know whether you are saying you do not or you do in certain sentences.  It changes the meaning around quite a bit.  I certainly do not want to add or subtract from your meanings when replying to your concepts or statements.  It is not clear whether you have a group here that you can take with you or you will go to some group at another place.  You make me work very hard in trying to get your meaning from your paragraphs...and then I am not for certain if I have them correct or not.

Do "your people" understand you?

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by revJPDDG 29.05.20 5:20

Sorry but I am Autistic an not a people person with proper conversational skills I love to learn I just have my own ways of doing things

Number of posts : 13
Age : 46
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Registration date : 2020-05-06

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 29.05.20 5:47

You might not have acknowledged but what I wrote was a general statement. It also did not show you away. It asked why you had come to this forum and welcomed you albeit in - at least I hope - a fairly balanced way. I did not throw glitter at your entrance but I did not throw stones at you either. I merely stated what might be perceived as a more truthful statement about the nature of this forum for which it is your choice how to acquaint yourself with that - taking it or leaving it as you wish.

Also I think it's fairly simple to understand what you were saying. I think Maxx is just very old.

But how you acquaint yourself with this forum that is all your choice...

Again, feel welcome to browse around or do whatever you wish but not without consequence as the roaming on this forum in active participation might require certain... participation that is both honest and sharp...

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by Troublemaker 29.05.20 9:10

Personally, I've watched many of your contributions in other places and none of them were impressive. All were rooted in utter BS, and roleplay. The fluffier side of vampirism.
Your responses here show that you're not exactly mature either. I am not sure why you came here.
In my eyes you're not a real leader and despite your intro you still sound like a complete fluffer. Ironically, saying this to you is much nicer than being warm and congratulating. What the hell have you been doing with your time all these years if you still hold the same childish beliefs? That's not a time length to boast about if you're still delusional almost 2 decades later.

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by Maxx 29.05.20 9:14

hahahahah. and getting older. 12 more years to go

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by revJPDDG 31.05.20 7:43

Sorry I am 43 unfortunately I am autistic so people do not speak the same language as me esp since most are assholes and whatever this is why I hate vampires they are assholes too a guess I am sicking with the pagan community the are decent people unlike most!

Number of posts : 13
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Registration date : 2020-05-06

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 31.05.20 8:15

There's no problem with being autistic. Just take care of your own unconscious self-projections. If you do you will find a liberating strength of inner freedom in the spaciousness of a mind uncluttered by shadow projections and derivative faulty thoughts. That will serve your own greater good. It might also lend some help in communicating with various communities under your radar and interest of contact. Wish you well, and hope you do good in that regard. Besides, vampires are not the most well known to follow an innate code of friendliness for all circumstances but may be rather blunt in their approach to sharp truth that can hurt the ego. Such is also liberating for them as the unrestricted voicing of real, honest and free expression but it requires the other to know how to handle negative feedback and criticism so as to improve themselves by such lessons of truth that can be rather harsh.

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by 8lou1 31.05.20 8:20

[quote="revJPDDG"]Sorry I am 43 unfortunately I am autistic so people do not speak the same language as me esp since most are assholes and whatever this is why I hate vampires they are assholes too a guess I am sicking with the pagan community the are decent people unlike most![/quote]

Ugh i was not planning on responding here ever again, but alas..

Hi there JPDDG :two_hearts:,

Your autism is your strength, it makes you and your outlook on life quite different. Also how everything around you responds to your being is different then the avarage joe.
The people on this site are looking for people with a like minded interest on about the same level as they are. This is due to the mess in the vampire community. They are just tired of having to save every nitwit who passes by. Because it delays they're own development.

I am NOT saying you are a nitwit or that these people are wrong. I am telling you that it might be a too big of a gap to overcome(this sites view on vampirism and autism).

Now this site also has teaching grounds and you probably understand more then you can type due to your autism, so what i expect is that you will go there on your own terms and time when you are ready. Understand though that on this site and in real life people still wont understand you due to your autism.

My advice to you would be that before you go to the teaching grounds, you work on making/feeling/living your autism your power and have pride in that. Because it really is a beautiful traith to have.

With love and sincerety (is that a word?),

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by 8lou1 31.05.20 8:27

Btw excuse the typo's. Theyre or their and probably more. English is not my native tongue.

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by Troublemaker 31.05.20 10:03

I'd appreciate it if you didn't spin this in such a way that makes it look like people spoke to JP with more disdain because he is autistic. I feel that is very dishonest. We are just tired of fluff, and the idea people come with that their fluff must be accepted with respect. Because it doesn't. There are autistic people who don't have these ridiculous fluffy ideas they push about Spirituality and Vampirism every which place.
Around here, someone having that would not even be secondary, it would just be irrelevant to anything else in terms of their spirituality and soul. It's not something they would be shunned over.
I had to comment this as I again feel that way of spinning this to be dishonest. There isn't a relationship between this site's view on vampirism and autism. We are really just tired of the bullshit so common in the community and people coming around without any respect shown toward paths they never even bothered to truly study or understand.

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by 8lou1 31.05.20 10:24

Rhea neither did i say that nor imply that.
I dont come often to this site due to lingering emotions and feelings that mess up proper communications, just like now.

It might have to do with being in different parts of the world, idk. But overall the tone of voice im getting over the screen is mainly aggressive and hardly ever inviting.

Stating that vampires are just like that(i just read that on this site) is to me such nonsense that i cant even take it as an insult.
I rather find it a lack in education and as ardent put it so properly the chinese concubine as an archetype could be of great assistance in bringing back conversational joy and respect.

Now i have to go back to my embroidery, my needle fell on the floor. Excuse ME for derailing.


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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by Troublemaker 31.05.20 10:51

Okay, this tells me all I need to know. Seriously, agreeing with ardent in any fashion tells me your inner makeup is rather lacking as that guy is an intentional troll.
No wonder people on this site are not friendly, I must say.

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by 8lou1 31.05.20 11:16

You never heared of divine trolling as a spiritual way?
Or ever heard of spiritual warfare in combo with IT?
maybe vengefull beings? Since we talking vampire community
(no sarcasm just truly surprised)

The only reason i post here is because im asked to do so.
Not because my make up has a smuge, since i use none and am not planning on using some soon.

I get the tiredness of thinking to meet yet another nitwit. But were is that standingpoint they call neutral? Were is that respect, thats so admired in asetians? Were is that vampire skill that senses truth? Where?

And again excuse ME for derailing.

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by 8lou1 31.05.20 11:21

Ugh again a lot of typo's. Sorry i reread it and didnt see them untill i posted it.

Note to self: reread 3 times, damn!

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by Troublemaker 31.05.20 11:45

Well it's obvious by reading your replies why you weren't taken seriously here. You just add to the dumpster fires of stupidity.

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by 8lou1 31.05.20 11:55

Im glad you know me so well and put me in my place. Thank you so much for being you. And next time, be so kind to do it silently i could hear you across the globe.


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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by Troublemaker 31.05.20 11:57

Really, I am sure we are all getting tired of the heavy influx of morons and dishonest people who have overloaded this site.

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by Maxx 31.05.20 12:01

Yes. As Mystic said. It made me old.

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by Troublemaker 31.05.20 12:05

And we fight to keep this place free of the bs but it keeps coming. Idiots like Heruset doxxing someone in the site and engaging in serious harassment, harassing me in private with bizarre personal questions through one of his many accounts, JP trying to be some vampire reverend schooling us with his utterly idiotic, fluffy and fictional ideas about vampirism, people like Lou coming in attempting with this rotten intention to manipulate people into thinking users at Vampirism Forum are against those with autism. I truly am getting sick of it all, there is no end to the idiocy, dishonesty, trolling and those like our friend here who don't even bother cultivating basic intelligence and reading comprehension ability before coming here. It is a damn shame since this place used to be really good.

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by Maxx 31.05.20 12:32

It previously had meaning in the age of time but because the word vampire was chosen initially to advertise this place, the Aset Ka never dreamed it would draw the type of freaks that it has. The wrong word was chosen without a doubt.  They never dreamed this place would take on the life it has and be drawing the element it has as it was set to be shut down in the past.  This is why the abandonment of the site by the wise beings that previously posted here.  It turned into just another freakville like the other sites on the net.  Anyway, this was basically what I was told by one of them.

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by Jonathan 01.06.20 7:03

Maxx, this forum was not created by the Aset Ka, so they couldn't have chosen the word. The Aset Ka had their own forum a long time ago but that one was never public. That was before the Asetian Bible and the existence of their public site as well.

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Greetings from Ohio Empty Re: Greetings from Ohio

Post by Maxx 01.06.20 8:28

Well, I am sure there is some validity to that as well but I was certainly told this site was not created to last as long as it has. And the word used to begin here was certainly a very bad selection as one can see the results that it has drawn from the loonies.  They do not care about the Aset Ka and never have and never will.  For them, facts do not mean anything.  This is what has infiltrated the place.  There is no attempt to hide it anymore and it is nothing more than a game.  You mentioned Heruset doing the right thing and putting Honor above all else.  These people have no Honor. As Rhea Kaye said we fight to keep the place free of BS and the nut jobs keep appearing.

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