I Need to know

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I Need to know Empty I Need to know

Post by Need2know 30.06.20 9:34

I need to know. Are they actually real. None of this weird energy vampirism that people keep talking about on forums such as and including these. But real vampirism. I've been fascinated with the thought that such a thing could be real dating back to my childhood. I've never seen one, or spoke to one. But something inside of me is telling me it could be a real thing. So please: do any of you actually know one?


Number of posts : 18
Location : United States
Registration date : 2020-06-30

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I Need to know Empty Re: I Need to know

Post by Troublemaker 30.06.20 10:53

No. They aren't real.

(I'm being sarcastic, if you want to know how real something is, no one here can enlighten you to that. Expecting answers to be hand-fed leads to blindness.)

This is a question that tends to pile up dust, these things are usually not taken seriously around here.

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I Need to know Empty Re: I Need to know

Post by Need2know 30.06.20 11:20

Ok. Then do you know how i could find some viable information?


Number of posts : 18
Location : United States
Registration date : 2020-06-30

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I Need to know Empty Re: I Need to know

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 02.07.20 6:23

I don't know of any Dracula, no. Actually that's fiction and the metaphysical type of vampirism is the real vampirism, although that's deeper than you might expect at the surface.

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