The iris and vampirism

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The iris and vampirism Empty The iris and vampirism

Post by Syrianeh 07.05.09 12:05

I have read that one physical trait of vampirism or otherkin-ness, if any, can be the particularly unique look of the irises - a dark border, or a different tint around the pupil, etc. Now, this might be just silly. But I would like to know what others think.

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The iris and vampirism Empty Re: The iris and vampirism

Post by Daniel09 07.05.09 13:00

I personally think it's poppycock. I've seen plenty of perfectly normal folk with freaky eyes, and the blue ring around the whites of the eyes seems to have no bearing and is just one of those traits that every _ out of so many people have. Kinda like how I sneeze when I look at the sun. Turns out a third of the US population does it too, as it's known as photic sneeze reflex.

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The iris and vampirism Empty Re: The iris and vampirism

Post by Ankhhape 07.05.09 13:16

'One true trademark among the (Asetian) bloodline is the characteristic circular aura around the iris of their vampiric eyes. Even though also found in humans, in Asetians this circle tends to be denser, sometimes thicker and of a darker color, typically grayish.'
- Asetian Bible Pt.1 Section III p. 96

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The iris and vampirism Empty Re: The iris and vampirism

Post by Jonathan 07.05.09 14:34

I believe the Asetian Ring is present in the iris of Asetians, but this does not mean that anyone with an iris circle is a vampire or otherkin. Just that Asetians do usually have that physical trait. But does not work as an exclusion variable, since it can't be used to validate an Asetian. I have seen that information around some otherkin circles, probably inspired by the Asetians, not sure.
What does everyone else feel about this Asetian/vampire characteristic?

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The iris and vampirism Empty Re: The iris and vampirism

Post by Saylamine 07.05.09 15:23

I was curious about this trait. I wonder why it would be present in most Asetians in a metaphysical sense?

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The iris and vampirism Empty Re: The iris and vampirism

Post by Phoenix 07.05.09 17:45

I would agree that many humans have a distinctive iris ring. Assuming it is an Asetian trait as the AB says, I would not be skilled enough to determine an Asetian from a human by looking at their eyes.

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The iris and vampirism Empty Re: The iris and vampirism

Post by Syrianeh 08.05.09 1:39

That is interesting. I had read about the ring characteristic on the AB, but I asked because, as Jonathan says, I had read about this trait as "vampiric" in general. Of course, many of those sources were not exactly reliable.

I believe that, ring or not, the power of the gaze and the depth that can be in found in the eyes of an evolved being is something that does not go unnoticed. Unless, of course, their owner wants to mask it off.

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The iris and vampirism Empty Re: The iris and vampirism

Post by Daniel09 08.05.09 18:47

I personally have issues with people in regards to my eyes. When I remove my glasses, people in general become uneasy and creeped out, saying it's like I'm watching everything. And when I stare into someone's eyes they say it's like I'm staring into their soul or reading their mind or something. I don't really think about it a lot since most of the time my glasses are on and people don't notice the odd colors as much.

It would be interesting to meet an Asetian, just to know what they're like. I imagine you'd never know you met them though.

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The iris and vampirism Empty Re: The iris and vampirism

Post by Jonathan 08.05.09 19:08

Daniel09 wrote:It would be interesting to meet an Asetian, just to know what they're like. I imagine you'd never know you met them though.
Very interesting, I agree. I believe most humans would not notice anything different at all, although some more sensitive individuals would probably feel empowered and certainly inspired. Or in the case of a victim, they would feel low, weak and drained. However I believe most of the Asetians' power is through their inborn manipulation skills, and the true dangers of that is that they can be stealth when mastered, meaning no one would ever suspect a thing.

Also, I strongly believe that someone really adept at metaphysics and energy sensing, with a long time experience in the occult arts, would know that certain individual is an Asetian. Maybe impossible to tell if an Elder or not, but their strong energy fingerprints are probably unmistakable and unforgettable.

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The iris and vampirism Empty RE

Post by ReaperJD 30.05.09 12:24

I think the eye thing doesn't make the vampire. Anyone can have that and not be one. Personaly, I think vampire found these differences on his/her body and blogged about it.

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The iris and vampirism Empty Re: The iris and vampirism

Post by Jonathan 30.05.09 13:37

No one said that having a well defined iris means that someone is a vampire. What was under debate was how a vampire's iris usually has a very thick and visible ring, most notably in the case of Asetians, the so called Asetian Ring.
But clearly the simple fact of an iris ring does not classify anyone as a vampire.

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