Greetings from Serbia!

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Greetings from Serbia! Empty Greetings from Serbia!

Post by TheAwakenedDragon 18.07.20 8:52

Hello, Vampires! How are you? What are you doing? Thanks for accepting my request to joining the torum. I joined this forum to connect with like-minded people, similar to myself, to exchange ideas and experiences about vampirism. I consider myself as psychic vampire. Let's say something about myself. I am Milos and I am from Serbia. I learned and practiced a large number of spiritual practices, religions, esoteric practices, self-help methods, but something special about Vampirism attracted me. I became acquainted with the esoteric practice of Vampirism about a year ago through the excellent school of the "Temple of the Vampire". In the meantime, I left several times and returned to Vampirism, I wandered a bit. In addition to the literature of The "Temple of the Vampire", I read and practiced Michael Ford, who is very good, but somehow chaotic, then read the book "The Psychic Vampire Codex", which is also very beautiful, as well as several other books on Vampire. My true transformation, so to speak, happened about a month ago, when I realized that it is not enough to practice exercises, but it is necessary to truly accept the vampire philosophy and way of life, that I am now a predator of people, that I am no longer prey. So I accepted the teachings of the "Temple of the Vampire", and started practicing just that (I no longer mix different schools) and in just a few days I was cured of the depression I have been suffering from since I know for myself. My practice consists of daily feeding with life force from people and practicing a ritual in which I invoke the Undead Gods. They teach me many things in the process. I really love being a Vampire! I love myself and I have accepted that I am a Psychic Vampire, I really feel that this is my true identity. As for the spiritual sphere of life, I have realized myself, found myself, the meaning and my purpose, but as for the material side, not yet, I am still looking for what business I would do, but I will talk about that in another post. As far as Vampirism is concerned, there is still little interest in Serbia. I started a facebook page and a group but people have little interest. Do you have any advice on this? Thank you for existing. I love you. So much from me for this time.

Number of posts : 6
Age : 43
Location : Smederevo
Registration date : 2020-07-18

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Greetings from Serbia! Empty Re: Greetings from Serbia!

Post by Maxx 18.07.20 9:09

well hello, I have some sad news for you.  

If you are a proponent of the "excellent school" (lol) of the TOV, then you are actually prey.  Sorry, but let your waste of the money you spent there become a lifelong lesson and always remember if you are spending money for a membership, you are food.  It is a learning process so you can get over it.  Move on to your next lesson in life.  

OH, BTW.  Those Undead Gods you speak of are nothing but the Higher Individials of the Temple playing you for a fool.  Anytime you stand in front of that mirror and blow air into it, you are being laughed at by the bunch.  They have no power so do not continue to feed an ordinary human.

It seems you did not read anything here before you came flying in, but that seems to be the biggest problem most people have in life.  They just jump right in the washing machine without reading the directions.

Welcome to the forum.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Greetings from Serbia! Empty Re: Greetings from Serbia!

Post by TheAwakenedDragon 18.07.20 9:27

I am not active/official member of ToV. A do not spend money on ToV membership. All needed education I found on torrent for free. And it still works!

I am not against payed membership, but I love torrent. I do not agree with you on some points. How you know that on the other side of the mirror are the ordinary humans?


Number of posts : 6
Age : 43
Location : Smederevo
Registration date : 2020-07-18

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Greetings from Serbia! Empty Re: Greetings from Serbia!

Post by Maxx 18.07.20 9:55

As I was an adept in that fairy tale organization, I am familiar with many of the organizers and methods of the inner workings.  So if you spent no money, that means you did not advance up through the organization.  You really do not have much knowledge of the base of operations.  But that is good.  You never got suckered into the operation fully.

I know it is an uncomfortable feeling to learn one has been taken advantage of in any situation, but rejoice, you now have a choice to use that experience as a gage for future encounters.  Congratulations.

So what brings you to the forum other than trying to advance your vampire experience. Of course, you would only be a psychic vampire drawing energy only and not seeking blood-consuming situations because that is what is portrayed in the TOV.  Blood-consuming is a no-no as Nemo devised that scenario to keep from the possibility of being sued more times than he was.  He had his professional license taken from him and fined $25,000 from a patient he was treating while at the same time sending her to the TOV for instruction.  Charging her for both  This is common knowledge and found on search engines all over the net so I certainly am not starting rumors.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Greetings from Serbia! Empty Re: Greetings from Serbia!

Post by TheAwakenedDragon 18.07.20 10:10

Yes, I do not agree with ToV claim that blood drinking vampirism is not true vampirism. It is. And I do not agree with their "exclusivity". I am open minded. But I like to try, practice, and learn form my own experience. I am not fan of google search ctiticism, there is not end in it, because you can find that everything is scam and fraud. No thanx.

Number of posts : 6
Age : 43
Location : Smederevo
Registration date : 2020-07-18

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Greetings from Serbia! Empty Re: Greetings from Serbia!

Post by Maxx 18.07.20 10:53

you always need to have anything confirmed yourself.  No matter where you get that information whether it is google or another person or a group of others or from your higher being that works with you from the other dimensions.  But now that you have heard one puny person discount your TOV experience, you can put it all to the back of the mind recesses.

But just for your information, this is not the place to come in touting your vast experiences with the TOV.  We already know what it is.  We know you did not spend any time reading here but we suggest it.  This has a more metaphysical approach than that other place.  Also, please try and determine for yourself what we mean here by the word actual vampire.  It is not based on the fictional illustrations of Dracula, or the Vampire Diaries or even the TOV material.  Fictional movies have no basis for fact here so please adjust.  Thanks.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Greetings from Serbia! Empty Re: Greetings from Serbia!

Post by TheAwakenedDragon 18.07.20 11:00

All right. I do not intend to advertise ToV here. I just shared my experience and what I learned. Thank you.

Number of posts : 6
Age : 43
Location : Smederevo
Registration date : 2020-07-18

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Greetings from Serbia! Empty Re: Greetings from Serbia!

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 18.07.20 17:02

TheAwakenedDragon wrote:My true transformation, so to speak, happened about a month ago, when I realized that it is not enough to practice exercises, but it is necessary to truly accept the vampire philosophy and way of life, that I am now a predator of people, that I am no longer prey. So I accepted the teachings of the "Temple of the Vampire", and started practicing just that (I no longer mix different schools) and in just a few days I was cured of the depression I have been suffering from since I know for myself.

Having a positive, self-affirming idea about yourself is probably what took you out of depression in conjunction with possible psychic feeding methods as it may give you a sense of holding and exercising individual power which is probably a good antidepressant in some ways but not to exclude normal medicine at all nor even to be sought by most who suffer from depression as there are definitely other and in some cases, I'd say, even more responsible alternatives, as not everyone might benefit from feeding techniques the same way, nor even need to at all. However, then, also, on the other hand, seeking power will probably make one more depressed, as power is not so easily attained by those who seek it. This that you describe, though, may mean that you've discovered some certain potential about yourself, even if it's something that any practitioner can take up and do on their own – not to discredit your workings, however, apart from the “Temple of the Vampire” part, as with all things your forward steps depend upon the determination of will and perseverance of effort in yielding its final results of development along your path but also with the cautionary heeding of spiritual wisdom, a balanced perspective and inner discernment. But whatever nature it is that you or anyone else has cannot always be so easily ascertained, if that's what you had in mind though, as these aforementioned factors combined could themselves lead towards such a psychological result of greater well-being, without necessarily being a vampire in any real sense at all as normal humans can learn these philosophies, practices and techniques themselves. Although there's also another additional factor to take into consideration: being able to accept and embrace their own true inner nature, whether that's related to your own experience or not, but which is mostly up for oneself to find out through honest self-scrutiny and inward exploration which can be hard and requires a shielding from self-deception by the sharp inner discriminative sword of truth. What one might find might not always be towards one's ego expectations or psychological desires but it will be towards one's true satisfaction once embraced honorably through self-acceptance.

However I will say also this that being a predator or prey is not so easily defined as to be clear upon a mere self-idealized thought or philosophical self-image that they have about themselves as it must be conquered within the realms of absolute silence, mastered balance, inner strength and daring self-honesty as a tool towards liberation and higher awareness, for only through such qualities of your own individual power and ability can you clearly demarcate between what is a prey or a predator – being very psychological notions to one quintessential aspect as well.

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Greetings from Serbia! Empty Re: Greetings from Serbia!

Post by TheAwakenedDragon 18.07.20 21:23

MysticLightShinethForth, thank you for very well explanation, advice and opinion.

Number of posts : 6
Age : 43
Location : Smederevo
Registration date : 2020-07-18

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Greetings from Serbia! Empty Re: Greetings from Serbia!

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