Lifting a veil

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Lifting a veil Empty Lifting a veil

Post by 8lou1 04.09.20 14:53

Over the years ive noticed that our subconscious connections come into our lives when its time to move further into being. Therefore ive decided to speak a bit about my path, so others might find alignment with what happened.

About 30 years ago i had a dream where my city got destroyed and i was eagerly seeking someone. After that my life changed tremendously. I had to run from home and found shelter with my now inlaws. Little did i know back then, that they were in a bigger mess then i. Around the event of 9/11 things exploded and i had to run again.

My husband and i decided to stop time and heal our selves and loved ones first.(astrological snakecarier, who has his own path now on earth) We stopped working and put our kids tru homeschooling the unschooling way. We went from milionairs to low life bums in society's view. And it was harsh on all levels if being.

After 2012 things slowly got better, but i knew i was wrongly aligned and had to sit the ride out until others would be awake enough to notice and help. So my own struggle continued and i had to accept what i got. I could see my loved ones spiritual path and struggles and helped them heal. While at the same time i wanted recognition. I knew who i was helping, but they didnt see it was me. And then it dawned upon me that masks are there for their safety. They have no interest in working the way i do.

So my loved are others as well. And we found community, but also loneliness again. The latter being due to difference in interest and the first due to hard spiritual work on all our parts.

For myself living in the now is hardly possible, i lack a certain inborn ability to do in this world. Still i have a human body and its filled with rage against even the idea of oppression. It tends to obstruct my daily life in a sense that as a housewife i cant do my job. Even though i like doing it and i know i am with kin.


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