becoming conscious

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becoming conscious Empty becoming conscious

Post by Maxx 25.11.20 8:25

A man likes to believe that he is the master of his soul. But as long as he is unable to control his moods and emotions, or to be conscious of the myriad secret ways in which unconscious factors insinuate themselves into his arrangements and decisions, he is certainly not his own master.

Carl Jung

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Troublemaker 25.11.20 8:47

Have you learned how to follow this yet?

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Maxx 25.11.20 11:32

why do you ask?

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Troublemaker 25.11.20 15:48

Because it seems like you posted this as an indirect way to say it's something people here need to learn, yet it's a boring post as it didn't include any of your own original thought and it seems like a lesson you haven't been able to master yourself, let alone educating others about it by deliberately vague quote posting.

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Maxx 25.11.20 16:56

I posted it here because it had an interesting draw when I came across it.
 Boring??.  lol.  Carl Jung is boring?  It is only boring to you because I posted it and would be adverse to many comments made here by you, myself, and others.  I know of no one here that has mastered it at one, including myself.  So without any rudeness inherit in the post I put it up here.  Your comment as such reveals your animosity toward me but that has no effect on this at all.  It is just nothing other than confirming what Jung is stating.  No issue.  You certainly can disagree as I would expect you to do with anything I post now or in the future.  Everyone is certainly different from another in so many ways.  This is a diverse personality forum.......thank goodness.

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Troublemaker 25.11.20 17:15

I don't think I would ever call Jung boring in any way. Your tactics, however, are. Oh what happened to that new gig?

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Maxx 25.11.20 17:44

that is a slightly different post than you inferred but does relate to how Carl described it.  Not boring at all.

Thank you for asking.  It is going good.  I love the fact of the internet as much of it can be like posting on facebook and putting your thoughts on automatic and leaving then going on to other things.  But for you, do not be worried, I will not be spending as much time here as before.  

And you would not want everyone to agree with all your thoughts and ideas here would you? You would really become stagnant.  That would be like feeding nothing but sugar to a diabetic. I certainly would not want that to happen.  It will give you the opportunity to despise me while at the same time learning to deal in a healthy way with your conscious deficits. Look at that as the bright side of life.

Number of posts : 4334
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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Vamprinee 25.11.20 20:37

maxx and interesting post. Maybe to be a man is to realize that you cannot always control these things, to know everything is not always in control of your own ways.


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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Jonathan 26.11.20 5:31

No one here wants others to agree with us. I for one have always welcomed different perspectives and find great value in that. Especially when those differences of opinion come from a place of honesty and not just a handicap in the ego or a desire to stay relevant. What I'm finding misrepresented here Maxx is how you're acting like all that you're doing is a lesson you are teaching the whole forum, instead of looking within. You're talking to others and claiming to be pointing their conscious deficits instead of considering your own obvious deficits being mirrored on this. It's reflecting ego not wisdom.
Instead of looking at yourself as always the one evolved with the spirits who is teachings others a lesson, consider that maybe we're the ones teaching you a lesson and giving you an opportunity to learn and grow, out of your own stagnation.

You're welcome.

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Maxx 26.11.20 8:03

As stated, I see no one here, and as I said myself included, that has control to the extent Carl refers to. Certainly neither of you and your replies are evidence of that.  Your efforts are not to discuss the topic at all but from the beginning show attack and animosity very clearly.

Do you think Carl was stating it in a such a way as to criticize particular people and only those that disagree with him? Selective criticism is so obvious and that is how you are again accusing me.  As said before, neither of you would have anything to say about it if it had been posted by anyone else.  This is so easy to see a blind person would be a star witness.  

Again, example of selective control factor from the tiny control group here toward anyone that is not part of your control factor now.  What is your forum now if not some display of anger management  demonstrations.  You are not attempting any display of education.  Just a battle royal with those you disagree with.  

Name calling and constant ridicule is your method of attack instead of any normal discussion.  Education here is now non existent.  Not even able to go through a book  review on a book with quotes from the already written page when so many quotes saying "I cannot get my thoughts together, etc." on the Violet Thone.  But can damn sure criticise and pounce on a statement from Carl Jung because it was made by opposition you do not approve of.  This is very shallow.    

Can you maybe try to improve your discourse and make it more to your quote you made in the past like "everyone be nice" instead of faking it?

The Violet Throne speaks of Spirit....  but it appears all the comments here now are entirely toward the physical.  Spirit base is criticised as your comments seem to forget all of us are half spirit base and half physical base.  Why are you not making an effort to educate in that area?  Since you are making such an effort to criticise me, the three of you, why not turn it into an effort to educate here instead of a constant jab and attack?  That is becoming what you are being critical of.  Are you not able to see this?

Instead of just sitting here waiting on the next argument to come through the door, why do you not present something to educate and demonstrate in some positive way rather than continue to demonstrate the negative.  And no need to say "you do it, to some other" as you are the admin and controlling forum group.  It should be your responsibility rather than others coming in from the street trying to teach something they know nothing of.  Just a kind suggestion.

Number of posts : 4334
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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 26.11.20 8:44

If you had presented a background or context of reason for your posting that quote I can easily see how you'd been faced with a different response from Rhea Kaye and Jonathan.

Also any forum is going to, mostly, set up a form of informal but yet relatively established set of people as most active participants due to their involvement but it does not mean a deliberate control group. I can easily see people enter here and who have the necessary simple respects and manners can become part of that, depending on how much they wish to participate; it's not a closed door, and none of that depends up "our" approval but just the way they fare their discussions intelligently. Note I'm not saying part of a control group, then, but just one of more active members. That'll depend on their interest, however. Not all have the time or energy for these kinds of things. It's personally been a wish of mine that like minded individuals, as pertains to the subject matters, and not a necessary agreement with everything, would join in, to increase varied activity and contributions on the forum. It's sparked by diversity, respectful forms of discourse and polite disagreement but also adding on with further commentary through agreements as well.

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Maxx 26.11.20 8:55

Thanks for an intelligent reply.

There is much that I would want to get into with this but will have to wait. I was just notified that a friend is passing over to the other side and wants me there.

But consider becoming more active in teaching discussions as spoken of earlier. Later.

Number of posts : 4334
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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Troublemaker 26.11.20 9:08

Yeah I'm just starting to find it somewhat amusing. Not in a shallow way of needing to laugh at others to boost the ego. No, it's amusing as hell because Maxx knows damn well what he's doing. Did he seriously expect a different response after some of the nonsense he just pulled? Did he expect favorable reactions after doing things like claiming his bullshit nonsense spirits made Sybil ban him? That is straight up Donald Trump level nonsense and he wonders why he's getting these reactions. Anyway, like I said he knows what he's doing. This post wasn't for himself, it offered none of his original thought and no effort whatsoever to present a fresh angle that might provoke thought. Just a very lazy effort to point fingers at the faults and flaws in others by a vague quote post meant to indirectly criticize those he has an issue with. That is lazy academics. Lazy debate. Lazy thought.

Neither myself nor any one of us here owe an explanation or proof or exposition to others about our magickal practice, the occult material we are studying and working on, etc. This is another thing I find funny. People seriously think coming in and insulting others, claiming they have no spirituality, etc will work for their agenda. Run up to me screaming that I don't breathe oxygen and don't know what it is. Then, don't act surprised when you get a chuckle or two out of me rather than a dissertation about what lung cells do.
And aside from this, no one owes article creation or content. Some of us are out there living our lives. With the occasional pause to disassemble bullshit. If you want to see change, start by setting an example rather than this endless stream of utter bullshit, defamation toward Asetianists and complete lies about what our intentions are when we openly discuss the path. Otherwise no one will take you seriously.

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Troublemaker 26.11.20 9:34

Also I fail to see how there is a "control group". This isn't a ToV forum. Like what was said above, anyone coming in with basic respect and decorum could easily feel fine here. How there could be a control group on an open public forum is beyond me. Well, I guess that's coming from the same person who completely ignores the Remark posted by the Aset Ka and makes the false claim that there are representatives of the Order participating here. So what else should I expect in terms of rationality? Lol...

I see other people are being nice and patient with you despite how much you have insulted them. How very kind of them. Huh that kind of eliminates some of your ground about how everyone here is just an unevolved buffoon in every possible way.... you may need to find a new angle.

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Maxx 26.11.20 9:50

such a nice response.   confirmation.   Everyone knows there are no Asetians here. If there were, it would have an entirely different feel to it. There would not be endless negative pandemics.  

What is the reason for this site then if all you do is criticise and attack and offer no other comments other than just sitting here waiting on the next attempt to blow up your ego? What is this site expressing?   I was attempting a kinder approach in everything I have posted from prior coms. today but it appears you cannot refrain from continuing your negative responses and attacks.  So have at it.  It will not change anything at all but continue to show what your real knowledge base is made of.

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by VedantaBlack 26.11.20 9:54

When something is not done in ego, one doesn’t feel the need to justify themselves by saying “not because my ego, no, because...”


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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Troublemaker 26.11.20 10:04

I dont think you have any ground to stand on in this. We all know why you're here. And after being banned so many times, creating accounts against the forum rules and your delusional behavior in the past. It just adds to the hilarity of it all, that the only one Maxx has agreeing with him is you of all people. Consider fixing your many mental issues before putting on the comical self righteous act.

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Troublemaker 26.11.20 10:11

As usual Thomas comes to harass this community, making many fake accounts to either pretend he has a high level of knowledge and become disturbed when others call him out for what he is, or pretend everyone who disagrees with the bullshit he pulls is a false practitioner. We can suggest he finds a psychotherapist for his multitude of issues but we also all know he won't do that. He is too obsessed with this place and everyone in it, even after being clearly banned more than twice.
Maxx will follow his pronounced pattern he has had over the years, putting aside any semblance of dignity to band together with the first person who will agree with his agenda against the forum.
It is funny that they both follow similar patterns of incompleteness. Calling out others for what they themselves are doing.

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by VedantaBlack 26.11.20 10:13

Projecting with charged emotions does nothing in this case but prove you are emotionally attached and weak of will, desperate for the upper hand so much that you craft and base your arguments around lies and claims with no foundation.

Maxx may not be aligned to my ideals and values, or to my beliefs, but he never claimed to be; we never claimed falsely to be on the same standing ground. Today, because we both oppose you, you see us as “one” or “together” on this... that couldn’t be less correct. Your enemy is not us, Rhea. It is in the mirror.

We are simply fighting for the individual freedom that the new dawn in ushering in, yet you believe in censorship and dogmatic beliefs of old, and those must be put out sometime otherwise your stagnation and projections will keep occurring.


Number of posts : 111
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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Troublemaker 26.11.20 10:17

Recycling things you only read about won't do anything to prove your point. You can scream over and over that we need to look in the mirror or lie and claim our emotions are so affected by you but it only shows that recurrent need for attention and validation you seem to have. No one is that affected by you. You're not as important, evolved or aware as you adamantly believe yourself to be. It is simple, you have no place or right being here in the forum after harassing its members and clearly breaking its rules so many times. You need to get lost, but you're too fixated on people here without having the courage to admit it.

As an aside: drugs are bad, kids..

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by VedantaBlack 26.11.20 10:18

You’re the only one who is likely on drugs, besides Mystic who openly stated drug addiction on the forum.


Number of posts : 111
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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Troublemaker 26.11.20 10:21

See? The members of the circus do such a good job of proving my point. They make it way too easy. All you are capable of is recycling things you read or the equivalent of someone on the playground screaming "I know you are but what am I?" Like I said, you have no place or right being here. It's just a comedy act at this point.

Number of posts : 1623
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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by VedantaBlack 26.11.20 10:23

“Right to be here” sounds like ego to me... check again and tell us where you find your shadow


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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 26.11.20 10:26

VedantaBlack wrote:You’re the only one who is likely on drugs, besides Mystic who openly stated drug addiction on the forum.

I haven't ever stated drug addiction.

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

Post by Jonathan 26.11.20 10:43

Maxx, I made no criticism of your Jung’s quote. In fact I have nothing against it, even though I can certainly see why others have described it as lazy. I’ve only spoken of your reactions to what Rhea was telling you that showed a certain imbalance, that I believe is now clear to everyone.

Instead of addressing my actual words you decide to go on an unrelated tangent that says absolutely nothing about what I was saying. That is the problem of your contributions lately, you write a large text in reply to what I said but end up being entirely deprived of meaning and depth.

If anything, my last comment here to you was made with kindness in mind. Only you can help yourself.

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becoming conscious Empty Re: becoming conscious

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