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Post by GoodHumanNewInTheseThings 09.02.21 2:13

Hi I'm new to this about vampires and that stuff, so far I only know what I saw in the movies I know it's not a good source but now I'm ready to learn more. If anyone can help me with that, tell me a story about vampires from A to Z. I would really like to learn more also to meet some vampire through this forum if he can at all. I read on one forum that there are vampire hunters if that is true then I definitely know why you will not hang out with people. But I'm no vampire hunter, I'm an ordinary man who wants to know more (curious). My only question is whether you are immortal because I read on one page that you are not and again on another to age slowly and whether you have fangs and stuff like that. I also read that they have different types of vampires and if anyone can explain that to me (types of vampires and what they can do) the only thing that agrees from all sides is that your sun does not kill but only bothers you a little. And I use Google Translate because I don't know English well Sad I hope you don't mind I'm not from England Sad.


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Post by 8lou1 15.02.21 11:31

hi there Smile

there are several roads that aren't funny and several that look funny, but aren't. so my advise for you would be to first learn how to shield and properly ground yourself before exploring vampirism.

one way of doing that is by learning from one's own culture and background. learn about the spirits involved and about your ancestors so that they might keep you safe when the time comes. learning about the powerstructure in one's life is also a very important path.

if you are more into diving in the deep before one can swim, then i would advise you to buy some of the books written by luis marques. most people on this site have some knowledge about what he writes about and are very often willing to lend a hand in understanding.

oh, and let all the other sites go, if or when you decide to go for the dive in the deep. its better that way.

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Post by GoodHumanNewInTheseThings 15.02.21 12:06

Thank you so much for answering me, I didn't believe anyone would answer me. Which books do you mean by Luis Marques I could find only two, I know my ancestors very well but I don't know where to start with the research of vampirism. I was thinking of buying tickets to Salem to inquire with people about witches and vampires and what they could tell me. I also thought I was trying to find some vampire and talk to him. I just don’t know where to start. Thank you again for your reply I will try to find something on this forum if I can.


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Post by Ramla-Meryt 15.02.21 14:42

"The Asetian Bible" by Luis Marques is generally among the main suggested go-to books regarding vampirism on this forum, as they lay a sound foundation.

Salem does give off the impression (as does a lot of other places where such discussions are engaged in publicly) that if someone walked into town asking to speak to vampires and witches, there'd be a lot of commercialism and lies given in response.

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Post by GoodHumanNewInTheseThings 16.02.21 5:23

Thank you for the book, but what should I do when I read it and start looking for them, talking to them. Do you have any suggestions on where to start (which city) anything. Very Happy


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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.02.21 5:57

You won't find them by this approach... at all. However, you may open up your eyes to a whole other reality, in terms of a different culture and tradition, but it's your choice as to how to deal with that information. It's probably not what you were looking for, however, as it's beyond fictional ideas of what a vampire is and won't be exactly reachable directly, but the reality is far more interesting under a mature mindset.

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