I'm glad I found you

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I'm glad I found you Empty I'm glad I found you

Post by Way2weird0 03.05.21 4:08

Hi. I'm a grey witch. I might or not be a psi vampire. I love blood too but, I don't prefer to take my energy that way. I do feed on energy but, just from people I hate or my boyfriend when we have an equal exchange of give and take. He didn't even know, lol. I used to think I wasn't one but, I'm pale, I love the night, have sharp teeth, and have low energy.


Number of posts : 2
Location : California
Registration date : 2021-04-30

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I'm glad I found you Empty Re: I'm glad I found you

Post by Jonathan 03.05.21 5:42

I'm sorry but things like skin color and the shape of the teeth are not related with real vampirism. Those are elements frequently found in fiction but not so much mirrored in reality.

Please take some time reading the older threads in this forum to become better acquainted with the subject and when you have the time write an introduction in Off Topic.

Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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