Weles's child

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Weles's child Empty Weles's child

Post by Isidore Chedipe 06.04.22 11:53

Hello everyone gathered here

This is my first post. I was digging through the internet for a long time, looking for answers to some questions. I am very glad that I found my way to your forum, your conversations absorbed me completely and I have already read everything that is here.

I read the content of House Kepheru and Strigoi Vii for a long time and I always did not like something ... I think I have a "memory" that always reacts to what I read. When I found this content about Aset, I felt as if it was only after 33 years "understood".
I also very much respect how you guard the culture here and tone down the manifestations of ego outbursts.
I have not read the Aset Bible and it will not happen for a long time.
In my country, its price is 1/4 of my xD salary
So I am watching you, your conversations, and this alone gives me a lot and, above all, confirms my own feelings.

Thank you for being here.

Something about yourself? All about nothing.
Self-taught astrologer from Poland, fascinated by the research of Rahu and Ketu. Seeker of knowledge and truth for 17 years. Born in a "witch" family that remembers the old Slavic superstitions.

I apologize for any mistakes, I help myself with a translator because my English is not perfect. However, I overcame myself to say hello, to express my gratitude and
Respect for your work here.

Isidore Chedipe

Number of posts : 8
Age : 35
Location : Poland
Registration date : 2022-04-04

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Weles's child Empty Re: Weles's child

Post by Troublemaker 06.04.22 12:22

Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you here.

Number of posts : 1629
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Weles's child Empty Re: Weles's child

Post by Ramla-Meryt 06.04.22 13:13

Welcome to the forums.

Number of posts : 199
Location : Between the sacred and the profane.
Registration date : 2018-03-19

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Weles's child Empty Re: Weles's child

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.04.22 13:24

Welcome! Smile

Number of posts : 1359
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Weles's child Empty Re: Weles's child

Post by RosaRose 08.04.22 6:51

Hello Smile


Number of posts : 4
Location : Europe
Registration date : 2022-04-02

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