The Way of the Warrior

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The Way of the Warrior  Empty The Way of the Warrior

Post by Troublemaker 07.08.22 14:31

Martial arts are, first and foremost, about the Spirit. Honing the mind, refining your individual spirituality and establishing an inner, sacred temple within Self. That is the ultimate source from which your personal power should stem. The purpose is to eventually conquer yourself, and thus, rise.

At least, that is the way I see it. I am battling to refine my own shortcomings, and I hope to someday master myself.

Technique, power, and refinement are all important to the arts, of course, but then, what remains when the body starts to weaken? The body is not strong forever. Eventually, we all revert back to the dust we came from. Then, why study and practice martial arts?

It is the spirit, the state of the soul, that remains when we are at the end of life. That spiritual alchemy achieved from continuous effort against the chaotic tides of life, with all its trials, is what should remain.

To be a martial artist is to refine and hone that which will survive beyond the gates of death.

I have no patience or respect for those who flex an association with some type of martial art in order to level threats against others, to behave abusively toward others, to maintain a false and undeserved sense of superiority or to otherwise dishonorably inflate their sense of Self.

Honor is a vital core of any legitimate martial art. We have been gifted the chance to learn from the spirituality, technique and tradition of the Eastern disciplines which have historically been elitist and closed off from most. To desecrate that by behaving with dishonor is truly disgusting.

With an arsenal of hard-won powerful techniques yet no honor,

congratulations… you’ve worked hard, but when your body weakens and decays, you will still become nothing. No one. Your “power” will decay along with your flesh, evaporating in the inescapable flow of time.

I have realized that you can indeed learn from everyone. Some people are there to show us how not to be, they are there to shed light upon the right path via stark contrast.

The true purpose and core of any path is never to inflate the individual sense of self-importance.

Keep your sword (the mind) sharp and never forget to stay humble.

Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18

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The Way of the Warrior  Empty Re: The Way of the Warrior

Post by Nightshade 07.08.22 15:08

I always find it good content to explore the martial arts and the Way of the Warrior under a perspective of occultism and spirituality, and you do that very well Rhea. Especially as it touches upon the notions of Honor which is one of the most vital aspects of the Asetian tradition, as well as a lesson where most people fail at.

Now good luck if you end up triggering one of the mentally challenged once again. lol

Number of posts : 439
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The Way of the Warrior  Empty Re: The Way of the Warrior

Post by Troublemaker 07.08.22 15:21

Thank you Nightshade, that means a lot.

It is a very rewarding thing to pursue. It seems to align really well with Asetianism. Not giving up is challenging sometimes, but there's always a better version of self waiting on the other side of the fire.

Triggering people is my favorite pastime, as well. Smile

Number of posts : 1625
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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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The Way of the Warrior  Empty Re: The Way of the Warrior

Post by Selene Skotia 07.08.22 15:26

thEy OnLy havE 7 PeoPLE tHat iS whY sEvEn iS So saCrED tO tHem

tHe 12.000+ peOPLe oN THe SecReT flAME gRouP iN fAceBOOk mUst bE aLl mAgiCal boTs fRom thEir daEmoNiC eVIl maSteR

bE veWy veWy aFraiD
Selene Skotia
Selene Skotia

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The Way of the Warrior  Empty Re: The Way of the Warrior

Post by Selene Skotia 07.08.22 15:27

Anyways, sorry about that. Razz
As Nightshade would say, “I kid, I kid!”

Good article!
Selene Skotia
Selene Skotia

Number of posts : 36
Location : Crossing the Abyss
Registration date : 2020-08-22

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The Way of the Warrior  Empty Re: The Way of the Warrior

Post by Troublemaker 07.08.22 15:37

The accuracy is frightening.

Number of posts : 1625
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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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The Way of the Warrior  Empty Re: The Way of the Warrior

Post by Jonathan 07.08.22 20:21

Agreed, nice subject and approach.

Rhea, your lineage of martial arts is Japanese right? I’m not a martial artist myself but I hold great admiration for those who are and take it in serious way. It can be something deeply spiritual, not about violence at all. Only the unawakened care about violence.

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The Way of the Warrior  Empty Re: The Way of the Warrior

Post by Troublemaker 07.08.22 21:38

Yes, it is Shorin Ryu. My Sensei's Sensei regularly travels to Japan to have meetings with the Japanese Masters, although I think he stepped down a bit on duties in order to have more of a life at home. I think the group does regular gatherings there, which would be the dream to attend someday. Out of all things, what my own excitement fixated on was the traditional basket weaving seminars.  lol!

We have picked up a curriculum of Iaijutsu as well, which is kind of intimidating but also fascinating. The visiting instructors that come to help teach like to give me crap for my amusing sword swinging that kind of resembles swinging a baseball bat, but it's all in good fun. Lol. Hopefully someday I will get better at that.

Well, this is a subject that excites me and I tend to blab about. But one cool lesson I've learned lately is that you never know what kind of seed could be hiding within someone. It is really inspiring to see other students flourish, get excited about their progress, gush to their family and friends about what they learned and gradually get better and better. Teaches me a lot of lessons about perpetual renewal. Also it is good for the ego (I feel, anyway) to look at excited kids and clearly see the inborn talent some of them have, let Self take a significant backseat and focus on trying to lend them a hand.

Last but not least, I think being knocked flat on your ass by Sensei before you even realized what happened to you is great for a sort of Fool's Initiation. Lol

Number of posts : 1625
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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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The Way of the Warrior  Empty Re: The Way of the Warrior

Post by Jonathan 08.08.22 9:52

Oh the Okinawan style. Very nice! I also admire the fact that besides you holding several black belts you never show-off or make vain use of that in an egotistical way on social media. In my book that means you're at least on the right track! That humbleness is very much vital to higher magick in Asetianism, so it always pleases me to observe people with many real life achievements and not making a silly banner out of that. Keep writing about it, you have a lot to teach.

Number of posts : 3051
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The Way of the Warrior  Empty Re: The Way of the Warrior

Post by Troublemaker 08.08.22 20:08

Thanks Jonathan, that does mean a lot. Helps give me the fuel to continue beyond life's trials.

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The Way of the Warrior  Empty Re: The Way of the Warrior

Post by SoulTower0 04.09.23 8:21

Troublemaker wrote:
The true purpose and core of any path is never to inflate the individual sense of self-importance.

Keep your sword (the mind) sharp and never forget to stay humble.

Indeed. I like this. Dangerous things are often accompanied by their sheathes for a reason. That is not for the sword, but for the wise to keep them there. Making uncommon things stay uncommon, and make the good changeless become a silent source of real strength throughout several occassions.

And Resolute Acceptance of Death does result in immense quality and cultivation of Spirit once wholeheartedly accepted. Once it is making its way to move into your soul by one's full allowance, what is feared by almost all beings, even some of the most advanced, becomes your most honest, trustable, dependable good friend.

Allowing that to spread to every area of one's life in courageous and earnest self-willing to face what is hard and right, and intentionally meet one's own end regardless of good and bad outcomes, allows one to experience and appreciate things from a lengthy place, with a completely new and different set of eyes.

Also inside, the acknowledgement of one's limitations often is what one allows to transcend them. Even if one might think they're unlimited. Moreso by then, indeed. Because such resolve does not need to stop. And its resting even only supports the process; it is done well, clean and properly in a way that's right.

I see this as a beautiful alchemical union of dance between Will, Intention and Vitality. Mitsu-Tomoe.

Thank you for inspiring all of us with your beautiful thoughts, and truthful thinking.

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The Way of the Warrior  Empty Re: The Way of the Warrior

Post by Troublemaker 06.09.23 7:38

Thank you for your kind words Soultower!


Number of posts : 1625
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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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