Energy Storage

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Energy Storage Empty Energy Storage

Post by Lady Blackthorne 11.08.22 8:52


My name is Mona. I'm new here and new to forums in general, so if I'm going about something wrong, feel free to correct me. I'm an energy vampire looking to feed without having to rely on my human companions. Ambient feeding seems to do the trick, but I was wondering if it's possible to store energy? The Psychic Vampire Codex talks about refining and condensing energy within yourself to make it more effective, but I was wondering if it's at all possible to then store than energy in a vessel of some kind. I'm leaning towards clear crystal quartz, but I'm not sure if that's right as that's an amplifier. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Smile

Lady Blackthorne

Number of posts : 2
Location : Minnesota
Registration date : 2022-08-11

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Energy Storage Empty Re: Energy Storage

Post by Lady Blackthorne 17.08.22 13:01

So, I read further into the book, and it says silver, platinum, gold, and clear quartz are probably best. Any other suggestions?

Lady Blackthorne

Number of posts : 2
Location : Minnesota
Registration date : 2022-08-11

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Energy Storage Empty Re: Energy Storage

Post by Hound 17.08.22 19:12

Lady Blackthorne wrote:Hello,

My name is Mona. I'm new here and new to forums in general, so if I'm going about something wrong, feel free to correct me. I'm an energy vampire looking to feed without having to rely on my human companions. Ambient feeding seems to do the trick, but I was wondering if it's possible to store energy? The Psychic Vampire Codex talks about refining and condensing energy within yourself to make it more effective, but I was wondering if it's at all possible to then store than energy in a vessel of some kind. I'm leaning towards clear crystal quartz, but I'm not sure if that's right  as that's an amplifier. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Smile

Hello Blackthorne,

It is possible to store energy in various mediums, although some are more conducive to acting as storage than others. The qualities of the object (their own energetic makeup) usually dictate which of them would be more suitable, but with enough practice you can not only store energy in all types of objects, but also slow the rate of dispersion from them with various types of warding.

Crystals and other minerals are rather popular as storage mediums simply because a good number of them have the right makeup to be suitable for this purpose. The rate at which energy will natural disperse from these objects will be much slower than others with less agreeable makeups. Starting with quartz and related minerals would be a great place to get learning. One thing to note is that it's also recommended that you cleanse the object you intend to use prior to storing any of you own energy inside of it. Sometimes objects and minerals can come with their own bits of energetic baggage due to other energies that have been exposed to. Any type of cleansing method you are familiar with for yourself can serve well for this function, but I personally like to cleanse my storage mediums with fire (and then letting that fully disperse) before working with the item.

Using warding/shielding after you have stored energy inside of the intended object, as mentioned, will also help contain that energy for future usage (and also protect that storage from outside forces). As mentioned, various objects based on their makeups will have different rates at which they let that energy go. Try experimenting with different types of minerals, metals, and even organic matter to get a feel for how each of them retain energy.

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Energy Storage Empty Re: Energy Storage

Post by Jonathan 18.08.22 8:56

That's solid foundational advice from Glasswalker, so heed the words.

The use of crystals, minerals and woods are by far the best methods to work with energy retention, transmutation and projection. Although wood is a whole different beast in itself and more advanced, so probably shouldn't be covered in this context. On the right hands these materials are actually far more empowering than silver, platinum or gold that have a lot more human processing as well as a more Malkuthian sub-structure when it comes to energy conduction.

Now which crystals to work with is a whole rabbit hole for you to research. Standard clear quartz is a very good starting point. Don't get into talismanic amethyst unless you have progressed further deeply into the Asetian tradition.

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