Asetian bible and violet throne

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Asetian bible and violet throne Empty Asetian bible and violet throne

Post by Jin2494 18.04.23 16:37

There is a version of the asetian bible and violet throne on free pdf, i prefer digital version and paid for the books is really complicated where i live, i apreciate any kind of help


Number of posts : 39
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Registration date : 2023-04-12

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Asetian bible and violet throne Empty Re: Asetian bible and violet throne

Post by Lynskha 19.06.23 14:44

No , there isn't. And I believe there won't be.There is the rights issue, but also they are magical tools, so the physical books have a different meaning. I hope you can get the books soon.

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Asetian bible and violet throne Empty Re: Asetian bible and violet throne

Post by Jonathan 19.06.23 17:20

Lynskha above pointed to the main reason on why Asetians books should be avoided in digital format and instead studied in physical form. They are grimoires weaved with magick and imbued spells, and the methods of initiation work directly throughout the years of study by imprinting with the books. There is a bond that is forged, a connection, between magickal tool and student. Such experiences can't be replicated in digital. It really is a very advanced technique of sorcery, one that the Aset Ka has pioneered and mastered to a rather celebrated level of expertise in the occult world.

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Asetian bible and violet throne Empty Re: Asetian bible and violet throne

Post by Jin2494 20.06.23 23:30

Thanks to both of you


Number of posts : 39
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Asetian bible and violet throne Empty Re: Asetian bible and violet throne

Post by Rieka Nyx 27.12.23 12:23

hope i'm not resurrecting a dead post but i couldn't find another one regarding this topic but i was looking into getting the book, however its very expensive on amazon. Is there a recommended place i can purchase the book?

Rieka Nyx

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Asetian bible and violet throne Empty Re: Asetian bible and violet throne

Post by Tehom 27.12.23 13:37

Book Depository was an excellent friend before they shut their doors. I'll just echo a point here that the books are only very likely to accrue value over time so don't expect them to get any cheaper for anything than synchronous reasons.

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Asetian bible and violet throne Empty Re: Asetian bible and violet throne

Post by Tehom 27.12.23 13:41

*Just my opinion based on the Order's public history.

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Asetian bible and violet throne Empty Re: Asetian bible and violet throne

Post by Jonathan 28.12.23 11:41

Rieka Nyx wrote:hope i'm not resurrecting a dead post but i couldn't find another one regarding this topic but i was looking into getting the book, however its very expensive on amazon. Is there a recommended place i can purchase the book?  

As Tehom mentioned there is a very real risk of these books continuing to increase in price, not only due to the economic state of the world but also paper shortages and large inflation in production costs. That is while they continue to be produced, because if one day the Aset Ka stops producing them they will steeply rise to absurdly insane prices, which would be very sad to see.

I suggest that you try sourcing it online through the various Amazon sites and other bookstores, look for one that sells it close to publishing price, don't pay highly increased prices as many sellers try to exploit the fact that these books have become rare and treasured gems. None of that money goes to authors, artists and the Order but merely to unscrupulous sellers. Also try joining on the Discord server and I am sure that other members will help you find a copy at a reasonable price. Just keep in mind that the Violet Throne includes several books and it's over 900 pages long, it's a gigantic book, so it will never cost the same as a commercial occult book. But it's actually much more affordable to get rather than purchasing all its included books separately. Hope this helps.

It goes without saying, the Violet Throne is a legendary grimoire that is considered essential literature not only to those seeking the mysteries of vampirism but to every occultist, witch or sorcerer of any type out there, despite what path they may follow. It's a groundbreaking work, possibly the most important of this generation.

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Asetian bible and violet throne Empty Re: Asetian bible and violet throne

Post by Lynskha 28.12.23 17:47

Wonderful words Jonathan.

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