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Deactivation request  Empty Deactivation request

Post by OpalineOwl 14.08.23 3:54

Please deactivate, ban, or block my account. This is not the place for me, it has been made clear. I won't be seen here again.

Number of posts : 4
Age : 30
Location : Northern USA
Registration date : 2023-08-13

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Deactivation request  Empty Re: Deactivation request

Post by Jonathan 14.08.23 6:16

It is perfectly fine this not being a community for you, in fact I was going to suggest that in your other post after your introduction where you describe your vampirism more like a lifestyle and fashion, as that is definitely not how we see it. So you might find more camaraderie elsewhere. However there is no need to make posts announcing your departure like some big event, you can just leave in peace without a drama over it. Hope that you find yourself and what you seek. Safe travels!

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Deactivation request  Empty Re: Deactivation request

Post by OpalineOwl 14.08.23 17:06

So you mean to say you intended to tell me to get lost from the get go, but you were cowardly enough to wait until I saw for myself that this wasn't the right place for me? Makes sense. You frauds say you're open minded, welcoming individuals who accept all walks of life, and yet I come here, clearly different, and I am judged like this, with condescension and malice. It honestly feels like being at a Christian church again. I don't see vampirism AS fashion, I express it THROUGH fashion. Different things entirely. EVERYONE expresses their passions differently, that's not a crime. It's not my fault your forum format prevents deleting, or I wouldn't have had to make a post about it. I would have left without a pip, but your oh so perfect forum wouldn't allow such. So sorry for being inconvenient, but I'm even more sorry for wasting my own time with cultist fools who get off on ego stroking. If you all enjoy loneliness and silence, why the hell even have a forum? Frauds and fools, too blind to see your own flaws, you'd rather throw shit on everyone else. Enjoy it, live and die in your false silence. You seem pretty noisy to me.

Number of posts : 4
Age : 30
Location : Northern USA
Registration date : 2023-08-13

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Deactivation request  Empty Re: Deactivation request

Post by Troublemaker 14.08.23 18:16

Sometimes it takes years, decades or a whole lifetime to detect the poisonous effects of Asetianism on other minds. Other times, it takes just a few minutes…. 😅

Number of posts : 1623
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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Deactivation request  Empty Re: Deactivation request

Post by Jonathan 14.08.23 19:05

OpalineOwl wrote:So you mean to say you intended to tell me to get lost from the get go, but you were cowardly enough to wait until I saw for myself that this wasn't the right place for me? Makes sense. You frauds say you're open minded, welcoming individuals who accept all walks of life, and yet I come here, clearly different, and I am judged like this, with condescension and malice.

No, you misunderstood my words. I said I was going to suggest this might not be an ideal community for someone with your… disposition, however you beat me to it with your post above, which simply just confirmed my intuition.

To be honest your problem here is not you being different but actually being just more of the same. We have had many of these types of trolls before that come here looking for attention and quickly leave in a fit of rage as you are doing now, drowning in their own insults and instability. So nothing special or unique about that, in fact just more of the same. Utterly bland, normal and stereotypical vampire wannabe.

Now as I previously said, no need to leave making a drama and throwing a tantrum just seeking for attention. If anything, you are just proving how inadequate you are to even begin to understand vampirism. So again I say, I hope you find yourself one day and safe travels!

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Deactivation request  Empty Re: Deactivation request

Post by Lynskha 15.08.23 15:20

Jonathan you had such a class and elegance in your response.

Number of posts : 476
Age : 40
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2017-08-25

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