Help with finding coven

Sybil Mason
Alex Swirling
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Help with finding coven Empty Help with finding coven

Post by Alex Swirling 10.09.23 7:20

Hello everyone,

I studied Asetianism for a few years by myself, now I would like to join a coven. But how do I do that?

It looks like it's hard to find a serious community. I was especially interested in basic energy work like grounding and centering, since I'm an empath, I wouldn't want to end up with a New Age group.

I suppose it helps that I live in Europe. But how do we actually start? Where to look?

I've sent some PMs to some of you with questions for more individualized advice, but I think we can use a more general thread.

Alex Swirling

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Nightshade 10.09.23 7:32

That is a difficult question to answer online, since most Covens that work under the Asetianism banner tend to be rather private and elitist in their membership, but they are out there. Are you part of the Discord community that Jonathan mentioned? I heard very good things about it when it comes to being a serious and mature community featuring some rare-to-find experts in the field. They might be able to provide you with more directed guidance than in an open forum.

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Victor 10.09.23 8:09

I teach at a traditional coven in the US that has been aligning with Asetianism and Primordial Dragon sorcery for over thirty years now, well before the publicly available literature, however we have not enrolled new members for the past seven. The implied oaths and bonds are of the utmost responsibility, reason why you won’t find serious covens accepting initiates without a probatory period of years that will encompass very challenging trials.

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Alex Swirling 10.09.23 11:00

Thank you for your answers, Victor and Nightshade.

As explained (in more detail in my PM to Victor), my interest is serious but mostly motivated by my unstable energy.

I wasn't expecting to depend on the occult for my mental health, nor am I sure about my capabilities in a real coven. It would be easier if there were a way to assess the situation before committing at an unstable time.

However, if the only way is in, if that's what's necessary, I will do what's needed.

I would like to learn more about the covers and traditions that are being discussed in this forum. What options are there? Aserianism is a beautiful tradition, but maybe what I need is not as advanced as what is being taught in that coven. I still value the authenticity of the energy work being taught.

I'm not on Discord, but I would like to join if it's possible.

Alex Swirling

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Alex Swirling 10.09.23 11:04

I feel like I might not be able to learn the necessary energy work before I join the coven, but I won't join the coven before I learn it. I'm not sure what to do.

Alex Swirling

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Lightseeker 12.09.23 4:25

Victor wrote:I teach at a traditional coven in the US that has been aligning with Asetianism and Primordial Dragon sorcery for over thirty years now, well before the publicly available literature, however we have not enrolled new members for the past seven.

Hmh, that's interesting. I find no information about this coven or its existence in our Watchers' database. You must be operating very clandestine or low-profile. Is it an official coven "chartered" by the Aset Ka or just a "private" gathering of students of the tradition?

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Sybil Mason 12.09.23 5:24

The user Lightseeker has now been banned for impersonating a connection with a long-established research organization, after verification with the actual VWG that confirmed him not to be a member. This discredits the entirety of his assessments where he pretends to speak for said organization, which he does not represent in any capacity.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
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Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Lynskha 12.09.23 11:53

Thank you for that information Sybil. It was a bit strange the way he was speaking about VWG. I really don't understand how people still do this kind of thing, pretending to be part of something they are not.

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Jonathan 12.09.23 12:22

I tried to nudge this guy long ago in the right direction as he was obviously out of his depth and the claims posted here further made it clear he was lying about it. Only someone entirely ignorant of the Watchers' reality would have made certain comments he did and the fact that he remained entirely oblivious during all this time to those clues he was unknowingly providing people that he was not a member is pure folly. Not to mention the number of people he shared lies in private and that came forward about their concerns for these lies to remain openly available in the forum. Now truth is available for everyone.

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Troublemaker 12.09.23 12:41

His message really read like “hello good sir. I, a fellow Secretive Person ™, can’t seem to find your “group” in the phone book or Google listings, nor is it coming up on Facebook, which is most…. Suspicious, not to mention highly inconvenient. Now, if you could just provide your geographic coordinates so that we can… ‘verify’ things, that would be most appreciated. This is a (checks notes) official VWG action. Thank you and have a spectacular day.”

In all seriousness, I am glad that the fraudulent claims have been exposed here for the benefit of everyone.

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.09.23 13:30

Alex Swirling, I just wanted to answer you a little here. You've received some very valuable advice here in this thread, from Nightshade and Victor, directly to answer part of your question, that even many others of us here find highly valuable. I myself am not part of any Coven, nor have I been in this life before.

Like both Nightshade and Victor pointed out above in different ways, a Coven, traditionally speaking and according to higher merits and standards, which might be quite elitist as you may see there, as far as I understand it, too, from the outside, may require deep prerequisite knowledge on magick and the occult or such expertise and aptitude already from the beginning, is my guess. We all start out somewhere. I don't consider myself particularly the best well suited for a Coven...

I'd say your best bet is to learn practices, first beginning on basic levels and working your way up. Maybe you can find relevant curriculum in certain available teachings. Remember that the road is not always easy and it'll depend largely on your own diligence, responsibility and unfailing commitment, not giving up. Take your time, I'd say, and patiently work out the equations of time and effort aligned with honesty and truth. You seem sincere so I say the best thing is to preserve such a spark and emblaze it aflame throughout an enduring quest.

Good luck and welcome to the forum.


As far as Lightseeker is concerned, a disappointment for sure but already seen from certain miles away over a longer time. I wrote in the Discord that it's hard to comprehend how people can do things like this - it's like they take delight in being mere worms... lying, deceiving... Pathetic, utterly unproductive (actually counterproductive to evolution itself) and should even be an insult to Self.

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Regenbogenelch 12.09.23 14:11

This is “Lightseeker”. The forum admins have decided to ban me because they disbelieve my claims of being a member of the Watchers Group. I respect their decision, although I do wish to affirm that I am indeed affiliated with them.
However, I have never claimed to be an official spokesperson nor have I claimed to speak officially for the Group or the Watchers Council. I do not have that authority. I have merely, as a fellow seeker, tried to answer questions and share my thoughts on certain subjects to the best of my abilities and knowledge – drawing on both my own occult experiences and what I learnt through my membership in the WG.
I bid you all farewell and wish to apologise to those whose PMs I am no longer able to answer due to my ban. It has been a pleasure being a member of this forum and I wish you all the best on your quest.


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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Regenbogenelch 12.09.23 14:39

I find it interesting to note how some members I have sincerely talked to on this forum in the past suddenly turn against me and insult me etc. Seemingly, everyone automatically accepts Sybil's word as absolute fact without questioning. So this "worm" here will just crawl out and be on his way.

@ MysticLightShinethForth  Especially your attack somewhat hurt me. From you I would have expected more. But anyway, no hard feelings and all the best.


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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Jonathan 12.09.23 14:59

So predictable. Some people do take their role-play to the very end…
Just sad. I know that not just one but several members have speculated about this potentially being some delusion of a schizophrenic nature, although personally to me it seems just consciously deceptive and simple dishonesty. Even the necessity to rejoin under another fake account to repeat the same lies, which have already been disproven, puts into plain evidence that this was always about ego and an attempt to appear relevant from someone that has no idea of what he is talking about. Hope it could have been fixed in an amicable and honest way, alas that isn't always possible especially when people are so invested in their own lies, it takes a lot of strength to come clean. Maybe someday in the distant future. Wish him luck in finding himself.

Thanks to the admin team for keeping this forum safe and clean of such pretense.

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 12.09.23 15:25

What is the 'Watchers Group"?

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Nightshade 12.09.23 15:43

Regenbogenelch wrote:Seemingly, everyone automatically accepts Sybil's word as absolute fact without questioning.

The kid really doesn’t grasp the notion that unlike him Sybil actually does have contacts deep within the VWG ranks. Basketball

It reminds me of the many people online that make bold claims to have ties and access to the Aset Ka, get disproven by those in the know and yet still insist in their lies after being exposed. It's a common circle and there will be more, there always are.

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 12.09.23 15:53

Nightshade wrote:
Regenbogenelch wrote:Seemingly, everyone automatically accepts Sybil's word as absolute fact without questioning.

The kid really doesn’t grasp the notion that unlike him Sybil actually does have contacts deep within the VWG ranks. Basketball

It reminds me of the many people online that make bold claims to have ties and access to the Aset Ka, get disproven by those in the know and yet still insist in their lies after being exposed. It's a common circle and there will be more, there always are.
This is probably mostly true however, there are some who have been wrongly ostricized.

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.09.23 15:57

Regenbogenelch wrote:I find it interesting to note how some members I have sincerely talked to on this forum in the past suddenly turn against me and insult me etc. Seemingly, everyone automatically accepts Sybil's word as absolute fact without questioning. So this "worm" here will just crawl out and be on his way.

@ MysticLightShinethForth  Especially your attack somewhat hurt me. From you I would have expected more. But anyway, no hard feelings and all the best.

It's not my intention to hurt you, especially not unfoundedly, but I do tend to forget empathy when it comes to cases like these. It's my sincerest wish that you find a better way through this and change your course. Make the herculean effort of being honest. Lest it's all a waste. That's why I say it's utterly unproductive. We all start somewhere but if our entire foundation is rotten whatever we try to build will collapse, so first look over the foundation with honesty. The perpetual issue that saddens me is that those so deeply vested in falsehood will only perpetuate it instead of coming face to face with themselves and looking inward towards truth.

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Victor 14.09.23 8:21

Lightseeker wrote:
Victor wrote:I teach at a traditional coven in the US that has been aligning with Asetianism and Primordial Dragon sorcery for over thirty years now, well before the publicly available literature, however we have not enrolled new members for the past seven.

Hmh, that's interesting. I find no information about this coven or its existence in our Watchers' database. You must be operating very clandestine or low-profile. Is it an official coven "chartered" by the Aset Ka or just a "private" gathering of students of the tradition?

It is common knowledge that there are no officially “chartered” covens by the Order of Aset Ka. There are simply covens that align with their philosophy and are considered allies, nothing in an official capacity. Not even the much maligned Order Peninsular with its dreaded leader Magister Liliana Zyn is considered officially chartered by the Aset Ka, yet they are allies (and very close ones) of the Asetians for a really long time. But if you had indeed any contact with the Watchers organization or access to any actual archives, you would already know this, but of course you have nothing which also isn’t news, despite Sybil’s confirmation and verification here that merely makes it more public and set in stone.

Thank you for playing though.

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Jonathan 14.09.23 8:57

Victor wrote:
Lightseeker wrote:
Victor wrote:I teach at a traditional coven in the US that has been aligning with Asetianism and Primordial Dragon sorcery for over thirty years now, well before the publicly available literature, however we have not enrolled new members for the past seven.

Hmh, that's interesting. I find no information about this coven or its existence in our Watchers' database. You must be operating very clandestine or low-profile. Is it an official coven "chartered" by the Aset Ka or just a "private" gathering of students of the tradition?

It is common knowledge that there are no officially “chartered” covens by the Order of Aset Ka. There are simply covens that align with their philosophy and are considered allies, nothing in an official capacity. Not even the much maligned Order Peninsular with its dreaded leader Magister Liliana Zyn is considered officially chartered by the Aset Ka, yet they are allies (and very close ones) of the Asetians for a really long time. But if you had indeed any contact with the Watchers organization or access to any actual archives, you would already know this, but of course you have nothing which also isn’t news, despite Sybil’s confirmation and verification here that merely makes it more public and set in stone.

Thank you for playing though.

Given his track record of lies and the length of timeframe I suspect you will be living rent free inside the head of this one for a very long time...

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by Troublemaker 14.09.23 9:23

This is accurate, Jonathan. He has been harassing our other community in the most unhinged way, obsessing over Victor so heavily that I think everyone is getting extreme secondhand embarrassment.
I cannot tell if he is just mentally inept or if there is legitimate psychosis all in addition to the blatant dishonesty.

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Help with finding coven Empty Re: Help with finding coven

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 14.09.23 13:12

Victor wrote:
Lightseeker wrote:
Victor wrote:I teach at a traditional coven in the US that has been aligning with Asetianism and Primordial Dragon sorcery for over thirty years now, well before the publicly available literature, however we have not enrolled new members for the past seven.

Hmh, that's interesting. I find no information about this coven or its existence in our Watchers' database. You must be operating very clandestine or low-profile. Is it an official coven "chartered" by the Aset Ka or just a "private" gathering of students of the tradition?

It is common knowledge that there are no officially “chartered” covens by the Order of Aset Ka. There are simply covens that align with their philosophy and are considered allies, nothing in an official capacity. Not even the much maligned Order Peninsular with its dreaded leader Magister Liliana Zyn is considered officially chartered by the Aset Ka, yet they are allies (and very close ones) of the Asetians for a really long time. But if you had indeed any contact with the Watchers organization or access to any actual archives, you would already know this, but of course you have nothing which also isn’t news, despite Sybil’s confirmation and verification here that merely makes it more public and set in stone.

Thank you for playing though.
What are The Watchers?

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