The Process of Feeding

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The Process of Feeding Empty The Process of Feeding

Post by Regis 05.10.23 18:42


Just a quick question for psychic vampires among us. When feeding on energy around you, whatever your medium of which may be, what is your process? The act of latching on and taking it in both spiritually and mentally. Please share as I am curious as to different means, Thank you.

Number of posts : 2
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2023-10-05

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The Process of Feeding Empty Re: The Process of Feeding

Post by Lynskha 06.10.23 12:26


I believe that each person may have found a unique way. There are mentions of the use of energetic tentacles that are used to cast an 'enticement' energy and then pull it back, bringing the other person's energy with it. This can apply to energies directly drawn from people.

Regarding the environment, there is the use of breathing, for example, as a way to direct the energy that is around us 'inward.' It's like a pulsation. Mentally, this involves the act of 'perceiving' the energy around, feeling it vibrate, and 'breathing it in.' I believe it becomes a very organic process.

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