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Hello hello need Empty Hello hello need

Post by Moose April 11th 2024, 9:18 am

Ethics of psi feeding?

Had my first struggle with feeding today. I think I need a bit of guidance. Any suggestions?

First time taking from someone who wasn't actively draining me (in which case I just reverse the flow and clean up the energy)  but they were being like...a sponge? A really angry hungry sponge?

So I focused visualise the white line from there to me. I had to get into a semi trance state they were like tryna lift a boulder. Never had. This happen to me before. The first time I tried feeding it made me sick but these days its gotten easier so I was surprised to run into such a newbie issue


Number of posts : 2
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2024-04-09

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Hello hello need Empty Re: Hello hello need

Post by N.Ganymede April 11th 2024, 11:48 am

Some people are naturally more resistant, some are consciously defending again spiritual attacks like drainings of any kind.
Do not sweat it, just move onto someone else. Not worth the hassle of breaking through a shield.


Number of posts : 9
Location : GA USA
Registration date : 2023-03-20

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